St. Francis Xavier Families,
Just a friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences for students in K-8 are Wednesday evening from 3-7pm and Thursday from 9-5pm. Please note that on THURSDAY students in grades K-8 are distance learning via a SAL Day (stay-at-home-learning). Students in PreK will have NO school due to conferences and scheduled PD for PreK teachers.
PreK families will have formal conferences in January. If at any time you'd like to meet with your child's teacher, please send them an email.
We expect all families make an appointment to meet with their child's teacher to review progress, MAP scores, and to further the home/school partnership. We look forward to connecting!
Also as the beautiful fall weather rolls in, please note that our playground will be used for extended day most days beginning at 3pm. We ask all students NOT part of our extended day to be off the playground by 3pm so our extended day friends can safely enjoy.
Extended Day parents, please check if you see a YELLOW sign on the door the kids are out back outside. If you see a PINK sign on the door it means they are in a classroom upstairs, so please ring the bell. When we have many activities going on after school, we often have to relocate extended.
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers