St. Francis Xavier Families,

Thank you again for your community support of our SAL days this year. Our teachers are working extremely hard collectively on our NEASC self-study report and really appreciate the dedicated time for this important work.

Included in the newsletter this week is an opportunity to sign up to volunteer for our All Saint's Day Trunk-or-Treat AND to sign up for parent-teacher conferences. In addition, please RSVP to Grandparents Day!

I have left the SmartGEN resources in for one more week, but will remove them next week, so please save or bookmark any of those resources you want for your family!

Enjoy the long weekend. (Just a reminder-- SAL day on Tuesday. We will see you on Wednesday).

In His Merciful Love,

Mrs. Rogers

PS. We post almost DAILY on our social media. Don't miss what's happening!! Follow us @sfxschool_acushnet

SmartGen Resources!

Click here to review the SmartGen presentation...
Click here for the Digital Family Plan
Click here for important safety resources for each App!


Please send all pledges to school on Wednesday for a LAST CALL collection!

Please click here to RSVP your student(s) grandparent(s)!

Volunteer Opportunities!

CLICK HERE to Volunteer from Trunk-or-Treat

Important Dates/Things to Keep on Your Radar!

Please note:  Attendance for SAL days is taken via the completion and turning in of work assigned for the day...otherwise the student is marked officially absent! 

To purchase tickets, please click here! (Tickets can NOT be purchased at the door!)

This is a grade 8 fundraiser that helps them raise money for all their special 8th grade activities! Bring your dancing shoes, creative costumes, and some cash for treats/drinks that night. Thanks in advance for your support of their efforts!

All parents are asked to attend! The home and school partnership is crucial for your child's success.

Middle School Parents: Please schedule a time to meet with your child's homeroom teacher where you will receive MAP scores. Appointments may be schedule with other subject area teachers if you feel that would be beneficial for your child's success!

PTC 3-8pm 10/24
PTC 12-4 10/25


After School Opportunities/Clubs

CLICK here if interested!

As mentioned via email... we have a coach for PreK, but would need more parents to step up. We need 7-10 kids to create a team. Please let us know if you are interested ASAP!

Click here to sign up for choir!
Interested in Running an after school Club? Click Here!

Community Happenings

Picture Walk of the Week!

CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 Master Calendar
Click Here for the Lunch Menu
CLICK HERE for the CORI Process