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Weekly e-Newsletter
Marinade on Main will host this month's networking mixer TONIGHT, Thursday, August 18! As usual, we will have food, beverages, networking, opportunity drawings, and FUN!

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Laura Leeman at

Attending a mixer is a great opportunity to get exposure for your business. Learn more (and prepay online if you wish) at

This Week's Live Lunch with the Chamber
We had a great time visiting with Mary Knight and her crew yesterday when we held LIVE Lunch with the Chamber at Knight's Mattress and Furniture. They are conveniently located in the Sun Valley Shopping Center at 1310 Main Street, just behind our office. See the video for more info!

Many thanks to Kristina Ramirez Steinberg for your excellent videography and photography skills!
If you are a Chamber member and interested in being featured during LIVE Lunch, please let us know. We do this every Wednesday at Noon.

If you would like to become a member, it's quick and easy to do so online, or you can call our office at 760-789-1311. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
In the News
  • The new Branch Manager at the Ramona Library, Beverlee Cabral, has helped roll out in-person programs (read more)

  • The 41st annual Ramona Rodeo coming up on August 26-28 feature riding and timed events, barrel racing (read more)
Now Hiring!
Would your business like to add or update an existing job listing? Or, do you know someone looking for a job?

We added a listing for Gathering Blue Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine today. We also have an opening for an Administrative Assistant position here at the Chamber; the application period closes this Friday, August 19.

Please visit for details.
Upcoming Community Events
  • 8/19 Fri at 9 am – Mobile Food Pantry at Ramona Food & Clothes Closet thanks to Feeding San Diego (details)

  • 8/20 Sat – Corazon Fundraiser at First Congregational Church (details)

  • 8/23 Tues – Feeding San Diego food distribution at the Ramona Library 3-5pm (details)

  • 8/26 – 8/28 Ramona Rodeo. Tickets can only be purchased online at

  • 10/14-10/16:  This year's Ramona Motorcycle Rally will be held at the Ramona Outdoor Community Center. Details at
To keep up on more local events, please follow our Ramona Events page on Facebook and visit
The Chamber Corner
We are including the following information weekly to ensure that new members are aware of these opportunities:

Small Business Stimulus Grant funding is available until it is exhausted, or 2024. Please answer the questions below to determine your eligibility:
NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS: we are transitioning to an annual billing system starting February 1, 2023; new memberships will be prorated and renewal invoices will be adjusted to credit any "overpayment" from this year. If February is not a good renewal time for you, please let us know and we will work with you; we can also set up a monthly payment plan.
If you need more information or assistance, please visit our website at, call us at 760-789-1311, or email our Office Manager, Laura Leeman, at

To keep up on current events and news, please Like or Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!
Many thanks to our annual sponsors!