It is time. Are You Ready?
Outdoor worship on Saturday, October 10th at 5:00 p.m. (no rain date) in the church parking lot. (Also Facebook Live) Simply register in advance (see below), bring a mask, some folding chairs and bread and wine for communion. Enjoy some congregational singing and having your bread and wine consecrated for eating and drinking as a household.
Virtual worship available each Sunday on our website. Simply go to our website, select the Sunday you desire to participate in and sing along in the privacy of your home. No communion and no in person gathering but the basics of liturgy conveniently available for your spiritual nourishment.
Registration is required of every household member or individual to participate in the inside and outside worship services.
Friday Noon IS THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE for outside worship! Please use the link below to register to participate in the outdoor worship service on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Information about the worship – what to bring, where to sit, when to arrive, etc. is included in the Eventbrite registration.
October alternative inside/outside Worship Schedule
Saturday, October 10
Sunday, October 18
Update - Will now be Virtual
Saturday, October 24
Sunday, November 1
Of course, all outside services are dependent on the weather.
We are hoping to be able to record a service for Sunday broadcast on the days when the weather precludes outside worship.
Prince of Peace
Communion Bread Recipe
(Passed down from Pastor Amanda & Britton Warner)
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1 ½ cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ cup white all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup water
¼ cup oil
¼ cup honey
Mix the dry ingredients. Combine all liquids in a separate bowl. Add combined liquids to the dry ingredients. Knead well and roll into a flat circle (about half an inch thick). Score into bite size squares. Bake at 350o F. for 10 to 12 minutes. (The bread can also be baked in a loaf pan for non-communion purposes.)
Individual Communion is available by Appointment
Time is available during the week when you can come in, hear the words of institution, community prayers, eat and drink the bread and wine, and meditate on this spiritual gift in solitude.
Please contact Pastor Lutz if you would like to receive communion at Prince of Peace.
Sunday Virtual Coffee/Fellowship Hour
Join us this Sunday at
11:00 a.m. for our weekly Fellowship/Coffee Hour.
It is an opportunity to stay connected, hear the latest congregational news, care for one another, and see the faces of all you are missing.
This Sunday's topic is "Encourage One Another"
Tell stories of how you have given and received encouragement from other members of Prince of Peace.
Sign into a Virtual Coffee Hour by clicking on the link below.
If prompted
Meeting ID: 988 8813 8373 Password: 735006
It is always helpful to test your ability to join and visual & audio sounds on your computer or tablet prior to the meeting.
See you Sunday at 11:00 a.m.!
No Class this coming week.
Confirmation class will include 7th & 8th graders in weekly Zoom class and independent activities. Pastor has emailed families that our records show are entering 7th and 8th grades. If you did not receive the email, please contact Pastor Lutz.
The monthly WELCA Women's Bible study will take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 21st at 10:00 a.m.
Please contact Pastor Lutz if you would like a Zoom invite to this meeting.
Offering,Tithes and
Special Donations
Please help us stay current with our financial obligations
during this difficult time.
We say "Thank you" to all who have mailed in their offerings.
We are now able to offer online giving here.
Now you can give a one time gift or a reoccurring gift through a checking account or a debit/credit card.
Financial Statements were recently e-mailed. Please contact Financial Secretary, Nicole Cable with any questions or concerns.
Please consider a food or monetary donation to the DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY during this pandemic.
Your food-insecure neighbors will benefit from your donations of:
- Black beans or any kind of canned or bagged beans
- Rice in 1,2 or 3 lb. bags
- Pasta - any kind
- Cereal - Cheerios, Corn Flakes. Rice Krispies (no sweet cereals)
- Tomato sauce in cans
- Tuna
- Chicken in cans
- Peanut butter
- Pork & beans or meals in cans
- Canned vegetables (especially corn)
Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's freshly painted front door.
Your neighbors thank you.
The Stewardship Committee and Church Council will be sponsoring a "Take your dinner home with you” Oktoberfest after the out-door worship on: October 24, 2020.
Even if you don’t join us for worship, please plan to drive by and pick up your Brat or hot dog with potato salad and sauerkraut.
