The Union Church in Waban                 Friday, September. 1, 2017
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This first Sunday of the new church year will be a special one, as we will begin it with a hymn sing service.  We heard from those of you who experienced the previous hymn sing on Memorial Day weekend that it was a profoundly moving service.  Hymns and sacred songs are a way in  which the faith community is united by word and music.   Although we all come from different faith traditions, we share the same stories told by these "wonderful words of life."

We are compiling a list of favorite hymns that you have sent to us.  We currently have over forty hymns but we want to keep adding to it.  So please send us a list of the hymns/songs you love to sing.  We will include as many as possible on Gathering Sunday.  We will also be drawing on this list of hymns throughout the year as we craft worship and plan for upcoming additional hymn sings.  

Also at our hymn sing last May, three of you also shared reflections on your favorite hymn, which we then proceeded to sing.  This was such a meaningful part of the service that we would love to do it again.  So if you have a favorite hymn and would like to share with the congregation on Gathering Sunday what meaning it has for you please reach out to me and Pastor Stacy. 

We look forward to receiving your hymn suggestions and also please let us know if you would like to share a brief reflection about your favorite hymn.  We look forward to hearing from you. ( and s

Many thanks and I look forward to our shared songs of wonder, love and praise!
With gratitude,
William Merrill, Music Director

Welcome to our new  Ministerial Intern, &  Ass't Music Minister
Our Ministerial Intern: Brian Donovan  
Your Teaching Parish Committee is pleased to introduce you to Brian Donovan our ministerial intern for the 2017 2018 academic year.  We will be commissioning Brian on Gathering Sunday, September 10 during our worship service and invite you all to extend a warm welcome as Brian begins his ministry among us.

Brian Donovan is a second-year seminarian / Masters of Divinity student and Dean's Fellow at Boston University School of Theology. He graduated from the University of Maine in Augusta in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in English degree, focused on creative writing. During those undergraduate years, Brian had some minor publications of poetry, short stories, and a graphic memoir. All of which he continues to utilize in his ministry. Brian is currently a member of The Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor and the first seminarian from said congregation. He is also a Member in Discernment through the Midcoast Maine association of the UCC.

Brian has lived in Massachusetts, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. However, his home is in Maine where he has family ties to both Wiscasset and Boothbay. During the summer, he resides in East Boothbay with his mother Penny Donovan and their two dogs, Rocky and Pepe. Brian has one son, Nathaniel, who lives in Michigan with his mother. Finally, Brian continues to reside and work at the former Andover Newton Theological School campus in Newton Centre during the 2017/2018 school year.
Ass't Music Minister: Kayla Gautereaux

It is with great joy that we introduce to the congregation of Union Church our new Assistant Music Minister, Kayla Gautereaux. Our search team, comprised of Stacy Swain, Amy, Feldman, Diane Tillotson, and myself interviewed several candidates during the summer, and made our decision this past month. Kayla has not only a beautiful voice, but also has all the qualities that will enable her to minister spiritually to the congregation with her musical gifts.
We are so excited to have her join our church community, and you will be able to welcome her on September 10th at our Gathering Sunday.
Soprano, Kayla Gautereaux, is an active performer of solo recitals, opera, and oratorio. Ms. Gautereaux held the position of Assistant Music Director at St. Andrews-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Pacific Be  ach, California. Her recent operatic roles include Mother in Menotti's Amahl in the Night Visitors and Suor Genovieffa in Puccini's Suor Angelica. Ms. Gautereaux has also been fe atured in a number of professional choral ensembles including San Diego Pro Arte Voices and Sacra/Profana, and has previously sung with the San Diego Opera Chorus. After receiving her Bachelor of Music at San Diego State University in 2014, Ms. Gautereaux co-founded Folkl ore Guild, a new choral ensemble specializing in music from video-game and film soundtracks. Ms. Gautereaux is also a private voice teacher, and is currently earning her Master of Music in Vocal Pedagogy at New England Conservatory.
Fellowship and 
Faith Formation
Blessed are those who trust in the  Lord whose trust is the Lord.

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.

It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious,  and it does not cease to bear fruit. 
(Jeremiah 17: 7-8)

When is the retreat?    
Friday, October 20 starting at 6:30 p.m. - Sunday, October 22, 
finishing up before noon.

Where is it? 
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center in North Andover, 660 Great Pond Rd,
North Andover, MA 01845

Why are we doing this?
To celebrate and nourish the rootedness that we have with each other and with our God that enables us to thrive in the midst of the challenges of our time and to also bring forth goodness into the world.  It is a time to have fun.  To enjoy each other and to grow. 

Who is it for?   
All of us!  We are an inter-generational community where all are beloved and all are invited.   There is a cost associated with the retreat but we do not want that to be a barrier to anyone or any family.  What is most important is that you come so that we can all be together and be nourished by each other's presence.  So make whatever contribution you can, whether that be less than or more than the actual cost.

Fill out the registration form attached here and forward it to Pastor Stacy by September 17th.   Or simply email Pastor Stacy to tell her you are coming.  

?'s or want to help out?
If you have questions or would like to help out in the planning or leadership of the retreat, please be in touch with    Pastor Stacy     We need and welcome your ideas and help. 

  WELLSPRING / Women's group
--  As summer wanes, we look to  the start of a new Wellspring season.  We will meet  on   WEDNESDAY,  SEPT. 20,  6:30  PM
Our theme will be  FRIENDSHIP.   What is the role of  friendship in our lives?    In our faith community?  As we  grow  in   our  understanding of God and of ourselves, what does it mean to befriend ourselves and others?   What did Christ mean when he said:  "You are my friends."?

Living  Waters / a time of quiet and prayer, Mondays at 9:00 a.m. in Memorial Chapel (just off the main sanctuary)
On Monday mornings starting on Monday, September 11th from 9:00 - 10:00 am, we gather in the small chapel off the sanctuary for quiet and prayer. This time is called "Living Water" is based on the passage in John's Gospel where Jesus encounters the Samaritan women at the well (John 4:14). This is a time to drink in the stillness of the peace and presence of God so that we will be filled and will not thirst as we go into the busyness of our week. We begin with 20 minutes of centering/meditative silence.  Afterwards we light candles of prayers for celebrations and/or concerns we may have.  Please join us.  


The Russell Elementary School receives a new piano.

"Karla, we are so excited for the beautiful gift. thank you a million times." Tamara Blake, Russell School
We Want to Hear From You!
UCW Mission (Fall 2017)
Please stop by our mission-outreach table after church on Sunday, Sept 10th
on the way to reception!

Let us know your hopes for outreach-mission opportunities this year for you or your family. We will let you know some plans in the works.

And, we would be grateful if you could leave this survey in the offering tray or at the tables downstairs.  Or via email. Thanks!

I would like to see church outreach-mission opportunities that reach out to the following, or in the following ways:

Optional: Name________________
Download hard copy HERE
Email Nancy Zollers at:
Respond to the survey on-line: HERE 
Thank you!

Called as Partners
NICA Travelers Meeting, September 17, 11:30 a.m.
All travelers are invited to this informational meeting where we will share trip preparations and ways that each and every traveler can be involved.  If you are unable to attend this important meeting, please be in touch with trip leader, Dave Spertner or pastor Stacy