Bishop's Visitation
9:00 AM In-person/Online

We are excited to welcome Bishop Kym Lucas to preside at our outdoor 9:00 AM service this Sunday! Join us in person or online as we worship together! Stick around after the service for Fellowship on the Lawn. This will be a great way to surround the Bishop and one another with warm St. Michael's hospitality.
Parish Work Day
Friday, June 4
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This June we are hosting the regional Confirmation Service, the Bishop's Visitation, and the Diocesan Ordinations. Our amazing Lawn Rangers and Gardeners have done stunning work to make our grounds look beautiful, but we could use your help with all the final touches. We are going to be cleaning up and tidying up the outdoor grounds from clearing sidewalks, weeding, and more! Please join us from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Friday, June 4 to help. No RSVP required. If you have any questions contact Susan Maltby at:
Regional Confirmations
Saturday, June 5, 10:00 AM

Join us as St. Michael's hosts the Sangre de Cristo Regional Confirmations where we are excited to celebrate those being Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed this Saturday, June 5 at 10:00 AM. Bishop Kym will be presiding and we will be joined by confirmands, sponsors, friends, and families from St. Michael's and other churches in the Sangre de Cristo Region. This is an intergenearational event and we recommend all guests bring and wear a mask. This service will also be livestreamed, visit for the bulletin and links to watch online.
New Name tags
Available this Sunday!

As we begin to gather in-person, we are excited to have new name tags available for all parishioners. All name tags will have strong magnets or you can opt to have a clip added to the top. Pick up your new name tag this Sunday. As a church on a mission to make Christ know, let's make sure we make it easier to be known to others. We ask that you keep your name tag with you and wear at all church events! If you have any questions, you can contact Linda Kean, Newcomer Ministry Coordinator -
New Protocols
Updated Community Covenant

In response to the updated CDC mask guidelines and Diocese of Colorado recommendations, St. Michael's has announced new COVID19 protocols and gathering guidelines on May 29, 2021. CLICK HERE to read the updated protocols and learn more about how we've updated our community covenant.
Vestry & Staff Updates

Our Junior Warden, Tom Baranowski, and Treasurer, Nita Baranowski have announced they will be moving this summer. The vestry unanimously voted to have Jim Marquart complete Tom's term as Junior Warden. This left a vacancy on the vestry and the vestry unanimously voted to have Bob Wettemann complete the vacant vestry term. Please congratulate Jim and Bob when you see them next.
With the departure of Teresa Allen as our part-time organist, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Joe Galema back to St. Michael's as our summer organist. If you have any questions about these vestry or staff updates please contact Kristy Callihan or The Rev. Matt Holcombe.
June Worship Volunteers Needed

Did you know we need 18 volunteers every Sunday for outdoor services? We are looking for volunteers to be our Safety Ushers - assist with the set up and clean up, Lay Reader for each service, and even help set up for our in-person Fellowship on the Lawn! CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer for June Outdoor Services. We are so excited to offer this outdoor worship experience to all, but we need your help to make it possible. Sign up to volunteer today!
Caregiver Support Group
Saturday, June 5, 2:00 PM

Our wonderful Caregivers Support Group will be meeting in person under the Pavilion at St. Michael's this Saturday, June 5 at 2:00 PM. See you there!
Did you know?

To view all of the important messages, announcements, and events - scroll to the bottom of this email and click View entire message. Most email providers don't show you the entire Weekly eNews. You could be missing important information to help you grow spiritually!
June 6, This Sunday
Second Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 AM - Online and Outdoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Watch Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
10:00 AM Fellowship on the Lawn (No Virtual Coffee Hour)
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Drive thru Communion
This week at a glance ... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, June 4
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Outdoor Parish Clean Up Day

Saturday, June 5
10:00 AM - Sangre de Cristo Regional Confirmations at St. Micheal's with Bishop Kym - Visit for the Digital Bulletin and links to watch online
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group-In-Person under the Paviliion @ St. Mike's

Sunday, June 6 - Bishop's Visitation
*9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist - Outdoor In-Person (& Online) Worship
Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
Watch the service here:
Watch the service here:
View & Download the Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
10:00 AM - Fellowship on the Lawn-In Person Outdoors
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Drive thru Communion
1:00 PM - Stars & Moon Recital at St. Michael's

