St. Francis Xavier Families,
On behalf of the faculty and staff here at St. Francis, we hope you and your family have a very blessed Easter!
We have been reminding the students that Easter is not just a day, but a season! Easter, in the church, lasts 50 days! We are looking forward to celebrating as a community when we return.
Today, the church celebrates Holy Thursday. This day commemorates the day Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his apostles. Today is the day where both the Eucharist and the Priesthood were instituted by Christ. In a special way today we want to thank Fr. Ryan for his vocation and for the many ways that he supports our work here at St. Francis especially by bringing the Sacraments to our community. We are so grateful for him!
Enjoy the Triduum, and have a great Easter! See you Tuesday!
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers