As we prepare to celebrate St. Michael's Weekend, mark your calendar and save the date for these exciting opportunities to celebrate, serve, worship, and enjoy fellowship with one another.
Friday, October 1
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Wine & Cheese
Join us for a special ribbon cutting ceremony for our new Prayer Room as we officially open "The Center for Spiritual Direction at St. Michael's." Join us for a celebratory Wine & Cheese Event and to learn more about our Spiritual Directors and The Prayer Room. RSVP HERE to attend the Wine & Cheese.
Saturday, October 2
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Preparing 10,000 Meals
Have you ever seen 10,000 meals prepared in 90 minutes? We are looking for volunteers (of all ages) to help package meals in partnership with Mission of Hope. Meals prepared will be shipped to Haiti. This event will be indoors and masks are required. RSVP HERE to let us know you can help.
Sunday, October 3
10:00 AM Worship Service
11:15 AM Food & Fun!!!
We will gather for a combined indoor worship service at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary followed by food trucks, games, and activities in the parking lot and back lawn. Food for purchase. No RSVP required and we hope to see you there! *The 10:00 AM Service will be live-streamed.
Parents' Night!
THIS Saturday, Sept. 25
5:30 - 7:30 PM
RSVP Today

Parents of children and youth, come gather at St. Michael's for dinner, fun, and fellowship! We are excited to get together, get to know each other, and deepen existing connections! Programming and childcare will be provided for all children. Click HERE to sign up for the event. Questions? Contact
THIS Sunday, Sept 26
Clergy Class 9:15 AM
The. Rev. Matt Holcombe

How do you use your faith to guide your life? How can you nurture and grow your faith? Join Matt in the sanctuary at 9:15 AM to learn about the exciting opportunities St. Michael's has cultivated and created to help you grow spiritually this year. Education for all occurs each Sunday 9:15 - 10:10 AM.
  • Adults will meet in the sanctuary.
  • High School & Middle School Students meet in their Rooms
  • Pre-K through 5th Grade will meet outside (weather permitting)
THIS Sunday, Sept. 26
Daughters of the King
Officer Installation
During the 10:30 Service

This Sunday we encourage all Daughters of the King to join us for the Officer Installation during the 10:30 AM Service. Interested in learning more about the DOK Chapter at St. Michael's? Visit
THIS Sunday, Sept. 26
Thrift House Donations
After 8:00 & 10:30 Service!

Have treasures in your home that need a new home? The ECW Thrift House is collecting donations following both services this Sunday. Clothes and housewares are appreciated! If you can help deliver donations and bring them to the Thrift House, please call Kay C. Mast at 719-600-7911. Donations can be delivered Monday 9:00 to noon or 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM any other day next week.
Church Golf Outing
Sunday, October 17 1:00 PM

Where: Country Club Of Colorado, Cheyenne Mountain Resort
When: Sunday, October 17 @ 1:00 PM
Details: Up to 12 players
$40 per person including riding cart. Pay at the course. Additionally, please make out a check for $10 per player made payable to St. Michael's and give to Jim Dennison on the day of play.
Please reply to if you will play. RSVPs needed by Friday, October 1, 2021 at Noon.
Vestry Nominations
Open for 2022!

It is that time again! We are asking for St. Michael’s Vestry nominations from you. There are three positions available for the cohort that will serve 2022-2024. Logistically, we meet once a month (3rd Thurs via ZOOM or in-person), and also, serve on committees where we find our personal callings. As a Vestry, we are responsible for the church property, maintaining fiscal soundness, assisting Matt, Angela, Gary, Owen, Amalia, and Linda to carry out the vision of where God is calling us as a congregation. While there is definitely “business” to which we must attend, we also have fun as we grow in faith and love.
Please recommend a nominee for Vestry to Kristy Callihan (Senior Warden) at And of course, you are welcome to nominate yourself! All nominations must be received by October 15, 2021. The nominees (who are approved by the Vestry and known by the treasurer) will be presented for vote at the annual meeting in 2022.
Nursery Help Needed

Do you know a gifted childcare worker who is interested in joining our staff and the Nursery Team on Sunday mornings and during special events? Contact Owen Copps at or call the church office 719-598-3244. Thank you!
New Worship Schedule
8:00 AM Inside & Online
10:30 AM Outside

We have resumed two in-person Sunday Services. 8:00 AM Indoors (masked) and livestreamed, and 10:30 AM Outdoors (weather permitting) with Children's Chapel. We are also excited to begin our Education For All programming between services at 9:15 AM including: Sunday School for Children & Youth, Adult Formation, and Choir Rehearsals. Don't forget to sign up HERE to help as a Worship Volunteer!
Hat & Mitten Drive
Sept. 26 - Nov. 7

