Message from the Rector
With the winter chill is almost behind us, the beginning of rainy April days, and the Good News that Christ is risen (Alleluia!!!), we are delighted to welcome the new life of spring and Eastertide at All Saints! It is a season of renewal and growth, and we are excited to invite you to join us in celebrating this joyful time of year.
At All Saints, we have planned a series of events and activities to mark the arrival of this new life and create a sense of warmth and fellowship among our congregation. We encourage you to participate and take part in the following activities:
- Women’s Breakfast: This Sunday, April 7th, after the 8:00 am service, we will have our Annual Women’s Breakfast in the Parish Hall. Sponsored by the ECW, all women are invited to come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast that is completely prepared and served by the men of parish.
- Outreach Breakfast: On Sunday, April 21st, between the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services, come hungry and with money to give away for our monthly Outreach Breakfast!
- Campus Cleanup Day: On Saturday, April 27th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, we will have a Campus Cleanup Day at the church grounds. We will work together to spruce up our gardens, clean our outdoor spaces, and prepare for the warmer months ahead. Please bring your gardening gloves and tools, and let's work together to make our church grounds beautiful.
- Bishop Carrie's Cathedral Seating Viewing Party: Also on Saturday, April 27th, at 11:00am, the whole region is invited to our sanctuary to watch the Bishop's Seating Worship service, which takes place at the cathedral in Baltimore, but we will be watching the Livestream together. Bring snacks to share!
Calvert Arts Festival (CAF): the big day is almost here…Saturday, May 11th from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, we will host the 18th Annual Calvert Arts Festival. Spread the word…invite everyone you know! If you haven’t already, sign up to volunteer! And then, come and enjoy!
We hope that these events will provide opportunities for our congregation to come together in a spirit of community, celebrate the arrival of new life, and deepen the bond of our faith community. Let us embrace the season of renewal with open hearts and minds, and share the warmth and joy of springtime with one another.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and celebrating this festive season together at All Saints. May this season of growth and rebirth bring blessings to you and your families.
With warmest regards,
Andrew +
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Look at all the eggs in the Labyrinth!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all who filled eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt after the late service on Sunday morning. Special thanks go to Jenn Schatz who coordinated the event. Our young folks had a great time gathering eggs to fill their Easter baskets!
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Episcopal 101 is back!! This course is open to everyone, especially for those new to our congregation or even if you've taken part is the past. But most importantly, if you are interested in being officially confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, this is our preparation for that important occasion.
The next diocesan confirmation / reception service will be at the cathedral in Baltimore at 3pm on May 19th. In hope that we will have participants from our church, our 4-week course will be offered on the following dates:
Meeting online via Zoom on these Wednesday evenings at 7pm:
April 17th
April 24th
May 8th
May 15th
Please let Father Andrew know if you are interested or have any questions!
To join the class, just click the following link:
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All Saints Parish is happy to announce that it is developing a Health Ministry. In order for us to be disciples of Christ, we must focus on our mental and physical health at all times. We can follow Christ better when we are healthier. The bible tells us to love God, love our neighbors, and to love ourselves. If we love ourselves, then we will take care of our physical and mental health. The Health Ministry will provide a few tools to support your health and wellness. This ministry will feature mental health and physical health topics in the newsletter and provide information and resources for you to increase your physical and mental health awareness. This Health Ministry will promote preventive health measures. We would like to invite interested parishioners to join this ministry and bring your ideas to the table on how we can enhance and/or maintain our mental and physical health in order to be healthy disciples of Christ. Please contact Adriane Hope Sayles if you are interested.
Adriane Hope Sayles, Senior Warden
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ECW News
The ECW Women's Breakfast/Annual Meeting is this Sunday, April 7th in between services. The men of the church, under the leadership of Norm Flora, will be serving us a delicious breakfast as we enjoy the fellowship of each other, learn a little about what is going on with the ECW and hear about Lissi Mojica's ongoing Puerto Rico Mission project. Thanks to all who RSVPed - we are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday morning!
While you might think we would cancel our first Saturday of the month fellowship breakfast tomorrow morning, but...heck no! That's not happening because we really enjoy our monthly Saturday morning gathering. Even if you can't make the Annual Meeting/Women's Breakfast on Sunday morning, we hope you can still get together with us tomorrow at 9 AM at Dream Weaver Cafe in Prince Frederick. No business talk, just fun chitchat! Hope to see you there!
Calvert Arts Festival will be here in the snap of a finger. The next five weeks will go by so quickly. As we usually do, the ECW will host a bake sale, craft tables and the Back Door Café will be open for business with a great menu of food and snacks for those who get hungry throughout the day. We will need lots of volunteers to help our CAF guests and customers. You can sign up to volunteer at the ECW tables HERE and we would love for you to join us in our fundraising efforts.
In addition, we are actively working to increase our inventory of craft items to sell. Please join us for our last scheduled spring crafting session. Bring your own craft items to work on for us or keep up-to-date with planned crafts in the weekly newsletter, If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Overstrom at or 410-474-0086.
