Back by Popular Demand: House Churches during Lent

Our House Churches during Advent were a great success, bringing members of our St. James’s community together in a way we haven’t been able to congregate since last March. Now we’re creating more House Churches during Lentfrom February 21 through Easter Sunday, April 4. To learn more, watch this video by Blake and Hilary. 

Registration ends Wed., February 3. You can find the registration form here.

Before you register, think about how you want to participate: 
  • In-Person House Church Small groups that meet on Sunday evenings in person, socially distanced, and outside to worship, pray, and share in fellowship (masks required). Friends and Neighbors welcome!
  • Family House Church A single family gathering together weekly in your home.
  • Zoom House Church A group will meet on Sunday evenings on Zoom to worship
and pray.

To know more, contact Hilary or Blake.
Jan. 20th, Wed. Night
Fellowship & Study
The Gospel according to Mark
Fellowship: 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Discussion: 6:30 - 7:30 pm

 Join the Rev. Hilary Streever for an overview of Mark, the oldest and shortest gospel account. We are now in Year B of our three-year lectionary cycle, meaning we will hear primarily from the Gospel according to Mark on Sundays. To register for the Zoom link, click here.

Plus, the Good Book Club Bible Challenge 2021 is encouraging Episcopalians everywhere to read the entire Book of Mark from January 1 to Shrove Tuesday, February 16! It’s not too late to join this ministry of Forward Movement for support and to connect with other Episcopalians here: -- it even is a daily podcast! (
A Special Musical Collaboration for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of universal equality, justice, peace and love--combined with his philosophy of non-violence and courage in the face of certain danger--has never been more timely or essential. Sadly, our traditional Martin Luther King with the Norfolk State University choir will not happen this year. But our commitment to celebrating and elevating Dr. King’s ideals is as strong as ever. With that in mind, The St. James’s Choir has once again joined the Norfolk State University Choir, but this year we are performing a virtual choir rendition of “We shall walk through the valley in peace,” by Undine Smith Moore. Ms. Moore is often called the "Dean of Black Women Composers," and she served on the music faculty of Virginia State University. It is a very simple, but deeply compelling piece. Here’s a link to this special performance

If you’re looking for ways to celebrate the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. or raise your awareness, here are a few ideas: 
Upcoming events Wednesday Fellowship & Study
  • February 3 “I Had No Idea You Were Black: Navigating Race on the Road to Leadership” Dr. Ron Crutcher, University of Richmond president, musician, and member of St. James’s will speak about his powerful new memoir. 
  • February 10 — Racial Justice and Reconciliation Team — This grassroots ministry was formed over the summer .Come learn about their mission and some of their endeavors, including the Sacred Ground small groups and the History of St. James’s research project.
To register for the Zoom link, click here.
Fellowship: 6 to 6:30 p.m. Study: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
A project for MLK Weekend and beyond:
  • Evergreen and East End Cemetery Clean Ups — These two adjacent historic black cemeteries, overgrown from years of neglect and lack of funds, are in the process of being cleaned up. Bring your gardening gloves and join in the powerfully holy work of restoring sacred ground this Saturday or any Saturday! Please complete the Volunteer Agreement before you go. Go to and click on Saturday Clean Ups to learn more.
Each of Us is A Powerful Piece of the St. James's Puzzle

After the 1994 fire in our sanctuary, a sculpture and decorative arts conservator uncovered a glass mosaic that had fused to a brick wall. During this quiet time of the pandemic, he has taken time to examineand piece togetherour mysterious jigsaw puzzle. You can see Moses and the Ten Commandments, swirls of wind or fire, women holding hands, a man playing an instrument, and possibly in a worship celebration.

Like this mosaic, it takes more than money to bring our church together. But stewardship does play an essential role, as it funds our mission and outreach, our active education programs, our amazing children & youth efforts, our fellowship, and everything else that makes St. James’s so special. If you haven’t yet made your 2021 pledge, please go to
or call Suzanne Hall at 355-1779 x335 to make a gift.

Also, if you have any information about this mosaic, contact Suzanne Hall.
Mardi Gras is February 16th!

The St. James’s Mardi Gras for Mission & Outreach is too bigand too essentialto be slowed down by a pandemic. We have awesome and surprising plans that we’ll share over the next few weeks about this year’s virtual event.

But for now, save the date, February 16. And be on the lookout in the eChimes for more
Totally Trivial. Completely Fun.
Saturday, February 6th

St. Jimmy’s Trivia Night is coming Saturday, February 6 from 8 to 9:30 pm. This freeand incredibly fun-- virtual trivia contest is a great way to have fun with your family and your fellow St. James’s parishioners. (Not to mention, earn some bragging rights.)

It works like a classic bar trivia game except you’re sitting on your couch or bed or at the kitchen table with your family. The event is organized through Trivia Throwdown Online, and hosted by fellow Virginia Episcopalian, Michael Wade. Let’s get together! Here’s the Zoom link.
It's a great time to stretch yourself.

St. James’s on-going yoga community classes are eager to have you join in. These Zoom sessions happen every Monday: Beginners at 2:30PM and a Level 1 class at 4PM. For details and Zoom link, contact, St. James's parishioner and yoga instructor, Sarah Eck.

Can your closet help clothe someone in need?

CARITAS CENTER is opening its doors to new residents, and the staff and volunteers are creating clothing closets. Please review the attached list and see if you have new or gently used clothing that you can offer. Everything should be freshly washed or dry cleaned. No rips, stains or tears.

Please call CARITAS at 804-358-0964 to set up a drop-off appointment. If you have questions, please contact church member, Jennifer Pollard via email or at 540-645-9611.
The Episcopal Church actively creates programs and news of interest. Starting this week, the eChimes will begin featuring resources we think could be of special interest to members of St. James’s...y’know, like you. 

“From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference” is a campaign inviting Episcopalians and our neighbors to engage in one-to-one listening and sharing across the many differences that separate us. Echoing the Latin phrase on the U.S. seal – E Pluribus (“from many”) Unum (“one”) – and following in the footsteps of Jesus, we trust that the spiritual practice of conversation across difference can help to knit us all into a diverse, more perfect union. In a cultural moment shadowed by pandemic, fractious politics, and deep division within families, communities, and nations, we have the opportunity as people of faith to partner in simple ways to celebrate difference, listen with curiosity, and promote healing. Each of us can make a difference. To learn more, go to here.
Do you have our App?
Make sure to check out the new updates on our App. On the App, You will find tools like giving, streaming, and the bulletins. It is highly recommended to use the app as an alternative to paper bulletins.