We will be collecting hats, gloves, mittens and scarves for children and youth in our community, beginning this Sunday. You will find a tree in the Gathering Area and with your help, it will be decorated with purchased or home made items that come straight from the hearts of this parish. You may place your items in the nearby basket or use the clothespins to put them on the tree. Schools and children support organizations all over the Pikes Peak area will be gratefully receiving these gifts. Questions? Contact the church office 719-598-3244 or Marianne Jenkins and Pam Morton.
September 26, This Sunday
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 AM - Online and Indoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Watch Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
9:00 AM - Coffee Hour on the front sidewalk
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Thrift House Donation Collection
9:15 AM - 10:10 AM - Education for All (various locations)
*10:30 AM - Outdoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II (DOK Installation) with Children's Chapel
11:30 AM - Coffee Hour on the Plaza
11:30 AM - Thrift House Donation Collection
11:30 AM - Stewardship Build - St. Andrew's
This week at a glance ... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, September 24
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
5:00 PM - St. Michael's Legacy Reception (offsite)

Saturday, September 25
8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship - Pavilion
5:30 PM - 7:30 AM - Parents' (and kids) Night @ Church

Sunday, September 26
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Nursery Open
*8:00 AM - Online and Indoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Watch Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
9:00 AM - Coffee Hour on the front sidewalk
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Thrift House Donation Collection
9:15 AM - 10:10 AM - Education for All (various locations)
*10:30 AM - Outdoor In-Person Holy Eucharist Rite II (DOK Installation) with Children's Chapel
11:30 AM Coffee Hour on the Plaza
11:30 AM - Thrift House Donation Collection
11:30 AM - Stewardship Planning - St. Andrew's

Monday, September 27
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love (Offsite)

Tuesday, September 28
9:00 AM - Staff Meeting
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Picnic in the Pavilion, Outdoors (No RSVP) (Last this Summer/Fall)
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Girl Scouts - Pavilion, Plaza, St. Andrew's
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Boy Scouts - Pavilion, Plaza, St. Andrew's
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, September 29
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Virtual Bible Study
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Middle School Youth Group
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM - High School Youth Group

Thursday, September 30
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, October 1 - St. Michael's Weekend
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM - The Center Opening/Wine & Cheese Event

Saturday, October 2 - St. Michael's Weekend
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - St. Micheal's Day of Service: 10,000 Meal Pack Event
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group (In-Person) - Pavilion
*Opportunities for Worship
Help Wanted
All we need is U

It takes a village and St. Michael's is looking for amazing volunteers with all sorts of talents and skills. Current opportunities to help:
Laundry Love
Mondays 9a-Noon
Help Wanted

Thank you all for your wonderful continued support of this ministry, we are so thankful for all the quarters we've collected. While we have an amazing group of volunteers already, we are looking for new faces to volunteer to staff the Laundry Love events themselves. We'd love to get more parishioners involved in getting to know our amazing friends and neighbors each Monday. CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer for September & October dates! For questions contact Gary at
Picnic in the Pavilion
Tuesdays 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Join us for our last Tuesday under the Pavilion this fall. Much like last year's Picnic with the Priest, this is a wonderful opportunity to get to know not only Rev. Matt Holcombe, but even more of our St. Michael's Clergy and Staff including Rev. Angela Lerena, Deacon Gary Darress, Director of Music Amalia Dobbins, Newcomer Coordinator Linda Kean, and Director of Children & Youth Ministries Owen Copps. Bring your lunch and enjoy this time of fellowship with your St. Michael's family and friends in our great outdoors! No RSVP required.
September & October Worship
Can you help?

CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer for September & October Services. Greeters, Ushers, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Children's Chapel, & Coffee Hour Volunteers are needed. Sign up to volunteer today!
Birthdays This Week:

September 1 Bobbi Meyers
September 26 Jane Hammond
September 26 Linda Ramsay
September 26 Beckett Spencer
September 27 Aaron DeJoia
September 27 Sierra Lease
September 28 Peggy Toldy
September 29 Laurel Burritt
September 29 Mary Anne Sehorn
October 1 Judson Carter
October 1 Bryson Carton
October 1 Rosemary Guthrie
October 2 Richard Mason

Anniversaries This Week:

September 27 Emily & Jonathan McElyea

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road Colorado Springs, CO 80919