August 10, 2022
Weekly World News Update
China Taiwan Tensions, Climate Bill Passes, Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Attack, Israel-Gaza Ceasefire, Kenya’s Elections, Blinks Travels to Africa
Conflict Creeps Closer between China and Taiwan
"China Halts Military Drills Around Taiwan but 'War Preparation Continues" Helen Davidson, The Guardian – August 10, 2022

Why Taiwan Matters” Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson – Project Syndicate – August 9, 2022

"Taiwan Warns China Drills Show Ambitions Beyond Island" Johnson Lai, AP News – August 9, 2022

Beijing's Taiwan Aggression Has Backfired in Tokyo” William Sposato, Foreign Policy – August 8, 2022

Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense” Lindsay Maizland, Council on Foreign Relations – August 3, 2022
Photo BBC
Senate Passes Historic Climate Bill
"History's Greatest Obstacle to Climate Progress Has Finally Fallen" Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic – August, 7, 2022

Senate Passes Historic Climate Bill – Here’s What Comes Next” Benjamin Storrow, Scientific American – August 8, 2022

Photo Getty Images
UN Fears For Russian Controlled Nuclear Plant
Israel-Gaza Ceasefire: How Long Will It Last?
"Israel and Gaza Keep Up Their Precarious Dance" Neri Zilber, The Washington Institute – August 9, 2022

"Next Time Israel Fights Gaza, It Could Face A Nuclear Iran" Chuck Freilich, Haaretz – August 9, 2022

Photo Reuters
Spotlight on Kenya's Presidential Election
Why Kenya’s Upcoming Election Is a Crucial Test for Democracy” Sanya Mansoor, Time – August 8, 2022

Kenya’s Presidential Election Looks Too Close to Call” The Economist – August 7, 2022

In Kenya’s 2022 Elections, Technology and Data Protection Must Go Hand-in-Hand” Rose Mosero, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace – August 8, 2022

Photo BBC
Blinken Travels to Africa for Three-Country Tour

Antony Blinken Visits Africa, Vying With Russia for Favor on Continent Hit by Rising Food Prices” Jessica Donati & Gabriele Steinhauser, The Wall Street Journal – August 7, 2022

Biden Administration Launches Africa Strategy. But the Real Target Seem to be China, Russia” Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times – August 8, 2022

"Rwanda: Human Rights Should Be Priority on Blinken Trip" Human Rights Watch – August 8, 2022
Weekly World News Update is a collection of sources to help readers better understand what is happening around the world and the policy implications of these developments. Any opinions expressed in the above articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the World Affairs Councils of America, which takes no institutional positions on matters of policy.