Weekly eNews
January 31, 2025
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Annual Parish Meeting
February 2, 9:15 AM
Voting Open Now
Several big announcements will take place during our Annual Meeting this Sunday. Plan to join us between services as we celebrate all that God is doing at St. Michael's and through us! We will elect new vestry members, look ahead to a new year, and provide a "state-of-the-church" update! If attending in person, you can vote on Sunday. If watching online, please vote electronically before the Annual Meeting.
Estate Planning
February 1, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
“Protecting Your Family & Leaving a Legacy." Estate planning helps you examine your financial and non-financial goals, take action to minimize the impact on your family, and ensure that your legacy lives on through those you love. Chad Spencer, Estate Planning & Elder Care Attorney, will once again provide this invaluable FREE discussion of what’s most important to you.
Trailblazer New Youth Group
Monthly on First Sunday
Launching February 2, 12:00 PM
Are you ready to blaze a trail of excitement, adventure, and faith? The Trailblazers are a 4th and 5th grade Youth Group. Whether you’re tackling challenges, learning about faith, or just having fun, we’re all about supporting each other and making an impact in the world around us. Blaze your own trail on the first Sunday of each month.
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Widow/Widower Lunch
This Sunday, February 2
12:00 PM
Join the clergy on Sunday, February 2 for a luncheon where we will reflect and remember our loved ones, be surrounded by our loving community, and enjoy fellowship.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, February 2
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Click above to sign up today - thank you in advance!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum - Annual Meeting
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join us for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after the service.
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Rescheduled Evensong
February 6, 7:00 PM
Due to inclement weather Evensong will take place on Thursday, February 6. Plan to join us in-person or online.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Outreach Grants
Due Friday, January 31
The Outreach Committee seeks to support partner organizations of at least two members of St. Michael’s Church that are actively engaged as liaisons. Click below to learn more and download the grant application.
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LGBTQIA + Social with Clergy
Wednesday, February 5 at 6:30 PM
This Wednesday, all are welcome to join Rev. Matt, Rev. Vicki, Deacon Gary, & Rev. Joanne, for a conversational gathering for LGBTQIA+ and Allies at Stir Coffee (2330 N Wahsatch Ave) on February 5, 6:30 - 8:30 PM. We seek to host a vibrant Episcopal Church conversation to build community by sharing God's love. Please register at the link below. For more information, contact Rev. Vicki.
SMASH "Guess Who"
Friday, February 7, 11:30 AM
Our St. Mike's Active Senior Happenings (60+) is at it again. Join them for a potluck lunch and a fun game of "Guess Who" using baby pictures on Friday, February 7. Learn more and register by clicking the button below.
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Young Adult Theology on Tap
February 7, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Young adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to Goat Patch Brewing on Friday, February 7 with other young adults from around the Springs for sharing, learning and fellowship.
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Book of Common Prayer Four Week Series
Begins February 9, 9:15 - 10:10 AM
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) contains the prayers that shape and reflect what Episcopalians believe. This short course is about prayer, beliefs, and practices, and about the intimate relationship between those things. Our prayer book grows out of the belief that all of our prayers should be held “in common,” available to both princes and peasants, clergy and commoners. Join us in the Chapel at 9:15 AM to discover the rich gift of the BCP! Attend all four classes or drop in as your schedule permits! No RSVP required.
Newcomer Luncheon
Sunday, February 9, 12:00 PM
All newcomers are invited to attend the Newcomer Luncheon on Sunday, February 9 following the 10:30 AM service. Please come and meet clergy and staff, as well as other newcomers, and learn about St. Michael's. If you have never been to a newcomer luncheon before, we'd love to have you! You don't need to have joined St. Mike's to attend. Click below to sign up.
Cherub Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, February 9, 11:45 AM
The next Cherub Choir rehearsal will take place on Sunday, February 9 from 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary.
