October 2018
"Such a big day. So many things that can go wrong."

Just before taking the podium, I learned that technical issues would prevent me from utilizing my 44-slide PowerPoint presentation during my talk at the Weight Stigma in Healthcare Settings conference at Massachusetts General Hospital earlier this month, hence my opening remarks.

Want to find out what happened? Watch the video or read an edited transcript below.


Dietetics Within the Health at Every Size (HAES) Framework.
Despite the overconfidence that I had when I first became a dietitian, the truth is that I still have a lot to learn, and I really do not have any secrets, except for maybe one, which I am going to tell you right now. Watch or read more.
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Free Nutrition Talks

We have given free nutrition talks to high school sports teams, corporations, medical practices, non-profits, government agencies, and adult athletic teams, and now we want to come speak with your group. If your religious organization, company, team, practice, club, or other such group would like one or both of us to come and deliver a free talk on nutrition, contact us!
Soolman Nutrition LLC | (781) 433-0470 | info@soolmannutrition.com
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