St. Francis Xavier Families,
TWELVE more days until the first day of school (K-8)! Soak up those beach days, late nights, and chances to sleep in because school will be here before we know it.
I am VERY excited to share that in keeping with our theme of TOGETHER, we have invited our local COMMUNITY to celebrate back to school with us! On Wednesday, August 28th at morning drop off we will have local firefighters, police, town administrators, and business owners joining us to welcome our students back to school.
Just as a reminder, if you want to take a photo with your child at drop off, PLEASE PARK. The rotary lane should be for students who are "jumping out" only. In order to help with traffic, please do not get out of your car in the rotary lane. (Families who wish to get out of the car, rather than just drop-off and drive-off, are welcome to park).
See you real soon at Supply Drop Off on August 26th!
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers