
St. Paul's is privileged to host the Diocesan Ordination of Deacons Friday June 3 at 2PM. Note the change of time.

Our own Seminarian Miguel de Jesús Rangel Hernández will be one of the four deacons to be ordained.

We hope by May 16 to know the number and composition of folk who are to be hosted, and are very grateful for those who are offering hospitality.

For those unable to otherwise host, we are hoping that folk might underwrite one or two nights at Real de Minas, which has given us a dicount rate of 1,250MX. We are in conversation with other hotels.

If you are able to offer hospitality OR underwriting, please contact Claudia at

If you would like to be part of the Team organizing the event, also contact Claudia Logistics include pew markers and seating, flower fund, hospitality, reception, transportation and parking. The first Team meeting will occur at 2pm Monday May 16 and then again on Monday May 30. As May 16th is tomorrow, I can report that Altar Guild Director Christine Eyre, Usher Guild Director Sandra Dean, Madre Karen O'Malia, Seminarian Miguel Rangel, Audio Visual Maestro Daniel Morgan, and perhaps Adrian Ross, Flower Guild and someone I've failed to recall, have indicated attendance. If you have an interest, do show up if you are able.

Patsy Dubois will, under tented front lawn tents, cater passed hors d'oeuvres together with champagne and white wine for brindas/cheers after the event.

Paula Hebert and Jeff Arnold have graciously offered to underwite chamber music for the event.

The Diocese has determined an "open event" ordination, which means we will host all comers after the official seating of official participants, ecumenical representives, and parish representatives. This means we will have a full-house, challenging our capacity, and masks must be worn due to continued COVID concerns.

Debra Broussard has coordinated with Atencíon for an article with photographs a week or so following the event, and hence a paid photographer will be present.

In addition to underwriting housing, any special contributions toward the reception, for the photographer, flowers, and accessory delights shall be warmly received.

We are extremely pleased to be hosting the Diocesan Ordinations, and are, of course, delighted to see Licenciado and Seminarian Miguel Rangel's studies and endeavors come to fruition. We rejoice for all the ordinands, and I ask your prayers for each of them as they make spiritual and practical preparation.

Let us pray:

"O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Lok favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacret mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had frown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." Book of Common Prayer page 540

Eastertide Joy!

Our new Bishop, The Right Reverend Alba Sally Sue Hernández Garcia, will make a formal Episcopal Visitation to St. Paul's on Sunday July 17th for Confirmation. There will be one Liturgy only that day at 10:15am.


NOON Mass On The Grass

9am Holy Eucharist (inside)
10:15am Mass On The Grass (weather dependent, and returning inside June 5th)
NOON Misa en Español (inside)

2pm Friday June 3

10:15am JUNE 5th

On the Feast of Pentecost, June 5th, the 10:15am Eucharist will move from our 'Mass On The Grass,' format, returning to the interior of the Church.

We will continue the precautionary wearing of masks during indoor Liturgy.

Many have enjoyed our outdoor venue, and many others pine to return to the interior of our parish church. Vestry feels we are ready for return, and especially with the arrival of rainy season.

On Saturday May 21 from 10am to Noon the Rector will make a short presentation called 'Toxic Charity & Healthy Benevolence.' Based on two books (which you may choose to read in advance, but need not) this reflection should assist in our developing philosophy of engagement with community need. The books are 'Toxic Charity' by Robert Lupton and 'Helping Without Hurting in Church Benevolence' by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. Both are available in Kindle or soft-copy on Amazon. No fees attach to the classes, but it is helpful to let our secretary know should you plan to participate...Claudia at

Who doesn't like Coffee Hour? Kathy Lapsys is forming a committee to oversee coffee hours after the 10:15am Sunday Eucharist. Providing fellowship with coffee and a goodie is a glad return as the COVID fog lifts. Many hands make light work...and the goal is to have many hands. If you are interested in joining this committee please contact Kathy at
The sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Easter, May 15, is HERE.

The lectionary texts for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 22, are HERE.

Lecturas para la 'Misa en Español' al Pascua Cinco del 15 de mayo 2022 estan AQUI

Liturgies "live" on Facebook are active.
Our Aspirante for Reception from the Roman Catholic priesthood into Anglican Orders is supporting his family as a Spanish Language instructor at Instituto Allende under the auspices of our friend Jorge Iberra. He is also working at HB Real Estate.

In our Spanish Language Mass and Ministry, he functions under the authority of the Rector and of soon-to-be-Deacon Miguél Rangél, with particular charge for the development of the Despensa Project in local communities. Should you wish to be in contact with Carlormangno Osorio, his e-address is above.
Saturday Breakfast Group -
The Saturday 9:30 breakfast group has recovened at Ataño Cuatro HERE

Meeting on the outside back quad of the campus at 10:00am Wednesdays and open to all men, is a group dedicated to discussion and shared prayer.

contact Daniel at:

A column by long-time resident
Anna Buchanan


Virginia Arteaga
Jonathan & Quinlan Brown (bereaved)
Kathleen Chaffin
Deacon Anthony Christiansen
Valerie Coon (broken leg)
Bob Fay
Ryan (Folse Family)
Susan Gist
Linda Gilmer
Dorothy Glenn
Meredith Glenn
Mireille Grovier
Robert Herold & the Herold Family (bereaved)
Troy Lapsys
Robert Levito
Familia Lopez (bereaved)
Lisa Machat
Tim Noel Marinello
Darlene and Tony Marinello (bereaved)
Ed McCracken
Marni McGee
Margeory McKinley
Margie McKinley
Racquel Martin (bereaved)
Mae Milan
David Miller
Win Mordecai
Susan Moore
Tom Moorman
Nancy Castillo Ontiveros
John O'Malia
Francisco Ortíz
Joel Porter (Susan Robinson's nephew)
Luis Victoria Renden
Father Jeff Sells
Marion Stamp
Lilia Trapága Tenney
Father Mac Thigpen
Father Ernie Townsend
Jessica and Jacob

Anne Herold
Dan Brown (Jonathan Brown's brother)
  • How sleep processes emotion HERE
  • What were the 'Hanging Gardens of Babylon'? HERE
  • 'Personhood' and abortion debate HERE
  • May edition of MEXPERIENCE newsletter HERE
  • Why is the Roman Church failing in the West? HERE
Visit our 'GIVE' page on the Parish Website HERE 

1PLEDGES to St. Paul's Mission and Ministry Fund:  Pledges to the year-round General Fund supporting the work and development of the Parish may be made by downloading and returning the Pledge Card for 2022 HERE.

2. LEGACY GIFTS:  Gifts to the Parish through Trusts, Wills, Annuities, and other Estate Planning mechanisms are straight-forward if initiated in the U.S. or Canada to our U.S. based accounts. Real property in Mexico must be donated to Amigos Anglicanos A.C. (civil association, free from Mexican government intervention). Do not make real gifts of Mexican property to St. Paul's AR (religious association, under government control in Mexico). Further information regarding Mexican gifts of real property, art, and the like may be found HERE, and in discussion with the parish administrator or the parish Rector.

3. CIVIC INITIATIVE GIFTS:  Feed The Hungry, Patronato Pro Niños, The Red Cross, The Anglican Diocese of México. Information is available on the parish website, published pledge information, or from the Rector

Calzada del Cardo, 6 Centro 37700
San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico

Office: 415.121.3424

The Right Reverend Alba Sally Sue Hernández Garcia; Bishop
The Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III; Rector
The Reverend Karen O'Malia; Assisting
Miguel de Jesús Rangél Hernández; Seminarian
Carlomangno Osorio Uran; Aspirant
Non-stipendiary Residential Clergy