The Union Church in Waban
Friday, December 23, 2016
orship and Music - Advent and Christmas
Christmas Services
: Sat., December 24th, 6:00 p.m.
Please join us for a child friendly service of lessons and carols as we approach the manger and receive the gift of love into our lives again.
We delight in having our children with us for the entire service on this special evening. During the reading of the Christmas story and the singing of our carols, children will be invited to come to the front of the sanctuary to join in creating our Nativity scene and filling the manger. For little ones who might prefer it or need a change of scenery, our Littlehale classroom (just down the hall) will also be an open and welcoming space with Christmas crafts, books and toys that all are invited to visit and use.
As with all our services, we strive to be fully accessible. Please know that those needing assistance entering the sanctuary may use the elevator from the REAR of the church, as entry through the vestibule is currently out of service. We will have volunteers at the vestibule entrance to direct and assist anyone who is in need.
We will keep the congregation informed of our ongoing and diligent efforts to correct the issue with the vestibule elevator entrance.
Christmas Eve Offering
Christmas Eve we will have a special Christmas Offering.
On October 23rd, Dr. Elshaar and his daughter Ala'a spoke on behalf of the Syrian American Medical Society; otherwise, known as SAMS. You may remember the fruits of their efforts: 2.6 million patients treated, the establishment of 106 medical facilities, 25,000 recipients of psychosocial services, 92,000 patients served by mobile clinics and 24,000 babies delivered.
A month and a half has passed. During that time, all of Aleppo's hospitals have been bombed out of service. The largest trauma hospital in Aleppo, supported by SAMS, was bombed out despite its underground location. The current aerial campaign has increased the casualties and wounded civilians to the highest number since the beginning of the conflict in 2011.
Though SAMS is unable to serve in Aleppo, they continue to provide medical relief throughout Syria and for refugees in Jordan, Turkey, Greece and Lebanon. They serve the needs of all regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or political affiliation.
This is our opportunity to help SAMS continue to train healthcare providers, deliver medical supplies, and provide lifesaving healthcare with our Christmas offering.
If you would like to contribute to this offering please use the special envelopes in the pews or write "Special Collection" on the memo line of your check.
This Sunday - Christmas Day
No Bible Discussion at 8:00 a.m.
Bible discussion will resume on January 8th in Pastor Stacy's study. We will be reading the Letter of James from the New Testament. All are welcome!
No Choir Rehearsal at 9:00 a.m.
Worship at 10:00 a.m.
We will gather around the manger on Sunday morning to share in the good news of God with Us! We will sing familiar carols and share in a time of communion.
Please note that there will be no Sunday School or nursery care on Sunday morning. We will be delighted to have our young friends with us during worship.
Pastor Stacy will be away Dec 26-30th and
Pastor Amy will be away Dec. 25 - Jan. 2nd.
In the case of an urgent pastoral need during the time when Pastor Stacy is away please call Deacon, Deb McGovern at 857-540-0168. She and the deacons (with back up from Pastor Karen Fritz of the Allston Brighton Congregational Church/UCC) will be sure you receive the care you need. Pastor Stacy will be back in town and available as of Saturday,
Dec. 31 at 617-759-9016.
"Let us love not in word or deed, but in truth and action"
(1 John 3:18)
Christmas at Waban Health!
On Sunday afternoon, sixteen youth and worship team members blessed our Waban Health friends with caroling, cookies and Christmas gifts from the Mitten Tree! To quote Amy, "It was such a joyful and meaningful time for all." Special thanks to our caroling youth, Greg Feldman for strumming his guitar, Sunday schoolers who baked and decorated the cookies, Soo Laski, Jay and Betty O'Beirne, Molly Owen-Kiritsy and, last but not least, Amy! Thank you, UCW, for your generous and loving gift giving!
Thank Engine 6/Livable Newton
Kathleen Hobson and Soo Laski look over some of the 43 gifts from Engine 6/ Livable Newton bought, wrapped and delivered to formerly homeless men and women served by Sister Joyce's Project Care and Concern in Boston.
Thank you Vinita Leslie
For your leadership!
And thank you Union Church for a very successful Greens Sale that will benefit all mission activities this year. Your purchase of poinsettias and wreaths made our fundraiser profitable, while your home and our church became even more beautiful!
Adult Education, Fellowship, and Spiritual Formation
Wednesday Morning
Bible Study will
continue on
January 4th.
Our Wednesday morning Bible study was such a success this fall that we decided we don't want to stop! We have decided to continue and on January 4th at 10:30 we will begin the second course in the three part Exploring the Bible series developed by the Massachusetts Bible Society. The second course is an introduction to the Old Testament. We will meet every other week for 1.5 for a total of six sessions. If you are interested in joining this lively time of learning and fun, please be in touch with
Pastor Stacy
by December 20th so that she can order materials.
January Book Group
Book group will not be meeting in December, but all are invited to
begin reading our January selection which is
Hillbilly Elegy
J.D. Vance. We look forward to our discussion of this timely book
on Tuesday, January 31st which will be led by Anya Bassett.
All are welcome. We meet in the reception room at the church.
To read a review of Hillbilly Elegy go HERE.
Help lay the table during fellowship hour
One of the many ministries of UCW is hosting a fellowship hour after worship on Sunday morning. This table, laid with love and a simple spread is (as Adam Hearlson said in his mission moment a few weeks ago) very much a communion table. It not only nourishes our bodies, but it also nourishes the relationships that make us one Body, one with each other and with God. If you would like to share in this ministry and host this time of communion, please go
Sat., Dec. 24
6:00 p.m. |
Christmas Eve Service |
Sun., Dec. 25
10:00 a.m.
Christmas Day Service
Wed., Dec. 28
7:30 a.m.
Prayer Group
No Coffee w/Stacy at Starbucks this week
Sun Jan. 1
10:00 a.m.
For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events,
please visit our website calendar HERE
Union Church in Waban
Weather Advisory
It is the hope of the Union Church to always have our sanctuary open on Sunday mornings for worship and fellowship.
We also realize that conditions may be such that the safest option for staff and congregants is not to travel. We ask that all use their best judgment. As such, in inclement conditions, the church will remain open - however we cannot assure that there will be childcare, Sunday School, professional music or pulpit coverage.
Every effort will be made to keep walkways and stairs clear, although this cannot be guaranteed. Congregants will find an open door, a worship service and sanctuary together with others.
n the extreme situation in which the church is unable to open, notification will be on the church website (ucw@ucw.org), a message will be on the church phone, and media announcements can be found on WBZ-TV.
Saturday, January 14, 2017,
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
United Parish in Brookline
210 Harvard Street, Brookline
drama activities and fellowship.
Lunch will be served as well.
Adults: $25.00
Children (Ages 7-18): $10.00
Seeking Kidney Donor
Looking for life saving kidney donor for a young woman in our community. She graduated from University and recently got married. She received news of her kidney failure and is on dialysis. She is on the national kidney donor list and the waiting period is lengthy due to limited donors. Therefore, we seek your help for a kidney donation.
All costs will be paid for
and the transplant will be conducted at
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Please consider getting tested for a chance to save someone's life.
About the The National Kidney Foundation
The foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk. The National Kidney Foundation helps navigate the challenges of kidney disease, organ donation and transplantation. 26 million American adults have CKD and millions of others are at increased risk. The National Kidney Foundation Serving New England is the office that services the Greater Boston Area.
To learn more please visit their website