Epiphany Sunday
Regular Schedule Resumes
This Sunday, January 9

Join us this Sunday as we return to our regular Sunday Schedule:
  • 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - In-Person & Livestreaming
  • 9:00 AM Coffee Hour
  • 9:15 AM Education for All Resumes (Sunday School, Adult Education, & Choir Rehearsal)
  • 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - In-Person with Children's Chapel
  • 11:30 AM Coffee Hour
  • 5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - In-Person & "Come as you are" Contemplative Service
St. Michael's & Chapel of our Saviour Episcopal Churches are partnering together to respond to the devastating fires that destroyed nearly 1,000 homes in Boulder. We are excited to announce a $10,000 initial joint gift to respond to the fires in Boulder. In the coming days and weeks we hope to grow this response to make a lasting impact. Click on the button below to read the most recent communication from St. Michael's and learn about the various ways you can give.
New Year, New You?
Sunday Bible Study
9:15 AM January 9 & 16

How can the Bible help inform your life? For the next two weeks we will be taking a closer look at our Sunday scripture readings and helping you grow your faith. All adults are invited to join the clergy in the sanctuary between services. See you then!
Children & Youth Acolyte Training
This Sunday Jan. 9
After 10:30 Service

We want your children & youth involved with worship! Serving as an acolyte is a great way for our young people to make an impact during our worship services. If your children are current acolytes, former acolytes, or interested in what it means to acolyte, join Angela & Owen following the 10:30 AM worship service for an acolyte training. Children & Youth of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know you are coming by signing up HERE.
Organ Upgrade

This Sunday you'll notice something missing during our worship services ... our beautiful organ. Over the next several months we will have a new control system installed, upgrading the wiring, and adding several key features to the organ. On Sundays we will be using our digital keyboard and continuing to offer great music that enhances our worship experience. Stay tuned for more announcements about the organ upgrade and thank you for your patience while this critical work takes places to ensure our organ continues to help future generations worship, sing, and make a joyful noise together. If you would like to help support this project financially please contact The Rev. Matt Holcombe or Amalia Dobbins amalia@stmikeschurch.com.
Let’s Get Connected!
Attention: Newcomers

The staff and clergy are starting a Newcomer Class that will meet on the third Sunday of each month. There will be three topics that will rotate. You can attend all of them or just those that you wish. The first meeting will be January 16th at 9:15 – 10:00 in the St. Francis Chapel. The topic will be Episcopal 101.
This class is designed for Newcomers, but ALL are welcome to attend any of the classes. No sign up required. Just show up!
  • January 16 – Episcopal Church 101
  • February 20 – Who We Are (St. Michael’s)
  • March 20 – How to get Connected & Involved
Questions? Contact Linda Kean linda@stmikeschurch.com. No RSVP necessary.
Laundry Love
Quarters Needed & Help
Mondays 9:00 AM - Noon

As we start a new year we are in need of quarters (or bills that we can turn into quarters) to wash and dry hundreds of loads of laundry each week. The laundry love donation point is in the detergent container in the Gathering space. CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer on Monday mornings. Questions? Contact Deacon Gary at gary@stmikeschurch.com.
Christian Essentials
(2 Spots Available)
Begins Jan. 11

Are you looking for a small group opportunity to help you grow in your faith? The Christian Essentials is a 16 week class led by two trained facilitators that walks you through the essential components of living a Christ Centered Life. CLICK HERE to sign up today.
Youth Ski Trip
January 22 - 23
Inn the Clouds, Leadville
Ski Cooper Ski Resort
Registration Deadline: Jan. 12

All middle and high school youth, regardless of skiing experience, are encouraged to come skiing with St. Michael’s! We will be departing from St. Mike’s on Saturday at 1:00 PM and returning on Sunday at 8:00 PM. Cost is $100 per person not including rental equipment which is another $20 - $30. Scholarships are available. Youth are required to be vaccinated and produce a negative rapid Covid test (tests will be provided) prior to departure. Please complete the registration form HERE and reach out to Owen with any questions!

