The Union Church in Waban   
Friday, July 14, 2017
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Summer Worship continues this Sunday  
We will gather at 5:00 p.m. in Memorial Chapel for an informal service of song, prayer, word and communion.  Pastor Amy will be leading us in a service for all ages.  It will be good to come together.

From Pastor Amy

It is with enormous gratitude that I write this note of thanks to you, dear Union Church community, for all your support and care leading up to and on the day of my ordination on June 25 th .  It was beautiful and humbling afternoon!  On the one hand, it was the culmination and celebration of a long journey - years of study, prayer, training (including two blessed years as your field education student), more prayer, denominational requirements, and even more prayer!  On the other hand, and most importantly, it was a beginning - entering a new phase of my ministry and covenant with God to dedicate my life and life's work to God's service.  Through all of this, the Union Church community - You! - have been with me - showing me God's love; sharing this journey; trusting and allowing me to serve as your pastor; and affirming and supporting my call to ministry in so many ways.  I am so very grateful. 

I would like to say a very special thanks to our extraordinary Deacons and Moderators; my wonderful Pastoral Relations Committee; and other members of the community who did so much to make the day special - from supporting me at every step of the process; to being present at the service, in body or in Spirit through prayer; to proofing the worship bulletin (thank you Judy and Jean!); and contributing so much to the reception and day (including a gorgeous and delicious cake!). 
I am so touched by the gifts of the book filled with your kind words and prayers, and thebeautiful stole.  I will carrAy each of them into my ministry as daily reminders of the inspiration, faithfulness and great love of this beloved community. Thank you so very much. 
I would also like to say a very special thank you to Rev. Stacy, Bill Merrill, and Aidan Cunningham.  Words fall short.  Each of them went so far out of their way to support me through the process and contribute to the day.  I feel beyond blessed to call them my colleagues, and am so grateful for each of them.

It is with joy and deep gratitude that I look back on the day and ahead to our next year together.  I hope to see some of you at our worship services over the coming weeks, and pray that each of you is finding times of rest and renewal this summer. 

With much gratitude and peace,


Union Church in Waban is initiating a search for a new 
Assistant Music Minister/Soprano or Mezzo Section Leader.

This position will start in September and requires a 10 month commitment.
We are currently interviewing candidates and plan to fill the position by the middle of August.
Please find attached a detailed job description HERE.  

All applicants should contact Bill Merrill, the  Music Director  of the church, at: [email protected]  


GBIO's next "Out of Many, One": Teach-In and Solidarity with the Boston Muslim Community will be hosted by Temple Isaiah (55 Lincoln St., Lexington) on Tuesday, July 25 from 7:00-9:00pm.

Join together with our Muslim neighbors from the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and other Greater Boston Interfaith Organization leaders for an evening of learning, relationship-building and solidarity. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Muslim faith and to hear stories from individuals of their experiences being Muslim in Boston. 

We'll also learn about specific threats facing the Muslim community in these troubling times and about what we can do to be of support.  RSVPs to <>   would be helpful for planning purposes.

- Sent on behalf of Suzan El-Rayess (ISBCC) and Temple Isaiah planning team.    


                     at the  
           UNION CHURCH       

Sunday, June 25 th was our last Sunday morning service.  

During the month of July, starting 
July 9th, we will gather on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. for a service 
of prayer, song, and reflection.  

These services will be informal and inclusive of all ages.  Come just as you are, straight from the beach or the garden.  

(Please note will not have worship services in August and Gathering Sunday, when we will again gather at 10:00 a. m. is September 10 th).

From the Wider Community 

Interfaith Youth Initiative (IFYI)
The IFYI is now accepting applications for the August 2-11 session. 
IFYI is an excellent program bringing Jewish, Muslim, Christian and other youth together for leadership training and interfaith understanding. 

Go here for more information and here for an application form.