September 26, 2024 Edition

Collect and Readings for September 29, 2024 | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

I am grateful that while our rector of fourteen years, The Reverend Nancy Cox, is away on a much-deserved sabbatical, we are blessed with clergy who are familiar faces to our congregation to conduct our Sunday worship. As Senior Warden I am increasingly aware this year of how they help hold us together with pastoral duties far beyond Sunday services.

The Reverend Dr. Jim Bernacki joined the All Saints’ staff as Priest Associate in the summer of 2019. A native of the Buffalo, New York area (and I understand a Buffalo Bills fan) Click to read more.

On Friday, September 27, the church office’s opening will be delayed until 1:30 PM due to concern for staff’s safety as hurricane Helene moves through our area. 

In the meantime, our prayer is for safety, not only of ourselves, but for those in Helene’s path elsewhere.

Almighty God, by your Word you laid the foundations of the earth, set the bounds of the sea, and still the wind and waves. Surround us with your grace and peace, and preserve us through this storm. By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, strengthen those who work to rescue or rebuild, and fill us with the hope of your new creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Anglican BCP 2019, pg. 654)

This Week

Adult Christian Formation | Responding to Christian Nationalism With Rev. Sally Johnston | September 29 at 10 AM | This follow-up class will focus on the intersection of faith and advocacy: how being a Christian and a patriot are not mutually exclusive, but can become problematic when merged. We’ll discuss helpful and fruitful responses to this ideology as well as those things that are either counter-productive or of little value. Click here to access helpful definitions and resources.

Youth Formation | Lemonade & Lesson on the Lawn! Sprouts, Saplings AND Young Trees will meet together at 10 AM this Sunday for lemonade, donuts, and fellowship outside! Also, EYC Family Game Night starts at 4:30 PM this Sunday – ALL are invited! Bring your favorite game and your favorite dish to share. Dinner will be a “potluck” of sorts, but keep it simple. No pressure. Teens are impressed by food that goes in their mouths, period. Gary the Guitar Guy will also be facilitating a MarioKart on the big screen situation.

Click to sign up to provide EYC meal items!

Upcoming Events

Voting Absentee by Mail | North Carolina has no-excuse absentee voting. After a court-ordered delay absentee ballots started mailing out this week with nearly 5,000 for Cabarrus County and more than 207,000 statewide.


If you would like to use this method to vote, you may apply online. You can also print a request form (English / Spanish) and submit the form to your county board of elections in person or by mail.


If you do plan to vote by mail, be sure to allow plenty of time to receive and return your ballot. All absentee ballots must be received by your county board of elections by Election Day, November 5. If you have any questions about how to vote (but not who to vote for), please see Martin Ericson.

All Saints’ is hosting our annual Blessing of the Pets on Sunday, October 6 at 4:30 PM in the church courtyard, right outside the Welcome Center. This service is traditionally held on the Sunday closest to Saint Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day. “All pets are welcome” – dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, snakes, birds, lizards, and more – all are welcome to come and receive a blessing! We will have exhibitors from local animal rescue and pet charities. We will also be holding a pet food drive to support rescued animals, and those needing assistance in feeding their animal companions. You can bring pet food with you to church anytime between now and the event, or bring it with you on October 6 at 4:30 PM. The collected food will be given to animal shelters to help defray some of their costs and also to the Splashpaw Foundation, which provides pet care assistance to shut-ins and others that may not have the resources to care for their pets. So bring your furry, feathered, and scaly companions to All Saints’ at 4:30 PM on October 6 to have them blessed, and enjoy some fun and fellowship with fellow pet owners. If you have questions about the event, please contact Rhonda Kovar.

Food Drive through October 8 | The Girl Scout Troop that has started meeting at All Saints' is conducting a food drive for CCM through October 8. We've been invited to participate! If you'd like to donate food items for the drive, simply leave them in the food bin in the Welcome Center.

All Saint’s will host another American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, October 9 from 2:30 until 7:00 PM. Last drive we barely made our goal of 30 units. So far only 24 of 48 appointments have been taken.


If you can "contribute" to this essential need, please go to and type “allsaints” in the Find a Drive box. From the results pick the drive in Concord, unless you have time to drive to Virginia or Arizona (though I am sure they would welcome you). Contact Martin Ericson, if you have any questions.

Save the Date! CROP Hunger Walk on October 13 | Come join your friends and neighbors as they march against hunger in the annual CROP Hunger Walk. This year, the walk will start at Kimball Memorial Church, 101 Vance Street, Kannapolis, at 2:00 PM Sunday October 13. It’s a wonderful walk though Kannapolis. Your donations will fight hunger in Cabarrus County and internationally. Bring your family, bring your dog, invite your friends. Any questions, contact Don Foskey.

