Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, 27 November
The First Sunday of Advent
8:00 AM Morning Prayer Rite II
in the Church
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church
and live-streamed via YouTube
8:00 AM Sunday Worship in Advent
Advent Reflection Series - 1 December
Godly Play taking a Thanksgiving Break - 27 Nov
4 December ACF Forum - Episcopal Polity and Why it Matters
Manger Scenes for the Christmas Season
Trinity's 2022 Giving Tree
Holy Land Giving Tree - AFEDJ
Greening of the Church - 18 December
Advent and Christmas at Trinity
More News from Godly Play
Embracing Flexibility
Dressmaking Shop Start-Up
Decolonizing the Body of Christ
Special Prayer Request
8:00 am Sunday Worship in Advent
During the season of Advent the 8:00 am service will be Morning Prayer with
Lectio Divina instead of a sermon. Lectio Divina is a guided meditation in Holy Scripture that seeks to help us connect prayerfully to where we are in this moment.
Advent Reflection Series
You are invited to journey through Advent with The Womb of Advent by The Rev. Mark Bozzuti-Jones. For each day of Advent, there is a mantra, Scripture reading, questions for reflection, and a spiritual exercise.
Beginning on Thursday December 1st and each Thursday in Advent, you are invited to join a 7 am zoom call to share what has touched you and what has challenged you in your prayer and reflection over the past week. Additionally, you can join in discussion anytime you would like by going to trinityhartford.wordpress.com and adding a comment on the relevant post. In order to allow for relatively private and open sharing, the reflection posts will be password protected. To receive the password, please call Barbara at 860-527-8133 Ext. 204 or email her at office at trinityhartford dot org.
Copies of the book will be available after Church or may be picked up from the office by arrangement with Barbara.
Thursday Morning Zoom Information:
Meeting ID 88007395 3968 Passcode 996527
Call in phone number 929-436-2866
No Godly Play Class on Sunday, 27 November
Class will resume on Sunday, December 4th.
December 4th ACF Forum:
Episcopal Polity and Why it Matters at Trinity
Do you know how decisions get made in The Episcopal Church?
What in the world is "polity"?
Why does any of this matter here at Trinity?
Join us on December 4th after the 10am service for an opportunity to learn more about how The Episcopal Church is organized and to discuss why that matters to our life together at Trinity. If you already have questions in mind that you would like addressed, please email them to Barbara (office at trinityhartford dot org) or call her at the office to submit them.
Manger Scenes
for the Christmas Season at Trinity
A tradition at Trinity Church is decorating the windowsills in our nave with manger scenes (also called creches or nativities). Before and during the season of Advent, we invite people to bring in manger scenes. You are welcome to loan or to donate creches. These may be old family pieces; they may be newly acquired. We are especially interested in a variety of ethnic heritages and/or national traditions and in various styles of art and design. Please consider adding your touch of color to our display as we celebrate the Incarnation of the Word in human flesh and family.
The Trinity Flower Guild has responsibility for seasonal decorations in the church. We are happy to receive gifts of nativity sets, which we will store and use again in following years. We also welcome the loan of manger scenes which you take back home after the Epiphany celebration. If you have questions please contact George Chien or Percy Williamson, Flower Guild Coordinators.
Trinity's 2022 "Giving Tree" Has ARRIVED!
This Advent, we are continuing Trinity's tradition of a "Giving Tree" - a tree set up in the Sanctuary, loaded with tags that list wishes from students at Trinity Academy and children from the Adopt-A-Social Worker program of Covenant to Care.
Our tree is up, with tags for each of the children. Parishioners who wish to participate may chose a tag on this or a subsequent Sunday, purchase the item and place the gift under the tree by Sunday 12/11. We are committed to these children, and it is important that gifts be returned by this date so that they may be distributed.
We will be providing:
- $25 gift cards to either Target or Walmart for 18 students of Trinity Academy (Asylum Hill Congregational Church is providing gift cards for the other 18 students) and:
- Actual gifts as requested for 18 children through Covenant to Care.
With only 2 weeks to shop for and return the gifts, our elves will be busy! Please mark your calendars and plan to join in this festive event.
Questions? Please contact Ruth Rose or Penny Pearson.
Holy Land Giving Tree AFEDJ -
Help for Ahli Hospital
The Holy Land Giving Tree will again be set up in Goodwin Hall (Coffee hour is back!).
The Outreach team will offer pictures of the needy children of the Diocese of Jerusalem, and festive olive wood ornaments for your own tree or as a gift. Your donations support the Ahli Hospital in Gaza where all people are in great need of medicine, electricity and everyday items. This is our international outreach to a place where our own religion began. Covid 19, as well as the usual unrest, has made this a very bad time for all who live in Gaza. Donations are sent to the hospital through the Diocese of Jerusalem. If you can’t make it to church, we ask that all checks be made out to AFEDJ (American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem) with Ahli Hospital in the memo and sent to the church office. All money is sent weekly, directly to the AFEDJ Center.
Our tree will be set up in Goodwin Hall for 3 Sundays:
December 4, 11, and 18. Please stop by!
In addition there is an online Advent Calendar from AFEDJ with a dose of joy and hope in a daily email message available to anyone who signs up HERE ( https://www.afedj.org/advent). “Each day offers a window into lives and ministries of today's Holy Land Christians ... through brief videos, interviews, photos, and prayers.” See what is happening in the Diocese of Jerusalem!
