St. Francis Xavier Families,
It was a cold first week of spring, but thank God for the sunshine!
Many of our classes in PreK3-2nd grade have started their class projects to be auctioned off at our Benefit Banquet! They are coming out SO cute!
Some sneak peaks of what you can expect:
-A house in Portugal for a week
-A class field trip to Shaw's to cook in their kitchen and more!
-Various Rounds of golf
-A VIP parking space for the year
-and MORE!
Please consider buying your ticket as we only have a certain amount we are able to sell!
We are in need of baskets in order to make our silent auction baskets. If you have nice baskets at home that you are willing to donate, please send them in!
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers
Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school. Students should NOT have snacks or lunches that contain nuts. Thank you for your constant attention to this.