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Grahame/Hyde Cemetery Tree Clean Up April 10th (11th rain date)
The time has come to remove the felled tree wood pile that has been cluttering up the Grahame/Hyde cemetery plots. We have plans for a tractor to help. But if you are available to help please stop by on April 10th at 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM or April 11th(rain date same times). If you have a tractor, truck or trailer to help please contact Glenn Iona or come by the cemetery to help. For those that do not know the Grahame/Hyde plots are, it is behind the church or up the hill from the Spudnik garden.
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Zoom crafting/needle work meeting, Thursday, April 11th
We will be meeting Thursday, April 11th from 6:30 - 8 pm. The Zoom meetings will be in the evenings now to hopefully include those who are not available during the day. Please join us just to talk. No crafting required! If you have any questions about this or our in-person meetings, please contact Cindy Overstrom at or 410-474-0086.
Here is the link:
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 5052 5385
Passcode: 714836
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Deacon Lisa would appreciate it if we could make/collect small knit/crochet "prayer squares" (about 2.5" square) that do not have any Christian-specific symbols on them. Ideally, she's hoping to gather maybe as many as 50 in all. She intends to ask a couple of other small prayer shawl ministry groups to participate.
She's traveling to Turkey on April 14th. The trip is partly to meet a group of Syrian refugee women who are making some income by knitting/crocheting amigurumi dolls & then selling them. This is one of very few socially acceptable means these women have to help support their families. They were displaced by the civil war & ISIS activity in their native Syria & have really had to start life over. The lucky ones have shipping container housing & little else, including food. I think it would mean a lot to them to know that, although they are themselves Muslim, there are Christian women in the US who are praying for them & their families. If anyone can grasp the plight of women, it's other women. The point in leaving off any Christian symbolism is to avoid any chance that other people around the ladies themselves might have any issues.
If you can make even a couple, please drop them off in the back of the church near the PA equipment with her name on the bag by April 11th.
Call or text Cindy Overstrom if you have any questions. 410-474-0086.
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Project Spudnik
All work sessions are from 10 AM to noon.
Project Spudnik scheduled three work sessions: April 6, 13 and 27. This is because rain canceled our March 23 session. We hope you can join us as we play in the dirt to make things grow. Perhaps even in our new high beds! Come check them out!
You may have more than one announcement on the Spudnik garden, since we have two people sending messages.
Let me know if you have any questions. We will make soil and plant transplants and seeds for the cool season vegetables.
Mimi Miller
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Les Saints du Vin
Lissi Mojica will be hosting our April wine tasting on our usual second Sunday, April 14th at 4:00.
If you attended the recent wine tastings you may recall that I said this tasting would be at Lissi's home on Kent Island. However, due to a few factors including increased Bay Bridge traffic due to the Key bridge collapse, this tasting will be held at a very familiar location for us - Mary Ann Munn's home.
Mary Ann's address is 5961 Sunderleigh Drive, Sunderland. Cell phone 443-404-7418 if you need directions.
If you plan to attend please RSVP to John Overstrom, who runs the group, at or call 410-286-8060.
Given the change of venue, here is Lissi's wine tasting theme:
A taste of Kent Island without having to cross the bridge!
Kent Island wines come to Calvert! Come enjoy a tasting of Kent Island wineries and enjoy the grapes grown on the enchanting and peaceful island full of fun, fauna and festivities!
As usual please bring some food to share, and we will be voting for our favorite wine via cash donations and the proceeds will go to a charity of our choice.
April Outreach Breakfast
Join fellow parishioners for breakfast on the third Sunday of the month, April 21st, after the early service.
---It's the most yummy and delicious breakfast around!
---It's Fun and Fellowship!
---And most importantly, it's SUPPORT FOR OUR OUTREACH MISSIONS!
For our late service attendees and our newcomers, please join us! We'd love to get to know you at the breakfast table!
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Calvert Arts Festival (CAF) Campus Clean Up April 27th(May 4th rain date)
The 18th Calvert Arts Festival is around the corner on May 11th. The campus clean up is planned for April 27th 9 AM - 1 PM or May 4th 10 AM - 1 PM (Rain Date). To prepare for the festival we need your help to clean up the campus grounds of downed limbs, leaves and other brush. This will help beautify the campus for festival vendors, visitors and parishioners for the spring and summer seasons.
Come join fellow parishioners. Bring your family, friends, rakes, tarps, gloves, blowers, wheelbarrows. ECW will once again provide refreshments, snacks and a lite lunch. If there are questions please contact Glenn Iona, Filo Blake or David Lippe. Their contact information is in the Sunday service bulletins or the online Instant Church Directory.
Four senior singles met and/or reconnected this week at All Saints' newest group. Penny, Grace, Stephanie and Mary Ann enjoyed lunch at Vaughan Cheese and getting to know each other. Major connection: Stephanie's husband had been best man at Grace's marriage to Donald. The two ladies had not seen each other in ages . . . until today!