The Greening of the Church
People look east, the time is near,
of the crowning of the year.
Make your house fair as you are able,
trim the hearth and set the table.
People look east and sing today:
Love, the guest, is on the way.
~~Eleanor Farjeon
Each year on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, after the 10 AM service, the Nave of Trinity Church is transformed from Advent Blue to a festal display of red, white, gold, and green. There are banners to be changed, wreathes and garlands to be hung, and much more. Many volunteer hands and hearts help this joyful work to go forward quickly.
Please plan on Sunday, the 18th of December, to get your after-church coffee and refreshments and then join us in the Nave to prepare the space for the celebrations that will follow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Advent and Christmas
at Trinity
December 1, 8, 15, 22
Thursdays in Advent Advent Reflection Series
7:00 am (via Zoom)
December 3 Voices of Concinnity Concert
5:00 pm (Church)
December 11 Advent Choral Evensong
5:00 pm (Church)
December 16 Blue Christmas Service of Remembrance
7:00 pm (Church)
December 18 Greening of the Church
After the 10:00 am service (Church)
December 24 Christmas Eve Eucharist
5:00 pm Children and Family Service
9:30 pm Choral Prelude
10:00 pm Christmas Eucharist (with use of incense)
December 25 Christmas Day
10:00 am Christmas Morning Eucharist
More News from
The king who was coming is still coming.
This is full of mystery.
You know a mystery is hard to enter sometimes.
That is why this time of ADVENT is so important.
Sometimes people can walk right through a mystery and not even know it is there.
This time of year you will see people hurrying in the malls buying things and doing this and that.
They don’t know how to get ready or maybe they just forgot.
Beginning December 4 we will be taking a journey with the prophets, the Holy Family, the shepherds, the angels, the Magi and all the rest to make the journey that was not just back then. IT IS NOW.
Children of all ages are welcome into our Godly Play classroom each Sunday at 9:45 am and join the congregation about 10:40 am.
Embracing the Flexibility of our Space
In order to facilitate taking advantage of the flexibility of our space, beginning Sunday, November 27th, cushions will not be on the chairs. Instead, cushions will be available at each entrance of the Sanctuary.
Start-up Dressmaking Shop!
Items needed!
Saheba Dadwall, the mom of Trinity’s Afghan refugee family, is an expert dressmaker and will soon open out of the family’s home a dressmaking shop! This is a wonderful opportunity for Saheba to supplement the family’s income and to take pride in her excellent skills. The refugee resettlement team has collected for her a sewing machine and some basic sewing supplies, as well as a large table necessary for cutting fabric. At this time, the refugee resettlement committee is looking for the following items, either new or used, so long as, if used, they are in good condition:
- A steam iron. The iron should be heavier than you’d use for
ordinary ironing chores.
- An ironing board, pressing cloth, and tailor’s ham.
- Dressmaking shears, pinking shears, ordinary scissors for cutting paper, small sharp scissors (for cutting thread), and a rotary cutter
- Bobbins
- Thread for a sewing machine: 100% polyester thread, Coats & Clark (also just labeled as Coats)and Gütermann, are preferred, but cotton/poly thread is acceptable. (All-cotton thread may shrink when the garment is washed).
- Tape measure
- Tailor’s chalk
- Seam-ripper
- Hand-sewing needles and pins and a pin cushion
- Dressmaker’s forms, one for a woman and one for a girl
If you can help out with any of these items, please contact Anne Rapkin, anne dot rapkin at gmail dot com or 860-521-5992. Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Anne Rapkin,
for the Refugee Resettlement Team
Our work of following the way of Jesus by confronting white supremacy culture and anti-black bias in ourselves, our Church and broader community is a lifetime work. ECCT is delighted to share that Dr. Christena Cleveland will continue to support this Gospel work in 2023. Our theme will be Decolonizing the Body, a six-month journey, beginning and ending with retreats at Camp Washington in March and August, and interval evening meetings at Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford.
Please find more information here.
Special Prayer Request
A member of our parish, Jacqui Lucier has advanced kidney disease and is in need of a transplant.
As we pray for Jacqui, we also ask that you prayerfully consider being screened as a potential kidney donor. For more information about living organ donation and to sign up to be screened, please visit nkr.org/SBB483. Please encourage your friends and family to consider donor screening.
To hear Jacqui talk about her illness and need for a transplant, watch this clip that has aired on local news.
Sunday, November 27th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
Tuesday, November 29th
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
Thursday, December 1st
7:00 A.M.
12:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Friday, December 2nd
7:00 P.M.
Saturday, December 3rd
9:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
Sunday, December 4th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
The First Sunday of Advent
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Women Together (St. John's)
Choir School Rehearsal (Church)
Advent Reflections (Zoom)
Noon Eucharist (Chapel)
Choir School Rehearsal (Church)
Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church)
N/A Group Meeting (Huntington Hall)
Outside Work Day (Church / Grounds)
Voices of Concinnity Concert (Church)
The Second Sunday of Advent
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
ACF Forum - Episcopal Polity
(Church / Zoom)
News from the Diocese
Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.
eVoice Deadline
All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org by Wednesday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105