The Union Church in Waban
Friday, November 10, 2017
8:00 a.m.
Bible Discussion
in Stacy's Study. We are reading through the Gospel of John, traveling together and with the disciples of so long ago as we listen, wonder and try to understand Jesus' word for us today.
9:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
11:30 a.m.
GBIO relational meetings (see
6 - 8:00 p.m.
Nica Cluster Dinner
Congregational Meeting
After worship on November 19th.
On November 19th, immediately following the service we will be holding a congregational meeting to vote on whether to move forward with the recommendation that came out of the feasibility study (
) to move into a capital campaign with the goal of raising $650,000 and to retain our consultants through the duration of the campaign.
Please see here for an overview of the summary of the needs and dreams that are being considered as part of the scope of this campaign. If the congregation votes to proceed with the campaign, teams focusing on the different dimensions of the areas to be addressed will be formed and will work together to manage the specific projects and costs under each area.
In order to help us all be as informed as possible as to the process to date and the dimensions of work being considered, co-moderator Kent Wittler will be available after church this coming Sunday on the stage to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Please also feel free to be in touch with Pastor Stacy and Co-moderator Karen Weisgerber.
This is a very exciting threshold in our life together as UCW and we want to be sure everyone has the information they need as we consider how best to proceed.
Children, Youth & Families
Youth Ministry - Thank You!
A huge thank you to the 25 youth, parents and youth ministry team members who joined last Sunday's Fall Clean-up. The group divided into three teams, and we are so grateful for the hospitality of the members of our community who welcomed us into their homes and yards, as we filled more than 60 bags of leaves, planted bulbs, helped with some heavy-lifting, and prepared gardens for the winter. Most importantly, we had a great time together with our hosts, sharing donuts and cider, laughing and enjoying the day. What a blessing!
Youth Ministry - Coming up: Community Dinner next Saturday
Our next youth event is next Saturday, Nov. 18th: The Community Thanksgiving Dinner (see details in this bulletin)! There are many opportunities for youth to help with this wonderful event - including prep, serving, leading activities for kids, and clean-up. Come for all or some of the time! Youth families should have received an Evite, or they can contact Alicia Collins or Pastor Amy (
) to add their names to the volunteer sign-up.
Next Sunday, November 19th: 4th Grade Bibles and Christmas Pageant Planning
During worship next Sunday, as we prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving, we'll give thanks in a special way for our 4th graders, as the church community presents them with their own Bibles. We hope all 4th-graders and their families will join us for this meaningful morning! During Sunday School, we'll look ahead to our Christmas Pageant, and begin assigning roles and sorting through costumes and props. The Pageant will be held on December 10th this year, so please mark your calendars! If your child or youth would like to participate, but you aren't able to be here on the 19th, please let Pastor Amy know and we'll make sure they are included.
SAVE THE DATE: Intergenerational Advent Wreath-Making, December 3rd
Following our Hanging of the Greens worship service on the first day of Advent, December 3rd, each household will be invited to make an Advent wreath for their home. The hope is to welcome our families of all shapes, sizes and ages to share in the peace of Advent with this simple home practice - a weekly moment of breath and light in the busyness of the season. We'll provide beautiful candles, wire frames, greens and ribbons. You come share in the creativity, love and joy.
On December 3rd, 2017, we will welcome the Advent season by decorating the sanctuary with greens, wreaths and poinsettias.
The joy of the season continues as we decorate our homes in anticipation of joyous celebrations with families and friends.
The Union Church's Christmas Greens Sale will once again support mission outreach efforts; such as, the Russell School Initiative,
1K Church offering loans to community businesses, the Common Cathedral lunch for the homeless, Community Thanksgiving Dinner, and more.
Please help us continue our good works by purchasing poinsettias for the sanctuary or trees and greens to decorate your home! Do not forget to offer an order form to family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to help 2016 be our most successful sale yet!
Sunday November 26TH
Download an Order Form
Community, Warmth and Abundant Food
This is what we are grateful for always, and especially at Thanksgiving.
Our Thanksgiving Special Collection can provide that for many people unhoused and many people who are alone. Our partners at Ecclesia Ministries provide warm soup and community at Boston Warm, with the numbers exceeding 80 people some days.
Please give using the special envelopes in the pews or write "Thanksgiving Collection" on the memo portion of your checks.
Thank you.
Warmth, Community, Abundant Food
GBIO State House Event on Criminal Justice Reform
ov. 13
, 1:00 p.m., Grand Stairs, 2
Over 150 GBIO members and clergy allies from across the state will gather in support of GBIO's four criminal justice reform priorities:
1. Ending Mandatory Minimums for Drug Offenses
2. Pretrial and Bail Reform
3. Ending Long Term Solitary Confinement
4. Eliminating Excessive Probation and Parole Fees and Fines
Community Thanksgiving
Dinner 2017
Saturday, November 18
, at 2:00 p.m.
We are looking forward to hosting another terrific Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday, November 18th at 2:00 p.m. in the vestry. Union Church members gather and serve a delicious Thanksgiving meal to local folks who might not otherwise get to enjoy a holiday meal. We organize cookie decorating and other activities for the kids. We sit down, socialize, and eat with our guests once they have been served. It is a warm and wonderful event, and there are lots of ways you can pitch in. If you know of anyone who might enjoy the dinner, please invite him or her.
