St. Francis Xavier Families,
Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to make Parent Teacher Conferences a priority. Especially this year as we look at reading growth, please take note of your child's MAP scores so we can all work together to see reading growth. (Remember-- reading at home is KEY!)
As you all know, Election Day (11/5) is around the corner. Please note: we have NO SCHOOL on Election Day because teachers have PD meetings with the diocese. I also wanted to share that the students we serve are at an age where they mostly "parrot what their parents" say in regards to politics. In order to minimize political talk in the classrooms, teachers are going to focus on the voting process without the politics. Students may experience voting about their favorite ice cream flavor, sports teams etc. We are going to encourage the political conversations be saved for your homes. (As a non-profit institution-- we are not allowed to share about a particular candidate.)
As a community, we have been praying for Election Day and our government leaders. We know
many people have strong feelings about this upcoming election, but our mission here at St. Francis remains the same regardless of the outcome... to educate minds and souls and to use faith and reason to guide us.
I hope you can understand this prudent decision that was collectively made for our community.
In His Merciful Love,
Mrs. Rogers
PS. We post almost DAILY on our social media. Don't miss what's happening!!
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