8 February 2024

Worship With Us at Trinity Church


Sunday, 11 February

The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

Holy Eucharist Rite II

8:00 AM in the Church


10:00 AM in the Church

and on

Trinity Church YouTube

In This Week's eVoice













8:00 AM Holy Eucharist service returns - 11 Feb

Run for Refugees - 11 February

Women Together - 13 February

Ash Wednesday Services - 14 February

Church by the Pond - 17 February

Lenten Series - 18 February

Church Indoor Work Day - 19 February

Trinity Book Group - February Pick

Prayer List Requests

Special Prayer Requests


News from the Diocese - January Newsletter

The 8:00 am Holy Eucharist service will begin again

on Sunday, February 11, 2024.


Our thanks go to The Rev. Horace Johnson and The Rt. Rev. Andrew Smith who will preside at these services. They are working with the Wardens to maintain Sunday service time options as Trinity steps into its next chapter.


And there are many ways you can help - as a reader, member of the Altar Guild, or an usher. Please contact either Warden: Jacqui Lucier or Leslyn Clark; or reach out to Barbara in the office and they will connect you with the appropriate person.

Run for Refugees - Sunday

February 11, 2024


On Sunday, February 11, The Run for Refugees will take place in New Haven. Kate Smith will participate in person and Drew will do his 5K in our neighborhood (Virtual.) It is a Sunday morning! This event is the major fundraiser for IRIS (Integrated Refugee Immigration Services) that helped train and work with the volunteers that settled “our” Syrian and 2 Afghan families. We are also honoring Chris George, the Director, who is retiring. You can support Kate and Drew’s efforts by going to their webpage: https://give.classy.org/KateSmith .

If you’d like to participate, let me know at kate48smith @ comcast.net . It’s a great day with lots of food prepared by settled refugees.

Women Together: a group that gathers weekly to explore our Christian faith and practice through book discussion, prayer and fellowship meets on Tuesdays from 2:00 to 3:15pm in the reception room at St. John’s (679 Farmington Avenue, West Hartford, CT).


On Tuesday February 13, 2024 we will begin discussing Seeds by Thomas Merton, 2002 Release Date. “Thomas Merton is often considered the most prominent Christian contemplative of the twentieth century, but he was also a political activist, social visionary, and literary figure whose writings combine the candor of Thoreau and the moral vision of Gandhi. Here is a remarkably accessible introduction to his work- a collection of a short, vivid excerpts arranged in four parts so as to parallel the journey of a seeking soul in the modern world.” 


We will start by reading the Introduction and Part 1. Don’t worry if you haven’t received your book yet, just come and enjoy the conversation.

The books we choose are usually available at libraries, amazon.com and other booksellers. WT has been attended by women from St. John’s, Trinity, St. James and St. Monica’s. Please contact Linda MacGougan or Cathy Rowe if you would like additional information.

12 Noon – Rite II with Imposition of Ashes

7:00 PM – Rite II with Choir, Imposition of Ashes

Church by the Pond - February 17


Trinity's next opportunity to participate in this ministry led by Christ Church Cathedral is Saturday, February 17.

- We'll meet in the Trinity kitchen at 12:30 to prepare bag lunches, entering through the outside door to the kitchen.

- At 1:45 we'll bring those lunches and new socks to Bushnell Park, where we'll participate in the worship service by the pond. 

- We'll distribute our lunches and socks following the service, and finish around 3:00.


All parishioners and families are welcome! Please contact me if you have any questions, or to let me know you are planning to participate.


Penny Pearson, convener: [email protected], 860-243-0020

The Life of Christ in Trinity’s Stained Glass Windows

February 18 – March 16, 2024


It is simply human to stop noticing what surrounds us all the time, no matter how beautiful and meaningful our environment happens to be. At Trinity Church we have been blessed with beautiful stained glass windows which surround our worship space. The windows depict the life of Jesus, beginning with the Annunciation in the first window on the south side of the nave, continuing through his youth, his ministry, a parable or two, the passion story, and concluding with the Resurrection and Ascension. 


The windows contain details that many of us may have missed, since we usually pass the windows on our way to someplace else. We have the opportunity during the season of Lent this year to join Rev. George Chien (UMC, MCC) in studying the windows more closely, learning about the images that have been so familiar for so long. We will gather in the sanctuary at 11:30 on the Sundays of Lent beginning on Sunday, February 18, and George will share his insights about the artistry in the windows as well as the biblical and spiritual context of the images. Please plan to join us for this chance to enrich your Lenten practice. 

Indoor Winter Workday Planned For Presidents’ Day

Monday, February 19, 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Your help is needed! No tools are necessary. There’s no sign-up.

Come stay as long as you are able. Enjoy fellowship along with coffee and donuts.  Questions? Speak to Peter Green.

Trinity Church Book Group - February Pick

Trinity's Book Group's current selection is the nonfiction book What is Life? by Paul Nurse, "the Nobel prize-winning scientist's elegant explanation of the fundamental ideas in biology and their uses today." Anne Rapkin and Steve Zhitnik will host the meeting at their home on March 1st, 7:00-9:00 pm. All are welcome to attend! Please let Anne or Steve know if you're coming. (anne.rapkin @ gmail.com; s.zhitnik @ snet.net) The meeting begins with refreshments and then launches into lively discussions.

Prayer List
Should you like a name added to the Prayer List, please contact Barbara in the office at office at Trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 204.
Please note that unless the office is otherwise notified, the name will be on the list for 4 weeks and then removed.

Special Prayer Requests

A member of our parish, Jacqui Lucier has advanced kidney disease and is in need of a transplant.

As we pray for Jacqui, we also ask that you prayerfully consider being screened as a potential kidney donor. For more information about living organ donation and to sign up to be screened, please visit nkr.org/SBB483. Please encourage your friends and family to consider donor screening.

To hear Jacqui talk about her illness and need for a transplant, watch this clip that has aired on local news.

Weekly Calendar
Find upcoming events HERE .

News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

ECCT Newsletter - January 24, 2023

eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at [email protected] by Wednesday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
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Hartford, CT 06105
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