The COVID-19 Coronavirus and St. James’ Finances
Dear Parishioners of St. James’ Church:
Bishop Brown has said, we are all learning to live in a different world that is difficult and challenging for all of us. One of these challenges has been the suspension of public worship at St. James.’ In conjunction with Governor Carney’s state of emergency (SOE) declaration, Bishop Brown initially suspended all public worship services within the Episcopal Church in Delaware for two weeks effective March 12. This past week, he extended this suspension through Friday, May 15.
What is not suspended however, are the costs of maintaining the Church, Parish House, Rectory, Cemetery Grounds and paying our Rector and staff. In addition, due to the temporary closure of the Pre-school we are losing rental income (~$1250/mo.) that contributes to the Operating Budget. There are significant additional contributions typically received during Easter ($3500 – $4000) that are at risk.
We prayerfully are asking that during this time of suspension, you remember St. James’ by keeping your pledge up to date. For those of you who have not pledged, all contributions are most welcome. This is a time of great stress for all and we appreciate that you keep St. James in your thoughts and prayers.
The Wardens, Vestry and Financial Advisory Committee of St. James’ Mill Creek