August 21, 2020

Dear Prairie Avenue Family,

Can it be nearing the Labor Day weekend? Our students have returned to virtual or limited in-person class work and schedules, and the calendar and its usual rhythms and cadences is still being altered by a pandemic scourge. The number of COVID-19 cases within the county has nearly quadrupled in just three weeks, and as Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Illinois Department of Public Health director reminded us this week, numbers are people. People with families and friends, workplaces and more.

Over the next two weeks, I will share with you some of my preliminary thoughts and responses to the lessons of this year.

Worship This Weekend - Life Lessons of 2020
This weekend I will examine and explore the role of faith in the midst of dislocation and turmoil. Many of the usual activities and expectations in life have been altered, cancelled, or postponed. The usual supply chains providing stocked shelves and the products for everyday use were suddenly found to be vulnerable when anxiety and panic gripped consumers. Cynicism, skepticism, and distrust in public institutions, public health officials, and the motives or intentions of both. Many are seeking the comfort of "returning to normal." Others are responding that what appeared to be working normally was found to be less than ideal. What do we do when the promises of normal are found to be broken? Where is God in a time where it seems all expectations and presumptions are found to be fragile and vulnerable?

Join me this Saturday at 5 pm worship-online, or Sunday at 9 am.

April Anderson, our janitor, has been busy this week shampooing the sanctuary carpets.

The organ tuners and technicians of Buzzard Organ Company came this past Thursday to do one of their twice annual tuning of our Wicks pipe organ. Upon discussing with them the usage of air and its risk of spreading COVID-19 in the sanctuary, I was told that since air handling is through the basement rather than the sanctuary space, it is unlikely. So, this Sunday at 9 am, we will resume our usage of the organ in worship. However, congregational singing is still not permitted at this time.

Other News This Week
Solar Equipment Update Work is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 31!

Elevator Blues The elevator decided to resume its troubled operations on last Monday afternoon. Fortunately, our elevator technician, Ralph, dropped in to check on it that same afternoon. It only confirmed a suspected communication error between cabin and computer. The computer motherboard was receiving a low voltage, and it was adjusted. One of the large capacitors was also found to be failing. These adjustments and replacements seem to have cured its erratic operational errors, and may have provided additional time to develop the plan to modernize it. We also received an additional bid from Kone Elevators towards the modernization project.

Adult Discussion Class Continues on Wednesdays: I hope you will join me next Wednesday at 6 pm as we explore and discuss apocalyptic thinking and writings. Apocalyptic thinking flourished in times of turmoil and dislocation. Such thinking was widespread in the Judaism of the inter-testamental period (that is, in the centuries between the Old and New Testaments).

Although apocalypses varied considerably, it is possible to identify a number of elements common to them generally. Those elements will be highlighted.

Apocalyptic texts wrestle with the problem of evil. They assert that "despite all appearances to the contrary, God has everything under control." Believers are urged to endure persecution.

Prophetic and apocalyptic texts are similar in many ways, although some distinctions are possible, especially concerning "means and ends," which typically are more other-worldly in the apocalyptic literature.

A number of the ideas and images common to Jewish and Christian apocalyptic writing were also found in surrounding cultures.

At the end of the class, you will be able to identify apocalypse, apocalyptic literature, and apocalyptic thought. You can attend any or all class sessions. To register, click here.

Daycare Exploratory Committee If you would like to be part of the exploratory effort, please e-mail me or call the church office 428-3327.

See you in worship in the sanctuary on Sunday morning at 9 am or Saturday online at 5 pm this weekend!
As a church family, we care for and pray for one another.

As a matter of online privacy, we will only disclose public sympathy to a church friend or family member whose passing is also been publicly disclosed.

If you would like prayer, please submit your prayer request online, and Pastor Jason and prayer team members will pray for you.
Prairie Avenue Christian Church | Website