Family Ministry News
10 February, 2019
The Sundays after Epiphany

Ice fascinates me. It seems to have the ability to form everywhere- on window ledges and building corners; on sidewalks and roadways. Some of it is beautiful and some of it dangerous. During this time of year it can be seen all around. This is called abundance.
We see examples of abundance everywhere in nature - and with Groundhog Day behind us, and Punxsutawney Phil not finding his shadow, we’re in for an early spring. Soon we will see more wildflowers in a field than we can count and so many greening trees in the forest that we can't see beyond them. But for now, we are comfortable with the abundance in the number of snowflakes that float from the sky and content to pine for the time when we will be counting the grains of sand along the shore.
We learn about God's abundance in the Bible. Jesus was by the shore of a lake where fishermen were washing their nets. He asked Simon to take him out in the boat because great crowds of people were pressing in on him. Jesus spoke to the people from Simon's boat and taught them about God's word. Then he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4).
Simon answered, "Master, we worked all night, and took nothing; but at your word I will let down the net" (Luke 5:5).
When the fishermen let down their nets, as Jesus had instructed them to do, they caught so many fish that their nets began to break. They signaled to fishermen in another boat who came to help them. The great number of fish that had been caught filled both boats.
The lesson is about God's abundance. We see God's abundance in nature and in God’s love which is available to all of us. God's love is more than enough.

See you in Church!