The Union Church in Waban   
Friday, May 19, 2017
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This Sunday - 
Bible Discussion  at 8:00 a.m.
We are walking through the Gospel of Luke wondering at what we read and making connections with our lives today.  All are welcome!

Choir Rehearsal at 9:00 a.m.  
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. 
Signing of Letters for Bread for the World Continues
Thanks to everyone who signed the Offering of Letters for Bread for the World last Sunday.
There will be another opportunity to sign the letters again this Sunday.  Beth Sears and Nancy Zollers of the Missions Committee will have extra copies of the letters for you to sign.  We appreciate this collective effort to contact our legislators on behalf of poverty and hunger needs.

UCW Kids and Mini-Missions 
Many thanks to all those who have donated to and supported our k-5th grade kids and their Mini-Missions projects with the Newton Food Pantry, MSPCA, and Birthday Wishes!  Our Birthday Wishes group delivered their donations this past Thursday, and our MSPCA and Newton Food Pantry teams will embark on their service trips following worship today:          
  • MSPCA:This Sunday at 12:30 p.m. (departing the UCW Parking Lot at 11:45 a.m.)
  • Newton Food Pantry: This Sunday, from 11:30 - 12:15 p.m.
                                           (departing the UCW Parking Lot at  11:15 a.m.)
If you or your child would like to attend one of these service visits, please speak with Jill Coull or Amy following worship. Permission forms are REQUIRED for all children unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, and can be found on the bulletin board outside the Littlehale Room.  Please return permission forms to Amy, Jill Coull (MSPCA chaperone) or Cindy Spertner (NFP chaperone). 

Project Care ad Concern Cookout at  1:00 p.m. 
We will travel to Dorchester to cook hotdogs and burgers, serve members of the Project Care and Concern community and enjoy a conversation during our afternoon together. We will depart at 1:00 p.m., tis Sunday from UCW. We will be inside in case of rain. Bring nothing, but your family - contact Beth Sears or Nancy Zollers for more details.
Location: 538 Talbot Ave., Dorchester

Please note  Pastor Stacy is currently on vacation. She will be returning on
                               Monday, May 22. 
 Pastor Amy will be happy to help with any pastoral or
                               other needs that may arise. 

The All-Comers' Potluck Dinner & Party is 
Friday, May 19
, 6 - 9:00 p.m.
It is going to be a beautiful night to be outside. We will be eating poolside and
w ho wants to take a dip in the pool or hot tub is welcome to bring their suit? 
This year's dinner will be held at the home of: 
Alicia Collins and Tony Abbiati, 128 Avalon Rd., Waban .                                        
Childcare and drinks are provided. 
There is still time to  RSVP to  with the  number of kids/adults and a potluck item (appetizer, entree, salad, or dessert) that you would like to bring. 
Everyone is invited - whether you have been a member of the Union Church for thirty years or you just started attending this spring. See you Tonight!

Folks should walk around the right side of the house and go straight to the backyard? (That path avoids stairs). 


Nicaragua Trip 
 February  2018  

There is so much excitement and momentum building for our next trip to  Nicaragua
Feb. 16th to 25th) , and the truly wonderful ministry that surrounds it. With the large group of travelers already committed we need to start booking our reservations earlier than usual. If you are still considering whether or not you would like to join us on the trip, but have not made a commitment yet, please contact the trip leader, David  Spertner right away to discuss. 
(Tel. 617-549-1200 or )

Save the Date!   June 25th at 3:00 p.m.

Ordination Service for Amy Clark Feldman
Amy would like to invite the Union Church community to gather with her for the celebration of her ordination as an American Baptist minister on Sunday, June 25th at 3:00 p.m. This special service will take place at the First Baptist Church in Newton Centre (at the corner of Beacon and Centre Streets), and all are welcome.  We hope you can join us for this joyful event!    
Russell School Computer Club Starts This Wednesday

Join Rob Purser, Susan Hunt Stevens and volunteers from Mathworks, WeSpire and UCW, as they teach SCRATCH, a kids programming language to 3rd-5th graders at the Russell School.  Classes are from 3 - 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, beginning May 24th, and continuing through June 21st.  Come for one week or for all four! You do not need to know SCRATCH or anything related to computer programming to be helpful.  You just need to like to encourage kids to try, and be willing to high-five them when they figure something out.  CORI forms are required so please contact Rob Purser ( ) to let him know which dates you plan to attend.

POSTPONED  (Common Cathedral)
Please not that we are postponing the June 25th date for Common Cathedral.  Please watch for a fall 2017 date to support our homeless neighbors in Boston!

Church Matters
You Can Now Return Your Pledge Form Online!
  To access the online pledge form click on the green "Make A Pledge" button below.

You can also access the online pledge form at any time by 
going to the 
Union Church website homepage 
( ).
I f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to  Grant Gund , co-chair of our Stewardship Team.  

Sunday Morning, May 28th at 10:00 a.m. during worship

"Be filled with the Spirit, singing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music to God with your hearts always!"  Ephesians 5:18b-19.
God calls us to lift our voices in song, and our worship time is the voice of the whole church. You are invited to submit your favorite hymns and spiritual songs for us to sing together in worship the last Sunday of this month. Share your favorites, whether or not they come from the hymnal we use. The staff will weave together the requests into our worship service on Sunday, May 28th.

Please jot down your favorites and drop them in the offering plate or in the box in Crocker Chapel. You can also submit them online at  the Union Church website   HERE

Adult Education/Spiritual Formation

Next Book Group: May 30, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Our book selection for May 30 th will be "The Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found", by Mary Beard (Harvard Press). Edith Moricz will be leading the discussion.  
Our final book for June 27th before the summer break will be "The Book of Joy", by the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu.    

 C hildren,Youth, and
th:  Children's Sunday and All-Church Picnic!
Please save the date for this special child and youth-led Sunday worship, followed by our church picnic.  Our kids have already started planning for this special day, and we are looking for musicians!  This year, we will be playing a couple of simple pieces (e.g. Ode to Joy and Amazing Grace) as a group, as well as providing opportunities for additional music.  If your child would like to participate, please contact Amy (  Thank you!  

Also on June 11th from 5-7:00 p.m., the youth will meet at the home of the Abbiati family for a year-end pool party!  Youth families and Youth Ministry Team members should have received an Evite and we are grateful for RSVPs.  For more information, or if you didn't receive the Evite, please contact Amy at .   

The Week Ahead
Sun.,  May  21
11:15 a.m.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
1:00 p.m.
Project Care and Concern Cookout
Mon.,  May 22
10:30 a.m.
Exploring the Bible
  Wed.,  May 24
7:30 a.m.
Prayer Group
9:00 a.m.
Coffee w/Stacy today
Sun.,  May  28
8:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Bell Choir Rehearsal

For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events, 
please visit our website calendar HERE

* Pastor Stacy will be on vacation the week of May 15. 
  Please be in touch with Pastor Amy as  needed.  


Upstander Training in Newton
Tuesday, May 23rd
Learn how to support people targeted by bigotry. Workshop includes dramatically exploring the challenges of intervening, short presentations and handouts, and role plays.
Co-sponsors: Newton Human Rights Commission, First Unitarian Society in Newton, Temple Shalom, The Walker Center, The Protestant Chaplaincy Council, Just Peace Players, Newton Highlands Congregational Church, West Suburban YMCA, Jewish Voice for Peace - Boston. Food donated by BJs.