St. Francis Xavier Families,

As you know, we are expecting a solar eclipse on Monday. While Massachusetts is not in the direct path of totality, we will still see about 90-95% of the eclipse. The solar eclipse will begin at 2:13 p.m. and will reach maximum coverage at 3:27 p.m. before ending at 4:37 p.m. We have just been given the recommendation from the diocese to dismiss early for both the safety of the students and the staff.

Therefore, on Monday April 8th, we will be dismissing at 1pm. We will offer extended care NO charge from 1-2:45pm and will begin charging per usual for extended day beginning at 2:45pm.

Students who remain in extended care will remain inside the gym and will not be going outside. We know this is a last minute shift, but as more information has come forth, we made this decision to minimize driving and dismissal during the height of the eclipse.

Please fill out the form below to let us know if you will need extended care so we can adequately staff our program.

In His Merciful Love,

Mrs. Rogers

Will you need extended care after 1pm Monday? CLICK HERE

Congratulations to all who won March Madness!

A BIG thank you to all who participated!



This is one of our largest fundraisers each year! Tickets will be $75/piece and for the first time this year, we are going to give you a $25/ticket credit towards your Family Fundraising Obligation! Please save-the-date for an awesome night of fellowship, food, music, and more!

CLICK HERE to BUY your Tickets

Thank you to all who sent in donations! Please continue to send in donations or contact Mrs. Rogers if you have an experience or service to donate!

Students may dress down on April 11th if their family has donated!

REBEL RUN: Boosterthon is around the corner! We are kicking off registration THIS TUESDAY!!! Stay tuned for more information!

Upcoming Calendar Need-to-Knows

Circle of Grace Curriculum

Beginning the week after Spring Break, the Circle of Grace Safe Environment Program will be instructed by our classroom teachers.

Please take the time to click below to access a Google Survey with additional information, grade level curriculum and acknowledgement of instruction... thank you!

CLICK HERE for the survey

Local Summer Camp Opportunities

Click here to register for BSHS Camps

A Picture Walk of the Week!

Lunch Menu
Master Calendar
CLICK HERE for the CORI Process