Sign up to walk or donate here

You are invited to join the study of "John: The Gospel of Light and Life" starting Sunday, October 13 through November 17, during the 10 AM Adult Christian Formation hour. The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” 

Let's experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal during a six-week study of Adam Hamilton’s John: The Gospel of Light and Life. We’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. Chuck Collier will lead the discussion following a short video at the start of each session. Please purchase the book, which is available on Amazon for $15.52. Contact Chuck Collier, if you have any questions.

All Saints’ is taking over the recently-renovated Gem Theatre in Kannapolis on Saturday, October 26 at 9:30 AM as a fundraiser to benefit the Concord/Kannapolis PFLAG chapter! The theatre will be ours for the morning, so let’s fill up the seats with all the saints and your friends! In celebration of this slightly spooky season and La Día del Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), we saints will be screening the Disney/PIXAR movie "Coco" on the big screen! This will be a family event that will be appropriate for all ages (this movie is rated PG). "Coco" is filled with moving music and the tenderness of family relationships. You are invited to come in your favorite costumes, too, if you like! Concessions will be available but are not included in the cost of your ticket.

Get your tickets here!

A Case for Love to be released Oct. 1 on streaming platforms! A Case for Love, a feature-length documentary inspired by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s message of love, will be released Oct. 1 on all cable, satellite, and digital platforms where films can be rented or purchased. Learn more about the film.

Grapevine | News from the Parish

We offer congratulations and praise for the birth of Violet Rose Campechano Stead, daughter of Jonathan Stead, granddaughter of Barbara Horne-Stead and Kenneth Stead, born on September 13, 2024. We rejoice with the family and pray God's blessing over them all.

Don’t let the scammers get you! One of our sister churches reports scammers targeting their congregation. Your clergy and church staff, whether local or traveling, will never request funds in the form of gift cards. If you receive any such requests, please report them to the church office.

We offer condolences and prayers for the family and friends of Kathy Oxx, a longtime member of All Saints', who entered the Resurrection on Friday, September 13.

Kathy's funeral service/celebration of life will take place at a later time. Please keep Kathy's husband George and their children in your prayers, as well as their larger circle of family and friends. May Kathy and all the departed rest in Christ's peace and be raised with Him in glory. Click for the obituary.

Opportunities to Worship

Worship on Sundays

All Saints' invites you to Holy Eucharist Services on Sundays. 

The first service is at 9 AM in the Parish Hall. The second service is at 11:10 AM in the Nave.

Both of these services are also live-streamed via Facebook Live and our YouTube Channel

Nursery is provided during both Sunday services, from 8:45 AM-12:30 PM, for children ages infant to 3-years-old.

Christian Formation | Sunday School for all ages at 10 AM.

EYC Youth (both Middle and High School) meet from 4:45-6:45 PM on Sundays in the Community & EYC rooms.

During the Week

Compline is led by our Compline Team on Facebook Live every Tuesday at 8 PM.

Noonday Prayer provides spiritual encouragement via Facebook Live on Wednesdays at Noon.

All Saints' Choirs The Resurrection Choir meets Sundays at 8:15 AM. The Choir of All Saints’ meets Sundays at 10 AM. The St. Nicholas Choir meets Tuesdays from 5:30-6 PM. The Jr. Choir of All Saints’ meets Tuesdays from 6-7 PM. Interested? Contact Brian Sapp-Moore.

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in-person, in the Welcome Center on the second Tuesday of the month, at 10 AM. Contact Jan Millar.

Older Wiser Laity (OWLs) meet in-person at the church on the second Thursday and via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of the month. Contact Deacon Vern for details.

Weekly Small Groups | Tuesdays at 3 PM via Zoom; contact Charles McKinley or Brenda Trott for link.

Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom; contact Chuck Collier for link. Fridays at 10 AM in the church parlor; contact Lynda Waller. Saturday Morning Men's Group at 8 AM in the Welcome Center; contact Mark Robinson or Chuck Collier.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is the foundation of the ministry of this parish. If you would like to request prayers, please share here. If you are hospitalized, please let the church know. If you are unable to make the call yourself, ask for the chaplain on call and they will make it for you. The church phone number is 704-782-2024.

Prayers have been requested for Thomasina, Dana, Kathy, Crystal, Donda, and Janet.

The Lord be with you.