The Union Church in Waban   
Friday, May 26, 2017
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The Annual Meeting of the Union Church in Waban
Sunday, June 4th at 11:30 a.m.
Please plan on attending this very important meeting of the congregation where we will be provided with an overview of highlights from this past year, visions for the year(s) to come, a progress report on the status of pledging and financials and our proposed 2017/2018 budget to discuss and approve.
This Sunday - 
Bible Discussion  at 8:00 a.m.
We are walking through the Gospel of Luke wondering at what we read and making connections with our lives today.  All are welcome!

Choir Rehearsal at 9:00 a.m.  
Special Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. 
Hymnsing!    This Sunday we will have a special service as we sing the songs of our faith.   

"Be filled with the Spirit, singing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music to God with your hearts always!"
 Ephesians 5:18b-19.

We have received close to forty favorite songs and hymns many of which will be woven throughout our time of worship this Sunday.  Even if your particular submission was not included in Sunday's service, be assured that it has been received and that the worship team is grateful for all your submissions and that they will be integrated into our worship going forward. 

 View the complete list 

The Blessing and Sending 
of our M inisterial Intern 
Andrew Heintz.  

This Sunday we will also have a chance to bless and send of beloved ministerial intern, Andrew Heintz.  We celebrate Andrew's graduation from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge last week and wish him well as leaves for Chicago to pursue a degree at Chicago Theological Seminary.  


On June 18th Father's Day, we will have a special service to celebrate the Fathers in
our lives.

All the women of the church are invited to 
join in singing for this service. We will sing a really  lively and easy to learn anthem called "I Sing with the Spirit! " This is a traditional spiritual which  I'm sure you will recognize. Our soprano soloist , Bethany Worrell, will help with the teaching  of the music, and I know you will enjoy singing it. So, even if you do not read music, this will be an enjoyable experience for all.
No previous experience in singing is necessary---just bring yourself, your spirit, and your voice.
That ' s all that's needed!
We will have a brief musical rehearsal on that Sunday at 9:00 a.m.  We will make an mp3 recording available to you, if you wish to hear the song .
Please email me at whmerrill@com c as t .n e t if you would like to receive it.
I hope you can jo i n us in this joyful celebra t ion of Father's Day!
Many thanks, Bill Merrill

 C hildren,Youth, and
Mini-Missions - Thank you and Video/Photos 
Last week, three groups of kids, parents, grandparents and teachers delivered 16 full boxes of donations to Birthday Wishes, the Newton Food Pantry and the MSPCA Adoption Center.  We are so grateful to all who participated in and supported this wonderful initiative!  During Children's Sunday, we will share photos and short videos of the kids talking about their experiences.  Families should have received an email requesting video clips.  If you didn't receive the email, and your child is willing to answer a few short questions on camera, please speak with Amy ( [email protected] ).   
th:  Children's Sunday and All-Church Picnic!  
Please save the date for this special child- and youth-led Sunday worship, followed by our church picnic!  Our children and youth have been working to prepare this service in Sunday School, and are excited to be inspired and led by them! 
MUSIC FOR CHILDREN'S SUNDAY:  Parents should have received an email and link with opportunities for kids interested in sharing music for Children's Sunday.  If your child/youth would like to join in the music leadership for this service, but you didn't receive the email, please connect with Amy ( [email protected] ).  Thank you! 
Also on June 11th from 5-7:00 p.m., the youth will meet at the home of the Abbiati family for a year-end pool party!  We'll have fun, celebrate the year, and look ahead to next year.  Youth families and Youth Ministry Team members should have received an Evite and we are grateful for RSVPs.  For more information, or if you didn't receive the Evite, please contact Amy at [email protected] .   

Cookout and Conversation with our Mitten Tree Gift Recipients

Our formerly homeless neighbors, who we know only from seeing their first names on our  Mitten Tree every Christmas,  send their thank-yous and their greetings to all of the Union Church at our cookout together last Sunday.
At a cookout of yummy grilled food, salad, cookies and conversation, folks were thrilled to know we were from the Union Church and that we are the Christmas gift-givers they have "known for years." One woman wanted us to know that the purple slippers we gave her years ago are still on her feet every night and she loves them. It was a joyous day of starting to get to know each other!
Fill a Backpack! Make quality camp possible   
Our partners at both Russell School (Principal Blake) and Care and Concern (Sister Joyce) inform us that summer camp for the children they serve is life-changing and yet out of reach financially for many. Union Church has supported tuition help for some of these students. We now send them off with backpacks from us and cards of encouragement. You can fill a backpack with a towel, a flashlight or anything you think will make camp easier and more fun. And you can sign the card inside! Backpacks are in the side chapel and must be returned by June 11th on Children's Sunday when Mrs. Blake will receive them during our service.  
POSTPONED   (Common Cathedral)
Please note that we are postponing the June 25th date for Common Cathedral.  Please watch for a fall 2017 date to support our homeless neighbors in Boston!

Ordination Service for Amy Clark Feldman
June 25
th at 3:00 p.m.
Amy would like to invite the Union Church community to gather with her for the celebration of her ordination as an American Baptist minister on Sunday, June 25th at 3:00 p.m. This special service will take place at the First Baptist Church in Newton Centre (at the corner of Beacon and Centre Streets), and all are welcome.  We hope you can join us for this joyful event!    
Adult Education/Spiritual Formation

May Book Group: 
T his Tuesday, May 30, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m
Our book selection for May 30 th will be "The Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found", by Mary Beard (Harvard Press). Edith Moricz will be leading the discussion.  
Our final book for June 27th before the summer break will be "The Book of Joy", by the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu. 

Return Your Pledge
Form Online  >>
(click on Image)

The Week Ahead
Tue., May 30
7:00 p.m.
Book Group
  Wed., May 31
7:30 a.m.
Prayer Group
9:00 a.m.
Coffee w/Stacy today
Sun., June  4
8:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Children's  Choir Rehearsal
11:30 a.m.
Annual Congregational Meeting
4:00 p.m.
Confirmation Parent Gathering

For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events, 
please visit our website calendar HERE