Valentine's Day
Pasta Potluck & Live Music
Friday, February 14
4:30 PM - Pasta Making Small Group
5:30 PM - Pasta Potluck
7:00 PM - Live Music
Our annual Pasta Potluck is back and you are invited: singles, partners, and everyone in between! This fun night is open to all and is a wonderful way to enjoy a great meal, fellowship, and live music with Sound Academy. New this year will be a small group pasta making experience.
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"Illuminating Justice" in
The Saint John's Bible
Saturday, February 15, 9:30 AM
The next quarterly meeting for The Saint John's Bible (SJB) docents - Illuminating Justice - will take place on Saturday, February 15 at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome as we look at illuminations that speak to justice & mercy in the Bible.
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March - April Archangel
Article Deadline: February 15
The deadline for the March - April Archangel is approaching. Please send submissions to comm@stmikeschurch.com by February 15.
Newcomer Ambassador Luncheon
February 16, 12:00 PM
Newcomer Ambassadors - and those interested in showing the way to our newest members and guests - are invited to a luncheon on Sunday, February 16 from 12:00 - 1:30 PM in the Multi-purpose room. Sign up or learn more about this exciting program. Ambassadors look for new people before and after services and introduce them to our church - giving them information about St. Michael's and making them feel welcome.
Care & Share
Food Bank Support
February 20, 9:00 - 11:30 AM
Please join fellow parishioner volunteers to serve St. Michael's "beyond our walls" on Thursday, February 20 for a morning of hands-on service at the Care and Share Southern Colorado Food Bank. The important work of sorting and packing food is a key part of providing much needed sustenance to our food insecure neighbors. An added benefit is the fellowship enjoyed by the volunteers. Contact Ellen Dickerman or Justin Morrill with any questions.
Sign up instructions:
- Scroll down to “Select Your Reserved Event(s) Below.”
- Click in the “Sort and Pack Food” field to enter the CERVIS registration system.
- If this is your first time using the CERVIS online registration system, you will be prompted to create a Volunteer Profile before signing up.
- Use reservation code: “StMichaels”
40s & 50s Bowling
Friday, February 21 at 6:00 PM
The 40s and 50s' previous bowling outing was such a success, they’re going again on Friday, February 21 at 6:00 PM to Main Event (formerly The Summit) on Interquest Parkway. Those in their 40s and 50s are invited to join us for an evening of bowling, arcade games, food, drinks and fun!
Couples Retreat
Saturday, February 22
3:00 - 6:00 PM Retreat
6:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner On Your Own
Join Rev. Matt & Alicia Holcombe for an enriching and rejuvenating couples retreat designed to deepen your relationship and provide practical tools for lasting growth, regardless of how long you’ve been married. Using the trusted Prepare-Enrich program, this retreat offers a Christ-centered approach to understanding your strengths as a couple, areas for growth, and how to develop new skills to enhance your relationship. $35 covers the cost of a pre-retreat questionnaire that must be completed by both individuals. Free child-care provided from 3:00 – 8:00 PM. Questions? Contact Rev. Vicki Hesse.
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Forward Day by Day
Available in St. Bede's Bookstore
The latest copy of the daily prayer book, Forward Day by Day, is now available in St. Bede's Bookstore. Please stop by during office hours (Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM) to purchase a copy.
Help Needed!
We are blessed with a vibrant and active community, and we are seeking volunteers for the following opportunities. If you feel called to serve in any of these areas, let us know by signing up or contacting the primary point person:
Fix It Fellowship - Odd Jobs around the church CLICK HERE
Taking Down Christmas Lights - Various Days CLICK HERE
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Birthdays This Week:
February 2 – Marlene Linkhart
February 3 – Matthew Chernak
February 3 – Bruce Nicklas
February 5 – Carl Nesbitt
February 5 – Joy Underhill
February 7 – Jeff Smullen
February 8 – Grace Morrison
Anniversaries This Week:
February 4 - Bob & Gerry Forster
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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