There are no set criteria - if someone could use a good meal and friendly conversation, then invite him or her! Invitations are available in the side chapel.
If you would like to volunteer to help, please sign-up HERE. The link can also be found on our website homepage at
, or talk to Alicia Collins or Beth Sears. Thanks so much for your help and support!
UCW Relational Meeting Sessions
Growing Together for Good
Sunday, Nov.12th, 26th and Dec. 3rd, after Church
GBIO co-liaisons Mark Smith and Kathleen Hobson invite you to explore the idea of "growing together for good" and becoming a stronger, more connected faith community in a series of "relational meeting" sessions to take place right after church on Nov. 12th, 26th and Dec. 3rd .
Relational meetings
are a fundamental practice of GBIO and all community organizing, and offer us a way to get to know one another more deeply than is usually possible during coffee hour or small-group meetings. They are not chit-chat, gossip, therapy, proselytizing, or asking for help with something. They are focused, face-to-face, one-to-one conversations in which two people try to understand one another at the level of values and beliefs. You want to understand not just what she thinks and feels, but why.
Please consider participating in one or more (ideally 2 or 3) of these relational meeting sessions, which will last about an hour. This is enough time for two, one-to-one conversations. Anyone is welcome, not just the grown-ups.
Right after church on Nov. 12, 26th and Dec. 3rd, participants will grab their coffee and snacks and meet in the vestry by 11:15 sharp. Mark or Kathleen will give a brief introduction and instructions. If it seems useful, they'll ask for a volunteer and do a "fishbowl" demonstration. Then they'll pair people up randomly by picking names out of a hat.
Each relational meeting will last about 20 minutes, 10 minutes per person. One person will start out asking the questions and listening-you might be given a specific question as a prompt-and then time will be called and you'll switch roles. At the end of the session, participants will reconvene briefly to evaluate the experience.
To sign up, please click
here, or find the link to the form via the home page of the UCW website (
ucw.org). Alternatively, on the GBIO bulletin board in the Crocker Chapel you'll find a large envelope and some index cards. Write your name on a card and slip it in the envelope. You may also get a phone call from Mark or Kathleen, or a member of their trusty "core team": Carol Bascom-Slack, Kevin Johnson, Jaap Van Reijendam, and Nancy Zollers.
Questions? Contact
(617-967-4578) or
Our 1K Loan Program recipient
also has a mission of her own.
You will find the collection box in Crocker Chapel.
Fellowship and Faith Formation
Open prayer space in Memorial Chapel.
Our lovely Memorial Chapel (to the right of the sanctuary when facing the altar) has been transformed into an open prayer space. We have heard from many of you that you would welcome a quiet place to pray either before or after the service and as such have created a warm and welcome space. Light a prayer candle, sit in silence, share your joys or concerns quietly with a friend.
Beginning this Sunday, Jay O'Beirne will be available in the chapel before the service for those who would like someone to pray with them or for them. As letter from James in the New Testament instructs "
Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord" (
James 5:14 (NRSV)), Jay will be happy to be present to anyone who would like.
Please note that the prayer book that in the past has resided at the back of the sanctuary has been moved to Memorial Chapel. You are invited to enter that quiet space before the service to write down in the book any prayers that you would like lifted up during our time of prayer in the worship service.
Would you like to contribute to our Advent devotional booklet this year?
The booklet is organized around the four weeks of Advent and their themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Would you like to contribute a poem, reflection, story, picture or artistic rendering to help us more fully enter into this season? If so, please be in touch with
Pastor Stacy. Deadline for submission of contributions is Sunday November 26
Sun., Nov. 12
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
11:30 a.m.
GBIO 1:1 Campaign
6:00 p.m.
Nica Cluster Dinner (at Stacy's House)
Nov. 13
7:30 a.m.
Living Waters-A Time of Quiet and Prayer
10:30 a.m.
Seekers Group
Nov. 15
9:00 a.m.
Open Coffee with Stacy (Starbucks)
6:00 p.m.
Worship team Meeting
7:30 p.m.
1K Church Meeting
Nov. 16
10:30 a.m.
Waban Health Worship
6:00 p.m.
Teaching Parish Committee
7:30 p.m.
Mission Meeting
Nov. 17
6:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Dinner Setup
Nov. 18
2:00 p.m.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Sun., Nov. 19
8:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Congregational Meeting (Sanctuary)
11:30 a.m.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events,
: Material for inclusion in the Friday e-Blast newsletter or our Sunday Announcements insert should be e-mailed to the office at
, by 9:00 a.m. on the previous Wednesday morning. Please specify whether for e-Blast, Sunday Announcements, or both. Thank you!
Saturday November 18, at 8:30/9:00.
Sign-up now for the annual Newton Turkey Trot 5 K (or 1 mile kids fun run) to be run on Saturday November 18th at 8:30/9:00. Starting and ending at the new Zervas Elementary School, the course is lovely and all proceeds benefit the Newton food pantry. Sign up at: http://www.newtonturkeytrot.com
If you don't want to run but would like to volunteer to help race day, just email Kyle Pond at kylepond4@hotmail.com. See you out there!