13 June 2021
Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

~~Collect for the Third Sunday after Pentecost

Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, June 13: Third Sunday after Pentecost
Youth Sunday

Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden, 8 AM
with Communion in one kind (bread only)

Rev. D. Presiding and Preaching

Holy Eucharist at 10 AM in the Church and via YouTube
with Communion in one kind (bread only)

Rev. D. Presiding
Jane Mogor and Margaret Rousseau – Youth Sunday Address

Youth Sunday Reception in the Memorial Garden
after the 10 AM Service

The Hospitality Committee and leaders in our youth ministry would like to celebrate our young people in a special way.
To make the celebration extra special, young people who graduated from high school or college in 2020 or 2021 are invited to wear cap and gown to the 10am Service. (Any not-as-young people who still have a cap and gown around can also wear theirs to add to the celebratory spirit!) After the service, the graduates will kick off a reception in the Memorial Garden by marching into the garden to a recording of “Pomp and Circumstance” while the rest of the congregation cheers them on.
We are requesting that all young people who would like to participate write a short bio of their school and church activities and bring it with them on Sunday. Additionally, to assist with planning, please email Jennifer Stephens (Jpstep24@yahoo.com) to let her know that you will be participating.

Thursday, June 17

Noon Prayer Via Zoom, Live at 12 PM:

This is a Standing Meeting.
The log-in and password will remain the same each week.
Join Zoom Meeting via computer or tablet

Meeting ID: 597 938 892
Password: 323842
Dial in
929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 597 938 892
Password: 323842

Please Note: if you call in on a land line, long distance charges may apply.

A Message from Rev. D

Welcome Back!
We are so grateful to have this opportunity to worship together and see one another after such a long time!
8:00 AM Service
·           When the weather allows for the 8:00 am service to be outside, people will be allowed to remove their masks while they are at their seat.
10:00 AM Service
·                    Masks are required to be worn by the congregation. A limited supply of masks will be available for those who do not have one.
·                    Restrooms in the Narthex are available if needed.
·                    Single-use Bulletins will be provided. Please either use the recycle barrels or take your bulletin home with you.
·                    Offering plates will be provided at the entrance and on a pedestal when
you are leaving through the South Narthex into the Close; plates will not be passed.
We will continue to stream the service live to YouTube and upload an electronic copy of the bulletin to the website. We want to make sure that folks who are not yet comfortable with in person worship and folks who can’t come in person are still able to be a part of our worshiping community.
First Sunday Back In Person, Part 1. 6 June 2021.
Worship Ministries. Volunteers Needed!

As we move forward and gather for future services, please keep in mind all the Worship Ministries that help to create such wonderful services here at Trinity Church.
We are looking for volunteers for our Altar Guild, Usher and Flower Ministries. No previous experience is needed. If you would like more information, please contact Barbara Roos in the office and she will connect you with the ministry leader.

Trinity Book Group

Trinity's Book Group was ready for an uplifting story, so its next selection is The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver. “It is the charming, engrossing tale of rural Kentucky native Taylor Greer, who only wants to get away from her roots and avoid getting pregnant. She succeeds, but inherits a 3-year-old native-American little girl named Turtle along the way, and together, from Oklahoma to Tucson, Arizona, half-Cherokee Taylor and her charge search for a new life in the West.”
All are welcome to join this Zoom meeting, slated for Friday, June 18th, at 7:00 pm. To receive a Zoom link, please contact Linda MacGougan. (macgougans@gmail.com)

Church by the Pond June 19
Church by the Pond is the Saturday worship service companion to the “Church Street Eats” feeding program in Bushnell Park, both coordinated by Christ Church Cathedral. Trinity is one of a number of area churches who participate in this ministry, and have since it began 10 years ago. 
Throughout the last year, Trinity volunteers provided lunches in our assigned months for those in need - even when we could not gather in person, or were very restricted - as part of our ongoing commitment to community service. In addition, Rev. D. has officiated in these months, since becoming our Rector. 
Trinity’s next opportunity to serve in this ministry is Saturday, June 19.
As part of Trinity's reopening, we'll gather at the church to prepare bag lunches, observing the same mask and social distancing protocols as for in-person worship.
- At 12:30, we’ll meet in the Trinity kitchen and the library (We enter and exit only through the outside door to the kitchen.)
- At 1:45 we’ll bring those lunches to Bushnell Park, where we’ll participate in the worship service by the pond at 2:00, led by Rev. D.
- We'll distribute our lunches following the service, and should finish around 3:00.
Please come for as much of this time as you can – friends and families are welcome. Please contact me if you have questions.
Penny Pearson, on behalf of this ministry

A/V Guild

After taking a step back from recruitment to continue to refine the system, we are once again seeking volunteers to be a part of the A/V Guild. Don’t worry about your level of technical skill. If you can press a button on a remote control, then there’s a place for you on the team. If you would like more information, would like to volunteer, or would like to come watch the a/v guild at work on a Sunday to get a sense of what they do, please be in touch with Jake Troiano or Casey Rosseau.

Please email office@trinityhartford.org or call 860-527-8133 ext. 204 and Barbara Roos will provide contact information for Casey and Jake.

In the Memorial Garden of Trinity Church.
First Sunday Back In Person, Part 2. 6 June 2021.

News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to George at chienga@sbcglobal.net by Thursday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, June 13th         Third Sunday after Pentecost – Youth Sunday
        8:00 A.M.              Holy Eucharist Rite II (Memorial Garden)
      10:00 A.M.              Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Monday, June 14th        
        5:30 P.M.            Trinity Community for Racial Justice (Zoom)
Tuesday, June 15th          
        5:15 P.M.             Bible Study (Zoom)
        7:00 P.M.             Vestry Meeting (Zoom)
Thursday, June 17th       
      12:00 P.M.                Noonday Prayer Service (Zoom)
Friday, June 18th
        7:00 P.M.              Trinity Church Book Group (Zoom)
Saturday, June 19th
     10:00 A.M.              Sanctuary Stitchers
     12:00 P.M.              Feeding in the Park (Big Kitchen)
       2:00 P.M.              Church by the Pond (Bushnell Park)
Sunday, June 20th           Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
         8:00 A.M.               Holy Eucharist Rite II (Memorial Garden)
       10:00 A.M.               Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)

120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105