St. Francis Xavier Families,
This week the halls were filled with many Thanksgiving projects and activities in anticipation of next week. Students even enjoyed a yummy Thanksgiving Dinner at lunch one day.
Our School Board met this week as we continue to strategically plan for the future of St. Francis! We certainly have lots to be thankful for in our community!
We are SO excited to welcome Grandparents into the building on Monday with grades K-2. Grandparents are invited to join us for 9am Mass at the church and then down to the school for a light breakfast and some games!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE from Mrs. Reis! There are MANY families who have outstanding bills on FACTS incidental billing. We have tried to make it easier for our families by billing through FACTS for extended day and for school events, but we need families to be checking their accounts to pay off their balances. Thank you for your attention to this!
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers