Getting the Word out to all.
13 February 2022
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Blessed are you poor... But woe to you that are rich”.
~ Luke 6:20, 24

Image: Sermon On the Mount (1877)
by Carl Bloch (1834–1890), Bedestolen


"Blest are they who trust in the Lord (First Reading, Responsorial Psalm). Blest are they who are poor and who endure insult, for their reward shall be great (Gospel): eternal life (Second Reading)" (Ordo, Paulist Press, 2022, p. 59).

For religious sisters and consecrated women.

"We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage, may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times".


13 February 2022
  • Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Septuagesima Sunday (traditional)
  • World Marriage Day

14 February 2022
  • Memorial of Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop
  • "Saint Valentine's Day"

15 February 2022
  • Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time

16 February 2022
  • Wednesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time

17 February 2022
  • Optional Memorial of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

18 February 2022
  • Friday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time

19 February 2022
  • Memorial of the Bl. Virgin Mary on Saturday

20 February 2022
  • Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Sexaquagesima Sunday (traditional)




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“Business is a noble vocation, directed to producing wealth and improving our world. It can be a fruitful source of prosperity for the areas in which it operates, especially if it sees the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good”.

~ Pope Francis
Laudato Si’, n. 129
Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Ordination to the Diaconate

MONTEREY - On Saturday, 26 February 2022, the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Ordination to the Diaconate will be celebrated with a special Mass in San Carlos Cathedral, 500 Church Street, at 9:30am. The Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Ordination to Holy Orders comes from the liturgical book known as The Roman Pontifical, which contains the liturgical rites celebrated by bishops (confirmations, ordinations, etc.). This liturgical rite takes place during seminary formation, by which the Church recognizes... click here to continue reading.
Secular Order
of Discalced Carmelites

MONTEREY - The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS) consists of lay men and women committed to living the fullness of God's love through prayer and scripture, with the aid and guidance of Our Lady... click here to continue reading.
Spring Cleaning?

MONTEREY - As many prepare to do some "spring cleaning", Branches Resale Shoppe, 480 Webster Street, is seeking donations of unwanted / gently used items that they can sell to raise money for San Carlos School. Branches is in need of household decorative items, clothing, small furniture, and garden and garage items. Branches Resale Shoppe... click here to continue reading.
Old Palms Wanted

MONTEREY - Beginning this weekend, 12-13 February 2022, the parish of San Carlos Cathedral, 500 Church Street, will be collecting old palms from previous Palm Sundays. These old blessed palms will be burned in preparation for Ash Wednesday, 2 March... click here to continue reading.
NFP: God’s Design for Love and Life

SALINAS - On Wednesday, 23 February 2022, the parish of Madonna del Sasso, 320 E. Laurel Drive, will host a free two hour introductory session to Natural Family Planning or NFP at 7pm in the Conference Room. Sheila St. John, CFCP, will explain the use of the FertilityCare System to avoid or achieve pregnancy, overcome infertility, and address... click here to continue reading.
Old Palms Wanted

SALINAS - The parish of Madonna del Sasso, 320 E. Laurel Drive, is beginning to collect old palms from previous Palm Sundays to be burned in preparation for Ash Wednesday, which will be on 2 March 2022. A basket... click here to continue reading.
Parish Book Club

PACIFIC GROVE - On Monday, 14 February 2022, the parish book club of Saint Angela Merici, 362 Lighthouse Avenue, will be having their next meeting at 1:30pm in the Small Parish Hall. The book club's current selection... click here to continue reading.
Memorial Mass

JOLON - On Sunday, 20 February 2022, the regularly celebrated 10:30am Mass at Mission San Antonio de Padua,1 Mission Creek Road, will be a special Memorial Mass for deceased loved ones. Attendees are encouraged to bring photos of deceased loved ones to... click here to continue reading.
Additional Confession Times

SEASIDE - The parish of Saint Francis Xavier, 1475 La Salle Avenue, will be celebrating the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation every Monday through Friday immediately following the 8:30am Mass. Confess... click here to continue reading.
Volunteers Needed

MARINA - The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of the parish of Saint Jude, 303 Hillcrest Avenue, is seeking new volunteers. If interested, please contact the parish office by email or... click here to continue reading.
First Annual White Mass

SALINAS - On 19 February 2022, the Most Rev. Daniel E. Garcia, 5th Bishop of Monterey in California, will be the principal celebrant at a special Mass for doctors, PAs, NPs, RNs, pharmacists, healthcare providers, and their families. This first annual "White Mass" will be celebrated at 11am at the parish of Madonna del Sasso, 320 E. Laurel Drive. The term "White Mass" refers to the color worn... click here to continue reading.
Click here to see what other Catholic events are taking place in MONTEREY COUNTY.
Does your parish, school, apostolate,
or ministry have a special event
in MONTEREY COUNTY to announce?
Be sure to let us know!
Parish Celebration Festival

HOLLISTER - On Sunday, 20 February 2022, the parish of Sacred Heart and Saint Benedict will be celebrating the elimination of the parish's debt immediately following the 10:30am Mass at Saint Benedict, 1200 Fairview Road. Food will be provided by Brother... click here to continue reading.

Sacred Heart Thrift Store

HOLLISTER - The Sacred Heart Thrift Store, 680 College Street, "a place of treasures and bargains", is open Monday through Thursday and the First Saturday of the month from 10am until 12pm. The thrift store is currently low on blankets and waterproof tarps for the... click here to continue reading.
Ash Wednesday
Day of Recollection

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA - On Ash Wednesday, 2 March 2022, the Saint Francis Retreat Center, 549 Mission Vineyard Road, will be having a special Day of Recollection led by Fr Ken Laverone, OFM. Fr Laverone is currently the executive director of the Saint Francis... click here to continue reading.
New Time for
Traditional Latin Mass

HOLLISTER - The Traditional Latin Mass, celebrated according to the 1962 edition of The Roman Missal every Sunday at Sacred Heart church, 680 College St... click here to continue reading.
Click here to see what other Catholic events are taking place in SAN BENITO COUNTY.
Does your parish, school, apostolate,
or ministry have a special event
in SAN BENITO COUNTY to announce?
Be sure to let us know!
Full-Time Teaching Position

SANTA CRUZ - Good Shepherd Catholic School, 2727 Mattison Lane, is seeking a certificated teacher for a full-time middle school science. If interested, please contact Rich Determan, Principal, at 831-476-4000, or email... click here to continue reading.
Date Night:
An Evening Marriage Event

SANTA CRUZ - On Saturday, 12 February 2022, the Shrine of Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, 544 W. Cliff Drive, will be hosting Date Night: An Evening Marriage Event for Couples and Singles beginning at 6pm, led by Dr. Allen Hunt and his wife Anita. Dr. Hunt is a former Methodist minister who converted to Catholicism and is the author of The 21 Undeniable Secrets of Marriage, "a book that will... click here to continue reading.
Baked Potato Bar Dinner

SANTA CRUZ - On Thursday, 24 February 2022, the Young Ladies Grand Institute (#95) will be gathering at the parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, 515 Frederick Street, for a Baked Potato Bar Dinner at 6pm. Cost... click here to continue reading.
Annual "Fun"draiser Returns

APTOS - The parish of Resurrection, 7600 Soquel Drive, has announced the return of its virtual "fun"draiser. An Online Silent Auction will begin on Wednesday, 23 February 2022 and conclude on Saturday, 26 February 2022. There is no cost to participate in the online auction (unless you are the winner of the bid). A Virtual Social Hour followed by a Scavenger Hunt... click here to continue reading.
Annual St Patrick's
Corned Beef Dinner

APTOS - On Saturday, 12 March 2022, the Knights of Columbus of the parish of Resurrection, 7600 Soquel Drive, will be having their annual Saint Patrick's Corned Beef Dinner (take-out only) in the parish's Markey Community Center from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. Cost is $20 for adults (corned beef and cabbage, delicious home baked soda bread, and dessert) and $10 for children (hot dog... click here to continue reading.
Engaged Encounter 2022

SANTA CRUZ - The Catholic Engaged Encounter of Monterey will offer three weekends for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony in 2022. All three retreats will take place at the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista. Cost is $390 per couple. Engaged Encounter retreats are... click here to continue reading.
Click here to see what other Catholic events are taking place in SANTA CRUZ COUNTY.
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or ministry have a special event
in SANTA CRUZ COUNTY to announce?
Be sure to let us know!


Fr. Llane Briese
Archdiocese of Atlanta

Blessings are woven into the fabric of our Catholic heritage: “Father, will you give me a blessing”; “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned”; “Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts.” We invoke God’s blessings on all sorts of things in our lives: everything from food to fishing gear, from automobiles to religious articles. As Catholics, why do we do that? We do it as a way of inviting God into all the different places we go in our lives. Far from confining God to one hour on the weekend, we want to be aware that God is present in our lives when we go to work, when we are cooking dinner or cleaning dishes, when we are at rest or at play, and when we are alone or with friends and family. And rightfully so. We profess in the Creed faith in God, creator of “all things visible and invisible.” Surely God cannot be restricted from the world he made, but — although we are mere creatures — he chooses to give us real choice as to whether to invite him into our lives. Blessings are our response to that.

Our readings today speak five times about blessing, and that doesn’t count the refrain in the Responsorial Psalm. The Prophet Jeremiah proclaimed, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord.” That sounds nice enough. But things take a surprising turn when we hear our Lord’s words in today’s Gospel: “Blessed are you who are poor.” “Blessed are you who are now hungry.” “Blessed are you who are now weeping.” “Blessed are you who when people hate you.” These blessings sound familiar but a bit different. When we were younger, many of us learned that there are eight Beatitudes; those come from the Sermon on the Mount as reported in Matthew’s Gospel. Today, instead, we are hearing the four Beatitudes that come from the Sermon on the Plain, which is what we are reading in Luke’s Gospel, so we are indeed listening to a different perspective. But the difference is not just the number of them. Did you notice two other differences?

First, Jesus used a key word: you. “Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, weeping,” and “when people hate you.” Unlike the more familiar eight Beatitudes in Matthew’s Gospel, these Beatitudes are addressed directly to Jesus’ audience. Here in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus speaks to directly to his disciples in the presence of a large crowd. He lets them know exactly what discipleship requires. How do you think they felt as they heard these words from the Lord? I’m sure they were pleased to hear the Kingdom of God belongs to the poor — after all, none of the Twelve were wealthy — and the promise of future satisfaction, laughter, and a great reward. But certainly, they had to wonder what was going to happen before those future blessings.

That brings us to the second major difference from Matthew’s Beatitudes. These four blessings in Luke all have a corresponding woe: “Woe to you who are rich . . . who are filled now . . . who laugh now . . . when all speak well of you.” For the disciples who first heard the Word of the Lord, these four woes had to make them even more curious. Of course, we know how the story ends; the Twelve — except for Judas Iscariot — became great saints after a long struggle; they inherited the future blessings after experiencing plenty of poverty, hunger, sorrow, and hatred. Even if Jesus’ words perplexed this first audience, the disciples no doubt recognized that following their Lord required serious commitment.

What about us today? These blessings and woes apply to us no less than they did two thousand years ago. Do we find them scary or disturbing? Or do we find in them a challenge and consolation? Our forebears in faith, the saints, have seen in them the latter. They have heard in these words a call to follow the Lord’s humble example and enter into solidarity with the poor, hungry, sorrowful, and persecuted. The common Christian vocation of all the baptized demands no less. We can take solace amid suffering by looking to the first saint to believe in Jesus’ words here: Mary, our mother. Even before her Son was born, she proclaimed similar sentiments in her Magnificat: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.” As we bring our present hunger to the Lord’s table, let us welcome him anew into our lives, secure in our trust that the Lord will satisfy our every need as we commit ourselves to following his example of humble self-emptying.
+ + +

Septuagesima Sunday

Graciously hear, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
the prayers of Thy people,
that we, who are justly afflicted for our sins,
may for the glory of Thy Name
be mercifully delivered.

A reflection on this Sunday's liturgy by
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf can be found here.
DISCLAIMER (and its subsidiary websites) is a private lay initiative and is not officially associated with or an official enterprise of either the Archdiocese of Los Angeles or the Diocese of Monterey in California, nor any of their parishes or institutions... click here to continue reading.