Rev. Sally Fritsche
Sunday, May 15
10:15 am at UUCUC
Sunday, May 22
10:15 am at UUCUC
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Sunday, May 29
10:15 am at UUCUC
Join us at 11:30 (or immediately following the service) for an in-person fellowship with coffee, beverages, and treats in Fellowship Hall. Food and drink are now allowed within the church building, and masks are still encouraged when not eating or drinking.
Your contributions and support allow us to continue to respond with love and resources to the needs in our congregation and the wider community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are grateful to each of you.
- Online Donations
- If you prefer mailing a check, please mail the check to the UUCUC office at 309 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801. While our building is currently closed to the public, our staff continues to process checks via mail on a weekly basis.
Please consider donating to the Little Free Pantries run by Julie Laut (Urbana) and AJ Herzog (Champaign), which they have maintained year-round since March 2020. Their Amazon wish list has been updated to include unique summer items. The wishlist can be sorted to identify high priority items. All orders sent through Amazon are delivered to Julie's house and split between the two pantries. You are also welcome to drop off items in person at both locations. Questions? Contact Julie (jlaut@hushmail.com) or AJ (zogs92@gmail.com).
From Jerry Carden: A candle of gratitude for the joyful group that participated in the cleanup of our church grounds yesterday, and spread multiple wheelbarrow loads of mulch to our various garden beds and butterfly garden. It truly was a garden party!
From Natalie Danner: Thank you to all who helped spruce up the grounds around the church on Saturday. It was a fun way to get to know people, get your hands dirty, and have fun while helping beautify the space.
From Becky Densmore: For the beauty of the building and grounds. Thank you to all for your contributions to ensure our church home continues to shine.
From KJ Kroha: For countries/people's to be remembered: The people of Tigray. Those in the little corners of Ukraine who have not evacuated, can't evacuate. Alexyei Novalney. US hostages in Syria, Russia. All hostages of human trafficking's. All hostages- may they all be free
From Pat McClard: For that big beautiful sun that I was missing this week.
From Lane Schwartz: Joy amidst sorrow at the re-opening of old deep wounds, and the work of reconciliation long overdue.
From Umeeta Sadarangani: Yesterday, Marilyn celebrated her 65th birthday. She’s amazed to be of Medicare age! I am so very grateful for her presence in our world.
Please send your joys or sorrows to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud .
UUCUC Social Action Offering. Each month a selected organization is chosen to receive offerings from our congregation. You may donate to the social action offering for the month in one of the following ways:
- Online Donations
50/50 Shared Offering via Online Donation (your contribution is equally split between UUCUC and the recipient of our monthly social action organization)
50/50 Shared Offering available via Text (your contribution is equally split between UUCUC and the recipient of our monthly social action organization)
- If you prefer mailing a check, please mail the check to the UUCUC office at 309 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801. While our building is currently closed to the public, our staff continues to process checks via mail on a weekly basis.
The Lakota Law Project was started in 2004 when a group of Lakota grandmothers asked for an investigation of South Dakota Social Services, which was removing large numbers of Lakota children from their homes. The Lakota Child Rescue Project found that social services had a pattern of drugging and removing native children from their families, and subjecting them to mental and physical abuses in foster care, leading to high levels of youth suicides. This first project continues today, along with several others.
The Lakota People’s Law Project works closely with other tribal nations to amplify Indigenous voices, provide on the ground support when needed, and to stop threats to their culture and tradition of living in relation to all things. They are working to safeguard human rights, protect sacred lands and waters, and promote sustainability.
The LPLP has been actively defending water protectors who are peacefully taking a stand against construction of oil pipelines running through their land. They are working to protect native voting rights and the right to protest. They are actively reminding the US Congress to safeguard the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), and the Boarding School Truth and Healing Commission.
The LPLP is under the umbrella of their parent organization, the Romero Institute, a 501(c)3 interfaith, nonprofit, law and public policy center working for social and environmental justice.
Please read this letter from Madonna Thunder Hawk, one of the founders of the Lakota People’s Law Project, to our congregation.
During the month of March, our shared offering was able to raise $2,273.00 in March for WIN Recovery.
WIN Recovery is a local nonprofit founded to support women and those who identify as women as they return to our community after experiencing incarceration. The number of women incarcerated in IL and nationwide has exploded in the past few decades, growing by 700%. Many of the women are sent to prison as part of sweeps of their drug-dealing boyfriends or husbands, even if they had no knowledge of the activity. Tragically, they often get longer sentences than the drug-dealing boyfriend as they do not have information to trade for a reduced sentence. Understandably, incarceration severely interrupts family lives for those who have children
Next eNews: May 19, 2022
Last day for content: Tuesday, May 17 by 5pm at the latest.
Don't forget to publicize your meeting/event!
Please send your submittals to pubs@uucuc.org and not to the admin email.
Regular Church Office Hours
Closed until further notice
Church Office
(217) 384-8862
Rev. Karen Bush
Consulting Minister
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Associate Minister for Congregational Life
Rose St. Clair
Coordinator, Religious Exploration & Engagement
Brian Franklin
Director of Congregational Administration
Adrienne Summerlot
Consulting Director, Religious Exploration & Engagement
Benjamin Hanson
Choir Director
Jamie Jones
Office Assistant
Avalon Ruby
A/V Technician & RE Assistant
Jessica Sempek
Membership Coordinator
Tim Voelker
Facilities Manager