Weekly e-Epistle
St. James' Mill Creek
Wilmington, Delaware

October 2nd, 2022

We'd love for you to join us!

We would be pleased if you joined us in person or online from the comfort of your home for church services via Facebook Live at 9:30am.


Sunday Bulletin (October 2nd)

The Bishop’s visit to a parish is an ancient tradition dating back to the earliest days of the Church. Formerly church communities were located in a city center and everyone would come and be a part of the services. At some point communities began to spread out into more rural areas, and churches were established in those areas. Because there were too many places for a bishop to be at once, the visitation from the local bishop became a time of celebration for a church community.


Join us this Sunday as we welcome the Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown for his official visit with us and feel our connection with the greater church here in Delaware and throughout the world. Bishop Brown will join us for a reception in the Great Hall following our service. We hope to see you there!

St. James' Reading Group

Conversations at Wednesday Morning Church and Monday Morning Bible Study have led to forming a book group at St. James'. Our first book will be Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill. This book is available through Amazon, and if you'd like us to order a copy for you, let us know by October 1. To join, contact Fr. Ben. Our first meeting will be the week of October 23. Date and time to be determined by those who are interested. This group is open to all!


Please join us!

Link for book on Amazon

2022 Annual Bazaar

Friday, 11/4 & Saturday, 11/5

10:00 AM – 300 PM Both Days

Bake Shop News

We will have Homemade items this year.

Please bring your baked goods, jams, jellies, pickles, candies, etc.

to the

Parish House at the following times.

                       Thursday, November 3rd                          5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

                       Friday, November 4th                               8:00 am – 2:30 pm

                       Saturday, November 5th                           8:00 am – 12:00 pm


The Bazaar Ladies Will Need Help

Sunday, October 30th

After the 9:30 Service

Items in the Bazaar Workshop need to be brought upstairs.

       Like last year, all items are going to the Dining Hall.

      We appreciate any help you are willing to provide.

Please plan to attend our Annual Bazaar. It is a great time to spend time with family and friends and to support our Church.

See you at the Bazaar,

 The St. James’ Bazaar Ladies

Note: If you would like to sign up there is a Sign up sheet in the parish hall by the front door.

The Psalms - Sunday Morning Adult Class - Beginning October 9

Each week and whenever we gather for worship, we read (or sing) one of beautiful songs passed down to us throughout the time. In this five week session we'll look at a few different psalms, learn about the different kinds of psalms with the Bible, and gain a new appreciation for how the psalms are used in worship.


No reading or preparation is required for participation!


Contact Fr. Ben for more information or with any questions.

Please support hurricane recovery efforts

Episcopal Relief & Development mobilizes in coordination with local partners to provide assistance to those affected by hurricanes. Please contribute to the Hurricane Relief Fund to support relief and recovery efforts.

St. James' Mission and Outreach updates

Sharing God’s gifts with others.


Thank you all for your generosity and caring that made and make these offerings possible. 


Our next Emmanuel Dining Room lunch is Halloween--Monday, October 31st 

Our guests will enjoy meatball subs, chips, a banana, and homemade cookies and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a small “goodie” bag to take away for later. Looking for ways to help? Please consider one of the options below:

·     Join us to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the Parish Hall kitchen after the service coffee hour on Sunday, October 30th. This is an extra snack or meal for later for our guests being served the next day. (Masks and gloves, please.)

·      Provide some homemade cookies (or store-bought cookies) please bring them to the Parish Hall kitchen marked EDR by Sunday, October 31st. You are welcome to put homemade cookies into the freezer to keep them fresh.

·        Bring a bag of candy. We are continuing our tradition of making “goodie” bags with some extra treats for Halloween. If you’d like to provide snack-sized individually wrapped candies, please leave them in the parish hall kitchen marked EDR by Sunday, October 31st.

·        Questions: please text or call Pat Minor 302-983-6299 or Cindy Fauerbach 302-584-8053.


Prayer Team Updates

The prayer team continues to lift up prayer requests shared by parishioners through emails or calls to the church office at 302-994-1584, to individual members of the prayer team, or requests left in the prayer basket in the church foyer. We collect the prayer requests and other concerns of the parish, community, and world. They are compiled weekly and then these requests are lifted up in the daily prayers of the team members. All are welcome and encouraged to share their prayers.

For those who have an immediate prayer need, we invite you to email your prayer needs and request to Carolyn Mack at cdmack37@gmail.com or call 302-565-8675

St. James' Pastoral Care Team

St. James' Pastoral Care Team continues to support our parish family and our community.

If you or someone you know is in need, we: 

·        send cards, make phone calls, and pray with you and/or for you.

·        For now, in an abundance of caution, our home, hospital, and Eucharistic visits are on hold.

Please call the office (302-994-1584) and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. Messages are retrieved daily, seven days a week.

Please let us know if you need us or someone you know needs us. We will not know if you do not tell us.

“Blessful” Meditations

We all know that life can be a little stressful and hectic sometimes. We hope that by reading this short bible passage and watching a relaxing video will help you take a moment and reflect on God’s gifts.  


"Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold on to what is good."

A Prayer of Morning Resolve

I will try this day to live a simple, sincere and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and the habit of holy silence; exercising economy in expenditure, generosity in giving, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust, and a childlike faith in God.

In particular I will try to be faithful in those habits of prayer, work, study, physical exercise, eating, and sleep which I believe the Holy Spirit has shown me to be right.

And as I cannot in my own strength do this, nor even with a hope of success attempt it, I look to thee, O Lord God my Father, in Jesus my Savior, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Find more Morning Psalm and prayers please visit


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St. James' Mill Creek
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
