Family Ministry News
This Sunday - 10 March, 2019
Sundays of Lent
A Reflection for this Season:
Early one morning, his companions, knowing that Francis of Assisi was too weak to walk, went to a poor labouring man of the country, and prayed him, for the love of God, to lend his ass to Brother Francis their father, for he was not able to travel on foot…Then that good man made ready the ass with great care and devotion, and brought it to St Francis, and with great reverence caused him to mount thereon…Now when they had gone forward a little, the peasant said to St Francis: ‘Tell me, art thou Brother Francis of Assisi?’ And St Francis answered, ‘Yes.’ ‘Take heed, then,’ said the peasant, ‘that thou be in truth as good as all men account thee; for many have great faith in thee, and therefore I admonish thee to be no other than what the people take thee for.’ [1]

A thought for reflection: Have you ever considered yourself to be one to whom people look for help, an example of faithful living? 

As we begin this season of penitence I offer this exercise to you. While taking inward looks; personal inventories of self and reconsidering our relationship with God in faith, are both practical and necessary part of our lives, we also need to look outward at our role in the world about us. 

Francis never lost sight of his role as a man of God to be an example to others. We too have a role, a responsibility to be Christ-like to the world. 

In this season of Lent lets examine our roles in the life of the church, in the life of the faithful. Ask yourself, How do I exemplify Christ to others? How am I living the life of the Gospel call? When do I go out into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit of God? 

And then thank God for each of those opportunities and rejoice!

[1] Of the Sacred and Holy Stigmata of Saint Francis and Of the First Consideration