All senior singles (you determine whether you are in the category) are welcome to our next meeting: 11:30 AM, Wednesday, May 1 at Vaughan Cheese, 4116 7th Street, North Beach. Questions? Contact Mary Ann Munn,
| The Men's Breakfast is always the first Saturday of every month at 9:00 am at Traders Restaurant in Chesapeake Beach. Jim Thrift, our convener, will be in attendance setting up the room before 9:00. The breakfasts are for all Christian men for fellowship and fun. We discuss most everything except religion. Plan to attend and bring a friend as all are welcome, especially newcomers. If you attend you'll have fun, if you don't, we'll talk about you. |
Calvert Arts Festival News
Stay tuned here in the newsletter for CAF news and updates!
| HELP make this the BEST Calvert Arts Fest yet! HELP us earn $10,000 (or more) for distribution to our chosen beneficiaries! This year, our beneficiaries are Calvert Concept Charitable Corporation, Project Echo. Calvert County Churches Food Pantry, Community Ministry of Calvert County and Child Advocacy Center. |
Volunteers Are Needed
No one can deny that it takes many hands to make an event such as the Calvert Arts Festival go off without a hitch. We have over 140 volunteer slots listed on There are plenty of fun things to sign up to do, including traffic coordinators, admin tent attendants to welcome guests and handle wine/beer glass sales and more, silent auction sales, 50/50 raffle ticket sales, and, of course, set-up and take down before and after the event. Please review the list of volunteer slots that need to be filled and sign up HERE today. Friends and neighbors of All Saints are welcome to volunteer, helping us reach our goals and joining in the fun and festivities!
Auction Items needed for the CAF Silent Auction!
The Silent Auction at the Calvert Arts Festival is always a successful part of our major fundraising event!
The Calvert Arts Festival is looking for donations for this year's Silent Auction. Do you have autographed memorabilia that you don’t want anymore? How about a gift card to a favorite restaurant? Do you really need two Instant Pots or George Foreman Grills? Too many timeshares to use in a year or maybe you could donate a long weekend at your Ocean City condo? How about donating a house cleaning or a home cooked meal? Popular items in the past have been timeshares, boating trips, anything with alcohol, themed baskets, home cooked dinners or cookies. Items with a value over $100 would be greatly appreciated. Please, no items valued under $20. Contact Mary Klausner at with details or questions. We’ll need a photo, description and fair market value for each item.
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The lessons for Palm Sunday are available online...
Sunday 8 AM:
For those not attending in person, the 8 AM liturgy is live streamed on our Facebook page. You may tune in at 8 AM by clicking on this link:
The bulletin may be found just below. [ Please note : unlike our 10:30 AM service on Zoom, the 8 AM service is not interactive. You will be able to view the liturgy and the sermon, but will not be able to see or speak with the other viewers.]
Link to our 8 AM bulletin >>> BULLETIN
Sunday 10:30 AM:
To join the 10:30 AM service by pc, laptop or smart device , click on this link:
If you are asked for a password, enter 014954
(You can join directly through the Zoom app by entering the Meeting ID: 715 310 766 and then the Password: 014954)
To join by cell phone (audio only)
Call in number: 1-301-715-8592 When asked for the access code, enter: 715310766# When asked for the password, enter: 014954#
To join by landline:
Dial: 1 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 715 310 766 Password: 014954
Link to our 10:30 AM bulletin >>> BULLETIN
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April Birthdays
1- Dale Everhart
1 - Joyce Arthur
4 - Jessica Naylor
5 - Deb Lineberry
6 - Danny Hooper
7 - Penny Dorsey
9 - Deb Shupe
10 - Rob Shupe
12 - Amy Deal
12 - Mary Ann Munn
14 - Francis Flora
15 - Kathryn Marsh
15 - Liam Horn
15 - Matthew Schatz
15 - Tina Miller -Schaeffer
20 - Patrick McDonald
25 - Julie Schardt
26 - Rick Myllenbeck
27 - John Overstrom
A very happy anniversary to Vince & Kathy Natale on the 7th, Steve & Deb Watson on the 8th, Tom & Martha Hyde on the 21st.
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Please remember each and every one on their healing journey.
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Patty Sherbert
Cathy Diggle
Judy Seversen
Sue Pierce
Alice Adams
Gary Brown
Philicia Collins
Jason Cross
Ersky “Butch” Freeman
Jackie Pope
Annie & Andre Henderson
Corben & Michael
Valerie Price
Ruth & Mary
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Michael Freeman
Sharon Denise Powell
Elizabeth Heidzig
Andy Duane
Audrey S.
John S.
Bishop Curry
Tony Orbeck
Brynna and Angelus
Those who face mental health challenges, those experiencing homelessness and caregivers.
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Info and flyers to be posted in the May monthly newsletter need to be received via email by Wednesday, April 24 at 8 a.m. Please send information to &
This allows time for editing and clarification when needed.
| Reminder. Directions for how to access and use the parish directory can be found in this newsletter link (scroll down to the article) | |
Before submitting a request for publication, please review these guidelines for newsletter/publicity Guidelines | |
A "Tip" to Stay Connected
Be careful NOT to unsubscribe to the newsletter. Even if done accidentally, there is no current way to resubscribe to the same email address.
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