Weekly Updates & Announcements



Easter Sunday:

- Light Breakfast Gathering, 9 am

- Worship Service, 9:45 am (LJGs will not meet; classes will be available for babies through Kindergarten)

There will be no Sunday evening activities.

Happy Easter! The Lord is risen!

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering:

Your gifts support nearly 3000 missionaries and their families across North America! These missionaries are sometimes serving where the name of Jesus has never been heard, and you can help to make Jesus known!

Bible Reading Plan:

Join Lawndale in reading through the entire New Testament in 2024 with the NT Bible Reading Plan. Hard copies are located throughout the church. The five passages for the week of Apr. 1-7 are below.

  • Luke 22
  • Luke 23
  • Luke 24
  • John 1
  • John 2

Hope In The Journey Cancer Ministry:

This ministry for cancer patients (current and former) and caregivers meets Thursdays at 7 pm in room 217. Sessions include handouts, guest speakers, and books. There is no cost to attend or for materials.

Wednesday Evening:

5 pm - Family meal (register in advance online or by calling the church office by noon the day prior)

6:15 pm - Adult Bible Study, Choir, Gopher Buddies, Olympians, Fusion, and Single Adults Discipleship in House A (1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month).

Women on Mission:

All ladies are invited to attend Apr. 2 at 10 am in room 234. Ashley McIntosh, IMB missionary and granddaughter of the late Doris Donahue, will share experiences about spreading the gospel in India's red light districts.

Marriage Preparation Class:

Online registration is now open for Tying the Knot, a six-week series taught by Rodney Navey beginning Apr. 3 in room 320 (6:15-7:30 pm). Sessions are based on the book of the same name (free to all participants) and cover biblical principles of marriage along with personality, birth order, and other factors in building a healthy relationship and marriage.

MOMS Class:

Apr. 8-May 13 | Fellowship Hall

This discipleship and fellowship class for mothers of young children will meet on Mondays for six weeks from 9-11 am. The cost is $15 ($30 if childcare is needed). Register online.

Childcare workers are needed. Interested? Contact Abby Miller.

Men's Ministry Breakfast:

All men are welcome to kick off the Men's Ministry at Lawndale on Apr. 6 at 8 am in the CLC. We will gather for breakfast, fellowship, and time in God's Word. The cost is $7. Register online through Apr. 3.

Meaningful Motion & WWW:

Two Ladies' ministries that are on break will resume meeting in the Chapel on Wednesdays beginning Apr. 10: Meaningful Motion stretching class (8 am) and WWW (9 am). WWW will launch a new study, Radiant--Our Influence in the Darkness.

Walk for Life:

Join walkers of all ages Apr. 20 at 9 am in Center City Park, Greensboro. There will be a 2-mile walk (stroller-friendly), kid's activities, and hot dog lunch. Proceeds will benefit The Pregnancy Network. Register online.

Fashion With a Purpose:

This free event for ladies will be Apr. 20 from 2-4pm in the CLC. There will be an accessories sale, light refreshments, a fashion show, and prizes. Drop off donations in the lobby (Sundays) or church office (weekdays). RSVP to Audrey Womack by Apr. 12.

May the 4th Course Race (5K & 10K):

Join us at Lawndale on May 4 at 7 am. All proceeds will support Restoration Place Counseling. Participate by registering for an event, becoming a charity runner, sharing the gospel, or volunteering. Online registration is now open. There will be a price increase after April 26.

Grad Sunday:

Lawndale will recognize 2024 graduates with a breakfast and cap & gown service on May 19. All graduates of high school, community college, and college must register graduation information by May 1 in order to participate.

Students' Summer Camp:

Students are invited to Fort Caswell at Oak Island, NC from Jul. 15-19 for a combination of Bible study, worship time, night life, and recreational & ministry tracks to further their walk with Christ. The total cost is $375 per student (sibling discounts are available), and a $200 deposit is due May 1. Online registration opens April 1.

VBS "Breaker Rock Beach":

VBS will take place each day from 9 am until noon from June 24-28. Children ages 5 (by Aug. 31, 2024) through grade 5 can register online for VBS beginning tomorrow, March 31.

Clothing Ministry:

Lilies of the Field clothing ministry is now accepting spring/summer clothing. Interested in serving on a flexible schedule? Email Brenna Payne about ministry opportunities. Donation bins are located on the back deck of House B (3508 Fox Place).

Shepherd's Shelf Donation Request:

Thank you for your item of the month donations! This month, we are collecting boxes of vanilla wafers, graham crackers, boxed cake mixes, and frosting. Please drop off donations on the table in the small hall near the receptionist's window.




In response to many of you asking for ways to give tithes and offerings, we want to offer these giving options to you:

  • Drop box - Drop off tithes in the drop box at the church reception desk
  • By mail - Address: 3505 Lawndale Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408; ATTN:Financial Office
  • Online - www.lawndalebaptist.org. Go to the "Give" tab.
  • Text Giving - Text the amount to 84321.

PASTOR ON CALL (336-580-3214)

To Be Used Outside of Office Hours

Kelley Branch


And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 (ESV)

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