Sunday, October 22, 2023

11:00 a.m.

Join us this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. as Dr. Ryan Baer will preach a sermon entitled, What is at the Center? The scripture lessons for this week are Mark 11:8-20 and 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 6:1-5.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism of Hailey Campbell, Zoe Campbell, and Kyah Campbell. At the service, the Chancel Choir will sing The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune, by Ralph Vaughan Williams, as the anthem.

You can follow the livestream of the service on Facebook or YouTube. For instructions to follow livestream through Facebook or YouTube, click here. Find the text and audio from previous weeks' sermons, along with a copy of the bulletin, here.

AthHalf Pre-Race Service

October 22

Invite your racing friends and supporters to our informal worship at 6:30 a.m. on the Atrium. Due to the race there will be no 8:45 a.m. service on October 22.

Join us this Wednesday for a special Wed@First

This year we will enjoy pumpkin carving fun during Wednesday Night Dinner on October 25 in Fellowship Hall. This is a BYOP event (Bring Your Own Pumpkin and carving tools). Please make your reservation by noon on Monday, October 23. We will not have “Bumper Sticker Theology”, so there will be plenty of time for you to work on your pumpkin design!

Matthew 25 Movie and Conversation

The Matthew 25 Commission will be hosting a documentary viewing and PC(USA) conversation series about race and the church on the following Sunday nights: 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, and 11/12; 5:00-6:30 p.m. in Moses Waddel Room. Please RSVP at Light snacks will be provided.

For more information, please contact Dan Nadenicek at

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Offering

October 29

Children are invited to wear their church friendly costumes and will be Trick or Treating for UNICEF in the adult Sunday School classrooms and choir room during the Sunday school hour and following the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Atrium. Halloween Treats will be provided!

Volunteers Needed for Family Promise Host Weeks

October 29 - November 12

First Presbyterian will be the host church for Family Promise families October 29 - November 12 and we need your help to fill the volunteer slots. The families will be at the Milledge Avenue Baptist Church static site. If you are able to volunteer, please see a Family Promise Team member in the church atrium on Sunday morning, scan the QR code, or go to this webpage: Training required for new volunteers is very simple: you just have to watch an online video. For more information or questions, please contact Susan Boatwright at

Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest

November 5, 4:00 p.m.

The Wayne F. Middendorf Memorial Concert Series presents Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest, on Sunday, November 5, at 4:00 p.m., sung by the First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir with special guests, accompanied by chamber orchestra.

Casa Christmas Gift Cards

Aid low income Latino and Hispanic families with donations to provide $45 gift cards by November 6. Please make your check to First Presbyterian Church and note “Casa Christmas” in memo line - or give online at (please select “General Fund” under “Select a Fund,” and in the optional memo write “Casa Christmas”). The cards will be distributed earlier this year so families can use them for holiday gifts, food, etc. Thank you for your generosity!

News from Family Promise of Athens

We are running low on supplies at our static site and day center! Please go to our Amazon wishlist here, or drop items off at our Day Center (First Baptist: 355 Pulaski Street) or our Static Site (Milledge Avenue Baptist Church: 1690 S Milledge Ave).

Click here to read Fall@First.

Our Church Family


Christian Sympathy to:


Bill Adams on the death of his brother, Thomas Richard Adams.

October 19

Mia Nobbie

Bob Sanks

October 20

Judy Anderson

Alison Neufeld

October 21

Nan Barton

October 22

Judy Burch

John Coble

Bruce Miller

Luke Parker

October 23

Amber Bush

Elizabeth Childs

Jordan Osborne

Turner Trapnell

October 24

Terry Caven

Mary Jane Holloway

Johnny Hyers

Tommy Jackson, Sr.

Renee Middleton

October 25

Carl Bergmann

Karen Gilmore

Kinsey Harrison

Julie Hayes

Fran Lane

Jane Magrino

October 26

Bob Bostrom

Brady Padgett

Chris Pope


Please see for more information about the life of the church.

Looking Ahead

October 22

AthHalf Pre-Race Service@6:30 a.m.

Stewardship is Service

Ways To Serve Fair

Sunday School

Godly Play

God’s Mission Today Small Group

Worship Service at 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Atrium Fellowship Refreshments

Mission & Outreach Commission Meeting

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Celebration Singers Choir Rehearsal

M25 Movie and Conversation

Youth Group

October 23

Lay Caller Meeting via Zoom

High School Girls Bible Study Group

October 24

Our Daily Bread Breakfast

Northeast Georgia Stated Presbytery Meeting

Women's Small Group

Knitting Purls

Stephen Ministry Meeting

October 25

Knitting Purls 2


Shakespeare and Friends: Homer’s Odyssey


St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal


Wed@First Dinner+Pumpkin Carving


Chancel Choir Rehearsal

October 26

Weekday School Chapel

Mellows@Magnolia Estates

October 29

Worship Service at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Stewardship is Service

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Offering

Confirmation Kick-off

Sunday School

Godly Play

God’s Mission Today Small Group

Atrium Fellowship Refreshments

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Celebration Singers Choir Rehearsal

M25 Movie and Conversation

Youth Boo-ling at Showtime Bowl

First Presbyterian Church
185 E. Hancock Avenue
Athens, GA 30601
(706) 543-4338
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