real. life. together.

We are so glad that you chose to come to one of our services today. You could have been a lot of other places, but you chose to be with us, and for that we are truly grateful. If you are new here, and you have not already stopped by our welcome center on the way in, we would love for you to stop by. We have a gift for you and hopefully can answer any questions you might have about our church. We want you to know that we really hope you feel at home today at Grove City Alliance. We hope that you will be challenged and encouraged by the message and music. Again, thank you for joining us!

Bulletin & eNews

Have our weekly Bulletin emailed to you and receive eNews event reminders by joining our mailing list HERE.

Text Announcements

Text "GCALLIANCE" to 797979 to sign up for important GCAC announcements over text.

Church App

Use the steps below as a guide to download the Church Center App!

1. Find the "Church Center App" on your device's app store or click HERE.

2. Select Get Started

3. Allow the app to use your location.

4. Select Grove City Alliance Church

5. Follow the prompts to sign in!

Contact Info


[email protected]

Follow Us @grovecityalliance on Instagram & Facebook.

The Bible teaches us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and sacrificially, the mission of God advances, the gospel is preached, lives are touched, and the Church is strengthened.

In-Person Details
Online Details

Sunday, November 19


Sanctuary Venue

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 5


Sanctuary Venue // C.O.R.E. Venue // Livestream

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
  • Preschool for Ages 3-5
  • Kids Church for K-Grade 5
  • Emerging Adults - The Well


Sanctuary Venue // C.O.R.E. Venue // Livestream

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
  • Preschool for Ages 3-5
  • Kids Groups for K-Grade 5
  • Student Ministry
  • ASL Translation

To receive text alerts of service changes, text the message GCALLIANCE to 724-200-3070.

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!


Thanksgiving Break!

Wednesday, November 22


Our Awana program meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30PM for ages 3 (and potty-trained) through 6th grade.

Click to Learn More About Our Awana Program & to Register!


Sundays at 11:00AM

Gather with the entire Oasis family for some video games, foosball, air hockey, or to just relax. Prepare to meet with Jesus through worship and Bible study geared to hit the season of life you’re traversing.

High School

Small Groups

High School Students, sign up today for small groups! The Rally

is Tuesday, November 7 from 6:30-8:30PM. The cost is $25 for bowling and study materials. 

Small groups start on Tuesday, November 14.

High School Ministry - Meme Night

Sunday, November 19


A picture is worth a thousand words.

No Middle School Ministry

Thursday, November 23 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving Wall

The Giving Wall is a fundraising campaign for our Oasis Student Ministry MS & HS summer mission trips. The HS will be traveling to the Dominican Republic the summer of 2024, and the MS Ministry will be participating in a local mission trip. Starting Sunday, November 5, you'll be able to pick up an envelope!

The Well

The Well will be meeting on Sundays at 9:30AM.

Transportation is available:

GCC Students meet behind the PLC at 7:45AM, 9:10AM and 10:40AM in the yellow school bus.

SRU Students meet at the Student Center at 9:05AM and 10:35AM.

Any questions, text 724-406-2295. See you then!

Click for More Info!

Alliance Women

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30pm. We can't wait to see you there!

Come join us as we prepare and pack Study Snack Packs for our GCAC college students, and as we pray for our college students and our International Workers.

Alliance Women meet every third Tuesday of the month from September to July at 6:30PM.

Operation Christmas Joy 

Operation Christmas Joy is a program that allows us an opportunity as a local church to purchase and donate gifts to help a pastoral family in our district who may be facing financial limitations during the holiday season. 

If you are able, please join the GCAC Alliance Women in blessing another family. Check out the Google doc and add your name and contact number. 

Please note that all gifts should be wrapped, labeled, and returned to GCAC no later than Monday, December 4th.

Click Here for the Google Doc

The GCAC Alliance Women will be collecting homemade cookies and/or treats for our December care packages that go out each year to our older congregants and those who are no longer able to attend church in person. If you would be willing to make 50 cookies or treats and bag them 2 per bag, we would greatly appreciate it. All donations can be delivered to the Children's Worship Center on Tuesday, December 12th no later than 6pm.

If you have questions, please reach out to Becky Weikle, GCAC Alliance Women Director at [email protected]


Thursday, December 14 at 9:00AM

If you're a mother with children ages birth-Kindergarten (MOPS) or grade school ages (MOMSNEXT), we would love to have you join us! 

Christmas Celebration // Forever Young 55+

Friday, December 1 at 6:30PM

Grove City Alliance Church

Seeking Joy? Follow the Star!

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” (Matthew 2:10)

You are invited to join us for our annual Christmas Celebration! Come and enjoy a delicious meal, sing Christmas carols, hear a music concert by Dave and Pam Prentice, and hear an inspirational message from God’s Word. You can sign up before and after the Sunday services on November 19 and 26. 


Perspectives is a course that explores God’s global purpose.

It is a life changing experience.


January 8-17, 2024

9:00AM - 5:00PM Daily

Meals & Housing Provided

Tuition $325

Register Here

40 Days of Prayer

We are excited to be nearing our kickoff of 40 Days of Prayer 2024.

We will begin together on Monday, January 1, 2024. Our theme this year is now. pray.

Week 1

Wake Up Now

Week 2

Pray Now

Week 3

His Now

Week 4

Worship Now

Week 5

Family Now

Week 6

Evangelize Now

Celebrate Recovery

In person - Every Saturday at 6:30PM at GCAC. Please enter through the door on the right side of the building.

Online - Friday at 9PM on Facebook.

Dinner for guests and regulars at 5:30PM on every 2nd Saturday of the month.


Follow the new GCAC Celebrate Recovery page on Facebook for LIVE messages and encouragement every week.

Connect on Facebook
Everyone struggles with a hurt, a hang-up, or a habit in some shape or form. In Mark 2:17, we see a beautiful reminder from Jesus:

"On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "

Our goal in Celebrate Recovery is to stop unhealthy behaviors that are destroying ourselves and others around us and help us live the purposeful life Christ died for us to live.

General Fund

Financial Update

General Fund

October 2023




General Fund

July 2023 - June 2024




Let's Ring the Bells!

Friday, November 24

Funds collected will support the Grove City Salvation Army and United Way.

Sign Up Here
Contact Ashlee Traister with Questions

Shuttle Drivers Needed

The Emerging Adults ministry continues to provide Sunday morning transportation for college students, so that they may attend services to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus, as well as those around them.

We are looking for drivers to help transport Slippery Rock students. There are options to drive your personal vehicle or the church shuttle.

Click Here for More Info

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Did you know you can find our services directly on YouTube?

Search for GCAC Live Stream or click the button below the image.

Don't forget to click subscribe!

GCAC YouTube Channel

Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook

Follow us @grovecityalliance!

Click on the buttons below to follow us!

Click HERE to Follow Us on Instagram!
Click HERE to Follow Us on Facebook!






Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. | Online


Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. | Online

(ASL translation provided)

(Available on demand any time after)

Grove City Alliance Church

845 North Liberty Road

Grove City, PA 16127

724-458-8497 | [email protected]

Facebook  Youtube  Instagram