April 30, 2021
Dear Prairie Avenue Family,
Already four months have passed in 2021! I am getting my mind around the idea that in just two weeks, I will be the parent of an Eisenhower High School graduate. For Amanda and me, it has been pushing through these last couple of weeks with final projects, final requirements, and getting all the arrangements put together to reach this milestone in our family life.
Many ask about Patrick's plan after high school. I usually answer, "Probably some classes at Richland followed by coursework after he uncovers his interests and passions." But he will likely remain near and with us a couple more years, with a work and student schedule.
Our worship this weekend is about remaining with and connected to Christ. Much like Patrick not quite departing, so Jesus is leaving but not entirely going, encouraging us to remain with him as intimately as a branch is to the life-giving vine.
This intimacy is not a threat. Jesus is not saying "Stay, or else!" To those frightened disciples (and our uncertainties and doubts), he is assuring us that he will still be accessible, and we will know the strength or weakness of our connection with him by what fruit we produce. The nature of our relationship with God is reflected in our joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Does our relationship with Christ show up in our daily lives? Only when we keep clearing away and trimming out what no longer gives us life, but remain connected to the vine.
Worship This Weekend:
Witness: Living in a Postresurrection World
Abide In Me
You are known by the company you keep. Whatever your associations, affiliations, and preferences, you will become a reflection of them, incorporating them into your life.
Sometimes we get overgrown in our life commitments and loyalties, stretching our life source to its limits. Tenderly, as a vine tender will do, the dead or withering parts of our lives are removed so that we can flourish and share more nourishment with others.
This trimming may sound threatening, but it is life-restoring. Often what we need to recognize is some things, some parts of our lives need to be trimmed back in order to keep life going and thriving. Is your spiritual life faltering? Maybe trimming back to the basics of worship, prayer, scripture reading, and fasting will strengthen the bond between you and Jesus.
We can rest easy; we will not be completely cut off. When you are connected in such a way that whatever God desires becomes your desires, whatever is God's call becomes your call, then you experience the seamless connection as God's life dwells within you.
In COVID-19, it has been easy to feel disconnected, isolated, and cut off from life. Jesus encourages us to stay with him who will remain with us. Our witness is impacted by what (or who) we draw into our life. May Jesus be the source of life in you as God was the source of life in him.
Worship Leaders Needed
Our in-person services need worship leaders to assist in speaking the call to worship, invocation prayer, and the call to worship for each of our services: Saturday at 5 pm or Sundays at 8 am or 9:30 am. These materials are prepared each week by Tuesday afternoon, so you do not have to create your own! You can sign up a particular Sunday of the month, a particular time, or which service you already (or will eventually) attend in person. Contact Barb Hodges at 217-620-3268 if you would like to sign up or have questions.
Parking Lot Attendants / Greeters Needed
We need smiling faces and joyful hearts in greeting and security. I need two parking lot attendants to greet our guests and assist them with their entrance. Once service begins, these parking lot attendants will secure all entrances to the building, locking the doors, closing the garage about 15 minutes into the worship services. I would like to have attendants for each service -Saturdays at 5 pm and Sundays at 8 am & 9:30 am. Contact the church office (217-428-3327) if you are interested in helping assist in guest/welcome services.
Music Ensembles To Resume Wednesday, May 5, 7 pm
As we look towards in-person hospitality and activity, we need additional assistants at each of our worship services. I would like to have a music ensemble for each worship service: Saturdays at 5 pm and Sunday mornings at 8 am and 9:30 am. These groups are tentatively called Meadowlands 1, 2, & 3. You will lead the congregation in singing the hymns and leading our expanding list of familiar praise songs and choruses. While the ability to read music is helpful, and holding a musical pitch (no matter what size bucket) is expected, all those willing and able are welcome to join these small ensembles.
Building Fund Needs
The cost of this repair was nearly $2,000. Our building fund is not as robust as it should be to handle this expenditure in addition to anticipated capital needs associated with the elevator modernization project later this year. I am asking you to consider a one-time special offering or a recurring gift to increase our building fund balance by $5,000. Each donor with offering envelopes has building fund envelopes included to solicit support for costly maintenance and anticipated replacement, remodel, and repair costs outside of the operating budget. Please mark your donations "building fund" if not using a building fund envelope.
See you this weekend online or in person,
Blessings to you all,