St. Francis Xavier Families,

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! Please know that we are thankful for your children and for your continued partnership!

We had an AWESOME Grandparents Day! There were many smiles to be had all around. We LOVED having them in our building and sharing with them all the good things we are working on TOGETHER.

Remember-- we will see you back in person on TUESDAY. (Monday is a SAL Day because of NEASC).

In His Merciful Love,

Mrs. Rogers

CLICK BELOW to follow us!

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It is our Feast Day on Tuesday! We are excited to welcome our friends from the Bishop Stang Mass choir to sing at our Feast Day Mass!

Click HERE to GIVE on Giving Tuesday (or before)! 100% goes to our school and to the goal of enhancing our school safety!!


See you at 6pm with your decorated snowman and ornaments!

We will have the metal stakes for the snowmen on 12/6. If you'd like to send your snowmen in early, we can put it up for you.

Unfortunetly, there are NO more snowman sales as we have already picked them up from the artist.

ALL families have 10 cards! Unsold cards, cash/checks should be brought back to school on or BEFORE 12/20.

(Please note these do not go against your FFO but certainly help our school!)

See a list of the 2024-2025 SFX Gold Card Coupons!

A Fundraising Note from Mrs. Reis

  • We would like to get our Box Top program (long neglected) up and running! No more cutting of Box Top stamps, it's all smartphone app and scanning of receipts now! Please see attached flyer. You can link your Walmart account for even more rebates.
  • If you have any questions about Raise Right (Gift Card Purchases), please reach out to me. You can order e-cards or print from home cards at any time until the end of May. Physical cards we just order the one time as there is a shipping charge for those order. These do contribute towards your FFO!! Happy Shopping. :)
  • COOKIE DOUGH IS SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY ON WEDNESDAY. Please plan to pick up after school on Wednesday. Please note: we do NOT have the freezer space to hold your orders overnight. ALL orders must be picked up on Wednesday after school.

Mrs. Reis

CLICK HERE for more information!

Lots of Lost and Found! Please email me at if any of these items belong to you!

Please support our Middle School students


Important Dates/Things to Keep on Your Radar!

Because we know life gets busy-- we want you to have the date early so you can plan ahead!

Volunteer Opportunity!

Please consider volunteering THIS Sunday!

Click here to volunteer on 12/1!

Drama Club Updates

CLICK Here to Buy Tickets!
CLICK Here to purchase an ad for your STAR!

Ads are due by December 12th!

After School Opportunities/Clubs

CLICK HERE to Register!
Interested in Running an after school Club? Click Here!

Picture Walk of the Week!

CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 Master Calendar
Click Here for the Lunch Menu
CLICK HERE for the CORI Process