December 1, 2021
Important Events Coming Up

  • Friday, December 3rd: Community Circle

  • Thursday, December 9th: "Boosting Your Child's Math Skills 2.0" Virtual Parent Workshop at 5 PM

  • December 13th-16th: K-8 Celebrations of Learning (done by class)

We ask all families to try and schedule family trips and vacations during school breaks. If this is not possible, please read through the procedures listed below to prepare accordingly.
Discretionary Days Policy:
Up to 5 student absences per semester can be substituted (max of 10 per year) with remote learning days by meeting the remote learning participation benchmarks listed in the policy. This would result in the student being counted as present for the day(s) they participate remotely.
  • To be marked present, work must be submitted within 2 days of absence.
  • Students may not use a remote learning day on a test day.
  • Parent/guardian or student must notify the teacher in advance to the start of the instructional day to utilize the participation benchmark rule.
  • Schools will make their best effort to provide instruction given early notice.
Students need to meet the following guidelines to receive credit: 
Elementary School (Daily Attendance): 
Student participates in synchronous Reading/Language Arts and Math instruction remotely or participates asynchronously as defined by the teacher.
Middle & High School (Period Attendance):
Participates in at least 50% of the school day to be given credit for attendance. Participation may be synchronous instruction remotely or students may participate asynchronously as defined by the teacher. 

PLEASE NOTE: For those traveling, that are not using the discretionary days, the student will be withdrawn if they miss 10 days consecutively. Please note that teachers will NOT give the student work during this time and if the student is withdrawn at the time of report cards, they will NOT receive a first-semester report card.
Counseling Resources

Professional Counseling Program:

  • We are excited to announce that Amana Academy received a grant from North Point Community Church to provide free and low-cost counseling to students through Sunshine Counseling in Alpharetta. If you would like for your child to be referred to this program, please complete the Professional Counseling Referral Request form below. For additional information or questions regarding this program, please contact Jaime Albright at  

High School Transition Website:
  • We encourage all parents with a current 8th Grader to visit the High School Transition Website. It contains important information for ensuring your student has a smooth transition into high school.
  • CLICK HERE to access it.
7th Grade Expedition

As part of our 7th grade French class connection to the expedition, we are learning about the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti recently and its effect on water. Dirty and polluted water causes cholera and many children are dying from the lack of good hygiene and clean water. Our amazing French class students are collecting money and donating to the "Water with Blessings" organization. We are asking our Amana community and beyond to donate. One dollar can make a difference. The students are very excited about this project and you will see them soon reaching out to you personally.

We thank you in advance for any contribution you are able to help with. We would like you to please fill out the Google Form linked below after you submit your donation.

Amana's Before and After School Program

Did you know that Amana is a CAPS (CHILDCARE AND PARENT SERVICES) Provider? 

Our Before and After School Programs have been added to the CAPS provider management system as eligible providers. Our Provider Id is 96907CLICK HERE to access the CAPS website for more information or contact Ms. Ayesha Haddad at
Helpful Resources

  • Amana's 8th Grade Transition Newsletter: CLICK HERE
Amana Academy | 678-624-0989 | | 285 S. Main Street, Alpharetta