February 8, 2024 Edition

Collect and Readings for February 11, 2024 | Last Sunday after the Epiphany

Christ comes to us in many ways. One is in the silence of worship, speaking to faithful people in the deepest parts of the hearts. In the Episcopal Church, we believe that Christ is really present in the consecrated bread and wine. Christ is also silently present in our worship spaces in bread and wine. When you enter an Episcopal church and see a light (usually red) near or behind the altar, this is an indication the consecrated sacrament is being “reserved” (reverently stored for future use). This is why we bow in reverence in the altar area, not to the altar, but in reverence to the silent presence of Christ.

Whether in the Altar Guild preparing for worship or serving a chalice, those who minister at the altar stand in the silent yet powerful presence of Christ. Many people have talked about how they are moved in their spirits by handling these holy articles, and how it is a deep touchstone for their faith. Something of the stillness and wonder and sense of the mystery of Christ’s last meal with his disciples reaches across the centuries. Loving grace is given in response to loving service. Click to read more.

This Week

Upcoming Opportunities

Sign Up for the Pancake Supper!
After Dark @ All Saints' Sign Up

You’re invited to find out more about All Saints’ Learning Gardens at the Organizational Meeting on Saturday, February 17, from 9:45-11:30 AM in the Welcome Center. We invite you to learn about perennial, herb, and vegetable gardening from an experiential learning program in the Gardens of All Saints’. No prior gardening experience is required. You will experience the joy of gardening with your children and grandchildren. This is a great opportunity for those who are unable to garden at home. As we grow perennials, herbs, and vegetables together you will be able to – Tend some, Take some, Share some! Time commitment: 4 hours per month working in the gardens with experienced gardeners (late March through-mid-August). Set workdays of two-hour duration will be established. Come learn about the joy of working outdoors, and the health and spiritual benefits of working in Creation at the Organizational Meeting on Saturday, February 17. Please reach out to our leadership team with any questions – Mark Robinson, Elizabeth Solomon, Teri Jones, Deborah Monroe, Bob Black, or Gary Kovar. You can find their contact information in Realm.

You have more time to donate to AYA House! AYA House women are moving to a bigger house that is totally unfurnished, and the AYA House team is asking for any new/gently used donations you might be able to give. The women are so very grateful to everyone who has donated so far. The end date for this sign-up is now February 29. We are happy to pick up any/all items or meet you at church to collect them. Just sign-up online! Click for details.

Grapevine | News from the Parish

At both Sunday services, the All Saints' Altar Guild was commissioned to serve. At the 9 AM service, the new Paschal candle holder and candle was blessed. We praise God!

You're Needed! Sign Up to Provide EYC Meals! We have enjoyed the outpouring in the provision of food for our group each Sunday, which has fed 15-20 mouths each time! We’d like to give special recognition to Stephen Ministries, who is on the calendar once a month, and to all the individuals who volunteer their resources and time to love us through food. If this is an area you or your ministry team are interested in helping with, please know we have plenty of grateful bellies you can fill! Click here to sign up!

We offer condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Haate Freeman, nephew of Emma Johnson, who entered into the Resurrection on January 21, 2024 in Emma's home country of Liberia. We offer her God's loving comfort during this time.

We offer praise and thanks for the birth of John Carlos Bonnyman to Norman Bonnyman and Hilary Albrecht on January 11, 2024. Grandparents Al and Jean Bonnyman joyfully announce the birth of their new grandson.

We offer praise and thanks for the birth of Maurice Elmen Benshoff to Dr. Matthew and Leemarie Benshoff on January 4, 2024. Grandparents Al and Kris Benshoff are happy to announce the birth of their new grandson. We share in their joy!

All Saints' 2023 Annual Report is here! You can view interactively online, download, share, or even print the Annual Report using the link below. If you would like a printed version of the Annual Report, please contact Church Administrator Stephanie Trosper at the church office, 704.782.2024, ext. 101.

Click to view or download the 2023 Annual Report

Opportunities to Worship

Worship on Sundays

All Saints' invites you to Holy Eucharist Services on Sundays. 

The first service is at 9 AM in the Parish Hall. The second service is at 11:10 AM in the Nave.

Both of these services are also live-streamed via Facebook Live and our YouTube Channel

Nursery is provided during both Sunday services, from 8:45 AM-12:30 PM, for children ages infant to 3-years-old.

Christian Formation | Sunday School for all ages at 10 AM.

EYC Youth (both Middle and High School) typically meet from 4:45-6:45 PM on Sundays in the Community & EYC rooms.

During the Week

Compline is led by our Compline Team on Facebook Live every Tuesday at 8 PM.

Noonday Prayer provides spiritual encouragement via Facebook Live on Wednesdays at Noon.

All Saints' Choirs 

The Resurrection Choir meets Sundays at 8:15 AM. The Choir of All Saints’ meets Sundays at 10 AM and Wednesdays at 7 PM. Bells of All Saints’ meets on Wednesdays at 6 PM. St. Nicholas Choir meets on Tuesdays, 5:30-6 PM. The Junior Choir of All Saints’ meets on Tuesdays, 6-7 PM. For details, contact Brian Sapp-Moore.

Older Wiser Laity (OWLs) typically meet in-person at the church on the second Thursday and have Zoom gatherings on the fourth Thursday of the month. For details, email Deacon Vern or call/text him.

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in-person, in the Welcome Center on the second Tuesday of the month, from 10 AM-Noon. For details, email Jan Millar or call her.

Saturday Morning Men's Group meets at 8 AM in the Welcome Center. Contact Mark Robinson or Chuck Collier for details.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is the foundation of the ministry of this parish. If you would like to request prayers, please share here. If you are hospitalized, please let the church know. If you are unable to make the call yourself, ask for the chaplain on call and they will make it for you. The church phone number is 704-782-2024.

Prayers have been requested for Julie's mother and family situation, Phil, Donald, and Charlotte.

We continue to keep Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in our prayers. Click for his latest health update.

The Lord be with you.