Monday, June 7
7:30 AM - The Bible Journey

Tuesday, June 8
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Picnic in the Pavilion, Outdoors (No RSVP)
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, June 9

Thursday, June 10
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, June 11

Saturday, June 12
*Opportunities for Worship
Help Wanted
All we need is U

It takes a village and St. Michael's is looking for amazing volunteers with all sorts of talents and skills. When you see this logo/image let us know if you are able to help. With many new initiatives on the horizon, let us know how you want to get involved. Current opportunities to help:
Summer Archangel
Deadline: June 7

We are gearing up for our next Archangel! This will be our summer Archangel covering activities and news for June, July, and August. If you'd like to add in a short article please send your article to by June 7. This is a quick deadline that we don't want you to miss!
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday, July 11
10:00 AM

As we continue to worship together, both in person and online, we are excited to announce our next Virtual Coffee Hour on Sunday, July 11 at 10:00 AM. For those who have been joining from home, near or far, we are excited to get a chance to spend this time of fellowship with you! For those joining the service in person, you are welcome to stay after for Fellowship on the Lawn or join us online once you get home! Keep watching the Weekly eNews or the St. Michael's website for the link.
Laundry Love

St. Michael's is excited to work on a new ministry-Laundry Love! We have heard from several outreach partners that one of the most significant “pain points” in Colorado Springs with those who live in poverty is the access to clean(ing) clothes. Starting this summer, we need volunteers to meet our friends at a laundromat with the provided coins and detergent, and keep our friends company as they complete their laundry. To volunteer contact Deacon Gary at:
Music is in the Air
Summer Choir

Our summer music programming aims to bring us closer as a community through the power of beautiful music. We will start by featuring a group of congregational song leaders at the Bishop's visit on June 6th and continuing on the first Sunday of every month. Five Guest Soloists will make appearances throughout the summer, each of whom specializes in a different style of music. For some extra fun and socializing, mark your calendars for our two summer concerts on July 22nd and August 19th featuring local musicians! Want to help or join in the fun? Contact our Director of Music, Amalia Dobbins at
Picnic in the Pavilion
Tuesdays 12:00 - 1:00 PM

We are so happy to begin our summer of Picnic in the Pavilion every Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 PM! Much like last year's Picnic with the Priest, join us this year for a wonderful opportunity to get to know not only Rev. Matt Holcombe, but even more of our St. Michael's Clergy and Staff including Deacon Gary Darress, Director of Music Amalia Dobbins, and Newcomer Coordinator Linda Kean. Bring your lunch and enjoy this time of fellowship with your St. Michael's family and friends in our great outdoors! No RSVP required.
Thrift House
Volunteer Opportunity

The ECW Thrift House is looking for volunteers to help run the store from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m. (dates fluxuating). Volunteers will run the cash register (only if you feel comfortable in doing so), put out clothing or housewares, steam clothes, assist customers, and have fun! Getting to know the other volunteers and customers is great. We have many returning customers who love shopping with us. Reach out to Kay C. Mast for more details:
Forward Day by Day
August, September, & October

The latest Forward Day by Day's are in! This edition covers August, September, and October. Pick up your copy from the bin outside the office door (at the top of the red wooden ramp).
Birthdays This Week:

June 6 Corey Fogle
June 6 Mary Hattick
June 6 Judi Jenkins
June 7 Thomas Vail
June 10 Shay Anderson
June 10 Ashlynn Lowenberg
June 10 Emily McMorran
June 10 Katie Tompkins
June 10 Abigail Trevillian
June 11 Sue Wiseman

Anniversaries This Week:

June 7 Patricia Nielsen
June 7 Ed & Jan Smith
June 8 Kathleen Foster & Andrew Keen
June 8 Judi & Rick Jenkins
June 9 Mary & Steven Ferner
June 10 Candy & Ronald Chernak
June 10 Chris and Meggie Kean
June 10 Debbie & Lonnie Womack
June 11 Brett & Jennie Wandfluh

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road Colorado Springs, CO 80919