We will not forget dessert. Those who are not able to come to church for any reason can ask to have their meal/meals delivered to them. Don’t be bashful.
This years stewardship theme is “Encourage one another” which is so appropriate in pandemic times.
Here's how you can be encouraging:
We have white shopping bags which will be loaded with the Oktoberfest dinners. We would encourage you to pick up a bag or more from the church and decorate it for Stewardship and fall for a more festive appearance. Be sure to sign you name on the bottom as we appreciate your artistry!
We encourage members of the confirmation class as well as Sunday School to join in the fun. There are some supplies at church if you don’t have any at home .There are 50 bags so go at it!
Food will be prepared by some of the committee, but we need desserts. Please choose desserts which can be packaged individually and travel in the bag.
Please indicate your menu preference through the “Sign-up Genius” link below.
Let us know if you encounter any problems as we want as many people as possible to share this meal, a gift from God.
Let’s not miss out on this Prince of Peace Tradition for Stewardship 2021.
Nan Carlson
All Saints Sunday
If you would like to have someone who has died since last All Saints Day remembered in the All Saints worship service on November 1st please e-mail Rene at poplutheranchurch@sbcglobal.net
The new "Christ in Our Home" (October, November, December) is available for pick up at the front door of the church.
We’re bringing Sunday School into your home!
Pre-K through 6th graders will meet via Zoom for 30-minutes of games, bible stories, and interaction!
Sunday mornings at 8:30-9:00am.
Parents - Please follow the link below to join Zoom each Sunday.
Meeting ID: 810 2966 7079
Passcode: 999695
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m
No class on Thursday,
October 15, 2020.
Join us for a weekly zoom discussion of “Everyday Spirituality: discover a life of hope, peace and meaning” by James Hazelwood.
Purchase your copy on AmazonSmile today. And be sure to designate Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (make certain it is us) to receive the free charity support.
"Creating Community" Email Devotions sent on Mondays
Creating Community is an email devotion to guide your preparation for worship for the following weekend.
Imagine how much more clear and relevant God's Word will be if you have had an opportunity to read, reflect, and dwell in the Word prior to worship. You may do this devotion as an individual, with others, as a family, or over Zoom as a small group.
Each devotion arrives on Monday and can be engaged in anytime before Sunday's worship.
The devotion includes three simple steps:
1. Read through the text (provided)
2. Respond to the questions (select one of the sets of questions from the three possibilities )
3. Offer a Prayer (one is provided)
Click below to see devotions for this Sunday.
How to Reach
the Pastor
And as always, Pastor Lutz is easily accessible. You can email him (poppastorpaul@ sbcglobal.net) call him on his cell (609.578.7921) or post on his Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/plutznj). Although there will be no regular office hours, the church phone is checked every couple of days for messages.
Thank you from the bottom of the hungry stomachs of Danbury and surrounding towns.
Bring non-perishable food when you come to church. The basket is empty, but maybe not for long.
We contributed 10 bags of food this week and smiles abounded for those who graciously contributed food to the Food Pantry. It was such a joy to see the happy workers at the pantry.
People needing donations have increased recently. People are still waiting for government checks and their money has to go for rent and utilities, so food donations are helping to keep stomachs free from hunger. Moms and Dads are giving food to their kids first. You would do that if you had to make that decision.
They had also given out all the masks that we left last time so we left more this Tuesday.
I challenge us to keep up the donations. You know the list of foods needed so please keep it up.
A gentle reminder, the pantry prefers food in cans as glass jars can break and cause a mess. Also, please do not donate expired food in containers. We are prohibited, by law, to distribute outdated foods. Dates are on food containers and you may need a magnifying glass to read the dates (like me).
If you haven’t donated in the past, this is the time to start. Let’s keep the food coming and remember that if we give to the least of these, we give it to God. What a powerful message!
To our sewers: Keep sewing. Let me know if you need supplies. We need all sizes to keep people safe.People who are willing to distribute food and masks should call the Daily Bread Food Pantry at 203-748-3561.
Nan Carlson