The Union Church in Waban                
Friday, December 22, 2017
This Sunday
Two Services on Christmas Eve Sunday 

 8:00 a.m.:  
 No Bible Discussion this Sunday or Sunday Dec. 31.  Bible                         Discussion will resume Jan. 7, 8:00 a.m. in Stacy's Study

10:00 a.m.:   Forth Sunday in Advent worship
The forth candle, the candle of Love will be lit on Sunday as we complete our Advent journey.  Also, drawing on scripture from  2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 and 
Luke 1:26-38, Stacy will take us into the question that may be on some of our minds and that is "What is this really all about?"  "Why do we put ourselves through all the fuss year after year?" 
5:00 p.m.: 
 Choir Rehearsal

6:00 p.m.:  Christmas Eve service of Lessons and Carols 
This is beloved service welcomes worshipers of all ages as we sing, light candles and ring bells in joyful celebration of Christ's birth.  

Please Note :
Pastor Stacy will be away Dec. 26 - Dec. 30 and 
Pastor Amy will be away Dec. 25 - Jan 1.  
If you have an urgent pastoral need during this time, please call Deacon Deb McGovern at cell - 857-498-1812 or home 617-202-5408.  
The church office will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25 and Tuesday, Dec. 26.

Mission Matters
Special Christmas Collection   
This Sunday Morning and Evening

We look for the hope at Christmas in this troubling time of devastating natural disasters, unending war, famine and hunger, poverty, so many refugees who must flee their homes, food insecurity and climate disaster. We look for a way to help and we look for the helpers. 
Since 1946, Church World Service has "done in partnership what none of us could do alone"  to respond to each of these; and in all areas of the world.  They write: "We believe that there is enough food, water and justice in our world. Our work to build alliances among faith groups, civil society, advocates and those in need and provide programs and services that are impactful is critical now. In the past year we have been able to make differences in tens of thousands of lives in more than 39 Countries" including the US and Nicaragua. We are aware that the people of Puerto Rico remain devastated and without power and we will send much of  our Church World Service Christmas Collection donations to Puerto Rico.   
By giving to Church World Service, using special envelopes or notation on your check, you support sustainable, faith-based solutions to hunger, clean water, immigrant support, climate change and disaster emergency response.
Especially at Christmas time, Christ reminds us of the HOPE that is ours.   Thank you.

Our Mitten Tree
Our glorious mitten tree this year was decorated with 92 mittens! Folks at our Waban Health, and formerly homeless residents with Project Care and Concern will receive a chosen gift, and in some cases their only gift, for Christmas.

Sister Joyce and Bernard picked up Christmas gifts from the Union Church Mitten Tree. This year our tree was even bigger, more lovely and your beautiful gifts filled the Crocker Chapel. Thank you!

Care of God's Earth/Climate Change :  
Sunday, Jan. 7th, after church.
Join us on the stage to learn about opportunities to positively impact our climate and move to a more sustainable environment. Kevin Johnson and representatives from Interfaith Power and Light will lead the conversation.  You are welcome to come listen, and to help us at Union Church be better stewards of this beautiful planet together.
Cook a Meal for Project Care and Concern : 
Sunday, Jan 21st at 1:30 p.m.
Would you like to cook a hot soup and enjoy it with formerly homeless older folks served by Project Care and Concern? Join us to drive together, and eat lunch with some folks who we enjoyed cookout with last summer. 
Children, Youth & Families
Thank You! 
Youth Party; and Waban Health Mitten Tree and Caroling 
A very warm Thank You! to all the youth, families, and members of the UCW congregation who helped make our Youth Christmas Party this past Friday such a wonderful and fun celebration.  We are also so grateful to all who supported the Waban Health Mitten Tree and to the team that led cookie-making, gift preparations and caroling.  It was joyous and meaningful afternoon for all!      

Nicaragua Bake Sale 
Exploring Our Faith/Confirmation Trip  
Coming Up on January 7th
On the first Sunday in January, our youth will hold a bake sale during worship at Starbucks in Waban to raise money for service projects in Nicaragua.  We're grateful for donations of baked goods, and will share more information soon!   Also on that day, our Exploring Our Faith/Confirmation group will be traveling following worship to the Islamic Center of Wayland.  All EOF/Confirmation youth and their mentors are invited to join us for this meaningful visit.  For more about either of these opportunities, please contact Amy ([email protected]).   
Faith Formation and Fellowship

Advent Devotional Booklet

Copies of this year's Advent Devotional are now available in the Crocker Chapel and online at the Union Church Website HERE .  
This beautiful booklet is made up of reflections, poetry, stories and images submitted by members of the Union Church community, and is meant to travel with you through the weeks of Advent - each week focusing on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.  We hope you will pick up a copy, and find wisdom and inspiration for your Advent journey. 

Thank you to all of you who contributed to the booklet!  We are grateful.
The Week Ahead at UCW
Sun., Dec. 24
5:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
6:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Worship
with Lessons and Carols
Sun., Dec. 31
10:00 a.m.

For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events,  please 
visit our website, 
Note : Material for inclusion in the Friday e-Blast newsletter or our Sunday Announcements insert should be e-mailed to the office at [email protected] , by 9:00 a.m. on the previous Wednesday morning.  Please specify whether for e-Blast, Sunday Announcements, or both. Thank you!