Children, Youth, & Family eNews

Did you miss this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews? Not to worry, CLICK HERE to read this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews. Check out all the wonderful work and activities our families and young parishioners are involved in!
COVID-19 Update

As a reminder, St. Michael's safety protocols are as follows:
  • Masks are required inside the building for everyone over 3-years-old. This applies to all staff members unless they are alone in a room.
  • Eight (8) high-flow HEPA air cleaners are positioned throughout the building to increase air flow and clean the air. On Sundays we have four (4) HEPA air cleaners in the sanctuary in addition to our HVAC system that constantly runs during worship services.
  • Clergy and choir members are fully vaccinated and are permitted to be unmasked when 10 feet from others and leading worship.
  • Masks (adult and kids sizes) are available in the Gathering Space along with a Hand Sanitizer Station.
  • Cleaning and sanitization occurs several times a week by our sextons with a special emphasis on door knobs and handles.
  • NEW St. Michael's will provide our nursery staff with a free COVID rapid test that must be negative prior to working with our youngest children who are not yet eligible for a COVID vaccination.
If you have any questions about our community covenant, please contact The Rev. Matt Holcombe or Kristy Callihan, Senior Warden.
The Lord's Dinner
Now Serving Indoors!

Exciting News!! Through the grace of God, Academy Christian Church on the West Side of Colorado Springs has decided to open their doors to The Lord's Dinner and we will be serving inside, again!! We begin this Sunday, inside, with a warm place to rest and a hot meal to enjoy for our friends living outside. We give thanks to God and to you, for your prayers and your faithfulness to this ministry. Watch the Weekly News for further developments as we sort through the logistics and learn how best to serve our neighbors in need.
New Pew Cards

We have new pew cards for hospitality, giving, and supporting one another. Completed pew cards can be placed in the offertory plate or in the black drop box in the Gathering Space. Share your prayer request using the PRAY card. Get more involved with the CONNECT card. And use the GIVE card to support our mission and ministries throughout the year.
New Name Tag Board

Don't forget to pick up your name tag and keep it in your car, purse, or favorite jacket. New name tags will be on the white board near the water fountain outside the sanctuary. If you have already lost your name tag - don't worry! Request a new name tag using one of the purple Name Tag cards and place your request in the black drop box.
Forward Day by Day
February, March, & April

The latest Forward Day by Day's are here. We currently just have the smaller print booklets and are awaiting the delivery of the large print booklets. This edition covers February, March, and April. Pick up your copy from the bin outside the office door (at the top of the red wooden ramp) or from St. Bede's Bookstore.
2021 Photos Needed

Did you take a great picture within and beyond the walls of St. Michael's in 2021? Share your photos with us before January 15 and it may end up in the year-in-review video, website, or a future publication. Send your pictures to photos@stmikeschurch.com.
Sunday Volunteers Needed Jan. & Feb.

We are in need of help every Sunday as we worship God together. Can you be an usher, greeter, acolyte, or help with coffee hour at the 8:00 or 10:30 AM Service? CLICK HERE to let us know you can help.
January 9, This Sunday
First Sunday after the Epiphany
*8:00 AM - Online and Indoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Watch Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
9:00 AM - Coffee Hour - St. Mary's
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM - Education for All (various locations)
*10:30 AM - Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II with Children's Chapel
11:30 AM - Coffee Hour - St. Mary's
*5:00 PM - Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II - "Come as you are" Contemplative Service
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, January 7
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
3:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Girl Scout Activity - St. Andrew's

Saturday, January 8
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Men's Fellowship - Chapel
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Daughters of the King Study Meeting - St. Mary's
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Caregiver's Support Group - Chapel

Sunday, January 9
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Nursery Open
*8:00 AM - Online and Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Watch Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
9:00 AM - Coffee Hour - St. Mary's
9:15 AM - 10:10 AM - Education for All (various locations)
*10:30 AM - Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II with Children's Chapel
11:30 AM - Coffee Hour - St. Mary's
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Children & Youth Acolyte Training - Sanctuary
4:00 PM - The Lord's Dinner: Serving @ 4PM - Academy Christian Church
*5:00 PM - Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II - "Come as you are"

Monday, January 10
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love (Offsite)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Outreach Meeting - St. Mary's

Tuesday, January 11
9:00 AM - Staff Meeting
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Christian Essentials - Chapel
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Girl Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Virtual Women Who Read
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Boy Scouts - St. Andrew's
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, January 12
*12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - Healing Service (In-Person) - Chapel
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Wednesday Bible Study - Chapel
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Middle School Youth Group
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM - High School Youth Group

Thursday, January 13
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Care Team Meeting - St. Andrew's
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, January 14
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group

Saturday, January 15
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Daughters of the King Meeting - St. Mary's
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Virtual St. Clare's Guild
*Opportunities for Worship
Birthdays This Week:

January 9 Ginny Anderson
January 10 Meggie Kean
January 11 Linda Council
January 11 Jason Lett
January 12 Lindsey Kellen
January 13 Sally Creely
January 13 Ryder Fogle
January 14 Chris Kean
January 14 Jon Numair
January 14 John Priest
January 15 Sophia DeJoia
January 15 Mike Fink
January 15 Diane Groom
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM