Weekly eNews
July 23, 2021
Parish Survey
Indoor Worship &
Fall Planning
Several days ago you should have received an email with a link to our Indoor Worship & Fall Planning Survey. Your feedback is important and we look forward to hearing from you. If you haven't not yet completed the survey CLICK HERE. Printed copies of the survey will also be available this Sunday, July 25. Thank you for return all surveys by August 1.
Photo Directory
We need your photo!
This summer we switched our church database to a new online software called "Breeze". Once fully functionally you will be able to log into your account to view contribution information and access the online directory. We are also updating all the individual and family photos in the database. To update our Breeze database and prepare these directories, we are asking for you to send in a current family/household picture, as well as picture of each individual within your home. Please CLICK HERE for instructions on what kinds of photos to send. Email your photo(s) to the following email address: directory2021@stmikeschurch.com.
Welcome Owen
Meet & Greets 7/29 & 8/1
Family Movie Night 7/30
Owen Copps, our new Director of Children & Youth Ministries, is arriving at St. Michael's next week and we are so excited! Come join us as we welcome and get to know Owen during two parish-wide outdoor Meet & Greets. Stop by anytime and stay for as long as you’d like. Owen will also be hosting the Family Outdoor Movie Night on the Plaza. These Meet & Greets and the Family Movie Night will be a chance for fellowship, treats, and a great opportunity for Owen to meet you and your children and vice versa!
'Get to know Owen' Upcoming Events:
- Meet & Greet with Owen: Thursday, July 29 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
- Family Outdoor Movie Night: Friday, July 30 7:15 PM RSVP HERE
- Meet & Greet with Owen: Sunday, August 1 from 10:30 AM - noon.
Summer Choir
August 1
Summer Choir is back next Sunday, August 1st! Last month we had an amazing group of 22 singers praising God together. It's not too late to add your voice to the ensemble! We rehearse right before the service and sing in unison. Just email Amalia Dobbins, Director of Music, and she'll send you all the music and information. amalia@stmikeschurch.com
Church on the Ridge
Church Offsite
August 8, 9:30 AM
Join us in person for Church on the Ridge August 8 at 9:30 AM up at Cathedral Ridge. Whether you are staying all weekend for Family Camp, or you are just joining for the Sunday service, let's worship together in a masked, outdoor service nestled in the trees! We ask that you arrive to Cathedral Ridge by 9:15 AM. Unable to make it up to Cathedral Ridge? Not to worry, we will still be posting a pre-recorded Morning Prayer Service online at 9:00 AM for you to watch from the comfort of your home.
***St. Mike's will not hold an in-person service or Fellowship on the Lawn at on August 8.
Outdoor Family Movie Night
Friday, July 30
7:15 PM
Bring your family and join us for inaugural Outdoor Family Movie Night on the St. Michael’s Plaza! We'll provide the drinks and popcorn. Bring your own blanket, chairs, cooler, jacket, and any extra snacks you like for the movie. We'll be watching WALL-E as we kickoff our Children & Youth activities for this Fall. CLICK HERE to RSVP. Can't wait to see you there!
AUGUST Worship
Can you help?
CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer for August Outdoor Services. Ushers, Lay Readers, Fellowship on the Lawn Volunteers are needed. Sign up to volunteer today!
Laundry Love
Every Monday
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thank you all for your support as we start this new Laundry Love ministry! For the rest of the summer St. Michael's will continue Laundry Love each Monday morning, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and need 3 volunteers each week to assist in managing our wonderful quarter collection and getting to know our friends. We have an amazing team that has gotten this ministry started, but we are looking for new faces to join the fun, so CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer! For questions contact Gary at gary@stmikeschurch.com.
Summer at St. Michael's
Save the Dates
We have numerous ways for you to feed your faith and stay connected over the summer. Join us for the following opportunities.
Worship Every Sunday 9:00 AM
Laundry Love Every Monday 9:00 AM
Picnic in the Pavilion Every Tues. Noon
Compline Every Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 PM
House Blessings on Various Days
Weekly Fellowship for Men on Tues. & Saturday
Mark your calendar for the upcoming exciting events (details below)
- July 29, 6:00 - 8:00 PM Meet Owen Copps
- July 30, 7:15 PM Family Movie Night
- August 1, 10:30 AM Meet Owen Copps
- August 5 - 8 Family Camp Cathedral Ridge
- August 8, 9:30 AM Church on the Ridge (no in-person at St. Mike's)
- August 19, 6:00 PM Jazz Concert; TRIBE
- More events to be announced soon ... stay tuned!
July 25, This Sunday
Nineth Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 AM - Online and Outdoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00 AM Fellowship on the Lawn
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Drive thru Communion
This week at a glance ... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, July 23
Saturday, July 24
8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship-In-Person under the Pavilion @ St. Mike's
10:00 AM - Brent Parker Memorial Service - Outdoors on Plaza (link to watch online at www.stmikeschurch.com)
Sunday, July 25
*9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist - Outdoor In-Person (& Online) Worship
10:00 AM - Fellowship on the Lawn-In Person Outdoors
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Drive thru Communion
5:00 PM - Private Outdoor Baptism
Monday, July 26
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love (Offsite)
Tuesday, July 27
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Picnic in the Pavilion, Outdoors (No RSVP)
Wednesday, July 28
No events scheduled
Thursday, July 29
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Meet & Greet with Owen on the Plaza
Friday, July 30
7:15 PM - Family Outdoor Movie Night on the Plaza: WALL-E ( RSVP)
Saturday, July 31
4:00 PM - Meyers & Siersma Wedding
*Opportunities for Worship
Help Wanted
All we need is U
It takes a village and St. Michael's is looking for amazing volunteers with all sorts of talents and skills. When you see this logo/image let us know if you are able to help. With many new initiatives on the horizon, let us know how you want to get involved. Current opportunities to help:
Summer Concert on the Plaza!
Save the Date
August 19 6:00 - 8:00 PM
We are so excited to announce that TRIBE, a New Orleans themed jazz and blues band, will be this summer's featured concert at St. Michael's. Mark your calendars for August 19th, 6-8pm, for a Mardi Gras themed gathering on the back patio. Don't forget your dancing shoes! All are welcome and no RSVP required.
Columbarium Flowers
The Flower Guild is available if you would like to have flowers on your loved one's grave. Our Flower Guild will purchase the flowers, put them up & then take them down when they fade. The cost is $20. If you want to put flowers out yourself, the shepherds' hooks and jars are available by the memorial board in the Columbarium, but you need to bring water for the jar. After a week, please remove the flowers, clean the jar and put it back near the memorial board. If interested in purchasing flowers for the columbarium or for a Sunday Service, please contact Diane Dennison at 719-661-9095 or ddennison.dd@gmail.com.
Picnic in the Pavilion
Tuesdays 12:00 - 1:00 PM
We are so happy to begin our summer of Picnic in the Pavilion every Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 PM! Much like last year's Picnic with the Priest, join us this year for a wonderful opportunity to get to know not only Rev. Matt Holcombe, but even more of our St. Michael's Clergy and Staff including Deacon Gary Darress, Director of Music Amalia Dobbins, and Newcomer Coordinator Linda Kean. Bring your lunch and enjoy this time of fellowship with your St. Michael's family and friends in our great outdoors! No RSVP required.
Outdoor Sunday Fellowship
NEW Coffee & Youth
Fellowship Ministries
We are so happy to be able to gather together with our wonderful Outdoor Fellowship following our Sunday Worship Services and we are continuing to expand this fellowship with the additions of the Coffee Fellowship Ministry. We'd love to gather more volunteers who are interested in helping with these particular areas of fellowship. We only need one volunteer for each Sunday, but you are always welcome to bring partners, family, or friends to join in on the fun! CLICK HERE to sign up to help with either of these great ministries! Questions? Reach out to Jennie Wandfluh at jenniewandfluh@gmail.com.
Birthdays This Week:
July 25 Ella Cunningham
July 27 Sarah Fleischmann
July 27 Wolfgang Hoot
July 27 Bob Pettis
July 29 Roger-Max Cunningham
July 29 Clare Greenlee
July 29 Mark Wilsey
July 30 Rick Couch
July 30 Arnie McKechnie
July 30 Micki Rice
Anniversaries This Week:
July 28 Cindy & Les Krohnfeldt
July 28 Laura & Ron Seidl
July 29 Fred & Tena Engleman
July 30 Tom & Veronica Belanger
July 30 Ann-Noel & Chad Spencer
July 31 John & Pamela Partrick
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road Colorado Springs, CO 80919