eNews September 16/17, 2023
Sunday School News
The Sunday School Ministry is looking for additional volunteers to teach, assist and help in other ways during the school year. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents, please give Michelle Meyer a call to learn about ways you can help! Many opportunities are available and do not require a full-time commitment.
Room locations and teachers:
2-year-olds: school cafeteria, P. Langewisch
3-yr.-olds: classroom #08, M. McSpadden
Pre-K: classroom #09 or school library, J. Schroeder, M. Meyer, H. Johnson, M. Meier
Kind./1st Gr.: classroom #103, D. Coe & A. Wortmann
2nd/3rd Grades: classroom #131, D. Eitzmann & K. Luebbe
4th Grade.: classroom #127, A. Harms
5th/6th Grades: classroom #129, A. Geidel
For more Sunday School information
Michelle Meyer, Sunday School Superintendent,
Meet Our New DCE Practicum Students from CUNE
They will be participating and leading in various DCE-related ministries. Keep an eye out for Operation Christmas Child which they will be getting going soon!
My name is Michelle Hernandez. I am from Schuyler, NE, and my home congregation is Peace Lutheran Church in Columbus, NE. I am majoring in Theology and Christian Education Leadership (DCE). I am so excited to get to know you all and worship along side you.
Hello! My name is Daniel Oberdieck, and I am a senior in the DCE program at Concordia. My home congregation is St. John 's in Lanesville, IN. I am excited to serve with this congregation over the course of the next year!.
Adult Instruction Class
Sundays, 10am, Centennial Room
Interested in learning more about the Christian faith? Wanting to make St. John your church home? Join us for the Adult Instruction Class. The class is team taught by Pastor Bruick, Pastor Scheck, Deaconess Jeri Morrison, and DCE Tim Rippstein. For more information, contact the church office (402-643-2983).
A New Kind of Study
Interested in participating in a new kind of study? Then A Spiritual Walk Together may be for you. This kind of study focuses on the intimate relationship with God and with others together and privately through spiritual readings, spiritual disciplines, and “through mutual conversation and consolation of brothers and sisters.” To help facilitate this, participants will: privately pray for one another; read the Bible and other spiritual readings; risk vulnerability by openly sharing their journeys through spiritual conversations; explore spiritual disciplines together; receive accountability from this “walk together”; experience a spiritual life of forgiveness and grace. What you can expect from your commitment to this kind of study and regularly, bi-monthly meetings is to explore and try new things, to read the readings and be ready to discuss with honesty and authenticity. Expect God the Holy Spirit to be present in each participant and among them. The spiritual readings include: the Bible, Celebration of Discipline (book), They Need Not Go Away (book), Lutheran Service Book (hymnal), Luther’s Small Catechism, and selected websites and podcasts. These resources will serve to guide this adventurous group into deeply relational, Lutheran practices responding to God’s own invitation through James, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8). This unique study will require meeting twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 9:30-11am for six months. Times, dates, and length may be adapted based upon the needs of the group. First meeting is Sat., Sep. 23, at 9:30am at St. John. For more information, contact Tim Rippstein, Director of Christian Education or call 402-643-2983. Click here to sign up.
Coming to the Fellowship Hall (lower level) Library:
A four CD set of Martin Luther: Hymns, Ballads, Chants and Truth; a DVD on Walther and Herman Gockel’s “My Hand in His.” This library is in the closet marked Church Library in the fellowship hall and is an honor system. There is a notepad for sign out, date and returned date. Enjoy!!
Upcoming District Youth Gatherings
Click here for information about the Nebraska District Middle School Youth Gathering and click here for information about the High School Youth Gathering.
LWML Seward Zone Fall Rally – All Women Invited
Sun., Oct. 22, registration - 1pm; rally - 1:30pm; St. Paul’s Lutheran, Malcolm, NE
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League Seward Zone invites the women of our congregation to their Fall Rally. There will be a devotion, a mission speaker, a short business meeting, ingathering, refreshments and always laughter and hugs. The ingathering is for CUNE students. Please bring new or gently used cold weather articles, e.g. hats, gloves, earmuffs, coats (please no sweaters or sweatshirts).
Should Christians and Muslims Ignore, Defend, or Evangelize Each Other? --Perspectives on Religious Freedom from a Christian and Muslim Perspective
At Concordia University on September 18, at 7pm in the Cattle Conference room in the Janzow Campus Center, Rev. Dr. Greg Seltz, director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom, and Ismail Royer, director of the Islam and Religious Freedom Action team, will have a conversation on the topic of Religious Freedom. Question and answer to follow. Free and open to the public.
St. John Is a Stephen Ministry Congregation
If you need someone to help you through a difficult time, call any of the following:
●church office (402-643-2983)
●Deanna Dowding (402-643-3148)
●Mary Ann Steinbeck (402-499-6618)
●Lana Urban (402-641-3099)
If you know someone who is not getting emails from St. John,