
October 2022 | Issue 3

The time has come for my book cover reveal scheduled for Halloween, Monday, October 31 at 6 pm Eastern on Twitter. Join @mwindajis and say hello. Newsletter subscribers will receive a sneak peek via email.

Willing to read an advanced review copy of Dark Blood Awakens in exchange for an honest book review? Please sign up to join the ARC team. 

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I Came By on Netflix

Toby and Jay, Jamel Agassi, are taggers, breaking into homes of wealthy, influential businesspeople in their fight against corporate greed. However, when Jay’s girlfriend becomes pregnant, and his priorities change.

Upset when his best friend abandons the graffiti movement, Toby continues on his own. Unfortunately, the first house he chooses belongs to a retired judge with dangerous secrets.

In this suspense thriller, Jay and Toby’s mom must address their relationship with Toby to reveal the judge’s secrets. An undercurrent in the story is the UK’s treatment of immigrants and how it contributes to this tragedy.

Over two hours, I Came By built slowly to a dramatic, unexpected climax.  


After watching an Authors Guild YouTube video on Serialized Fiction: How Authors Are Using This Format, I subscribed to Substack. If you are also on Substack, please share your information so I can join your team. The information on my account will resemble my newsletter, but I still welcome all subscribers.

My Substack page

My Mwindaji dream

It all began with a dream that became an idea. The first book in the Mwindaji series, Dark Blood Awakens, is with the proofreader this month. Go online and read how it all started. How did your writing adventure start? Send me a note at [email protected].

Visit MichelleCorbier.com

How to make a monster

A challenge in writing Dark Blood Awakens included creating new monster lore. While I admire traditional vampires and werewolves, I appreciate subverting expectations. During my writing process, I considered how to make different monsters.

Now, for the most part, my vampires and werewolves adhere to tradition. But I wanted to create new monsters. Design creatures original to my mwindajis series. Witches and sorceresses allow more creativity. They differ across time and cultures. At one time, I considered making the story more science fiction, but continued with a paranormal urban fantasy theme.

One problem with a creative mind is knowing when to stop. The novel Dark Blood Awakens is slightly over eighty thousand words, but only after I restricted its scope. With a series, I can incorporate more of my ideas of including new monsters and enlarging the capabilities of my witches and sorceresses. Depending on the series’ success, I may eventually add the science fiction twist I imagined. So far, I’ve developed concepts for a seven-book series. Readers will influence the direction of the mwindajis. Their response will help me decide how to develop the series. 

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Writing News


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Book Recommendation

Black Water Sister by Zen Cho

Jess is a young, Chinese, woman who—unlike her contemporaries—failed to obtain employment after graduating from Harvard. She is engaged in a secret romantic relationship.

Jess’ father loses his job after a prolonged treatment for cancer. Suddenly, her family must leave California for Malaysia. Besides adjusting to the new household dynamics and learning Hokkien, Jess must find a job. Before working with her uncle, Jess visits a garden temple with a shrine under a bodhi tree where life takes a dramatic turn. She embarks on a precarious journey of secrets, murder, and gods.

“Women like the Black Water Sister became gods because their lives were so shitty, their death so hideous, that people prayed to them to avert their vengeance. Because they had died with all that fury left to spend.”

Zen Cho created a story about women discovering themselves in a dangerous world constrained by tenuous rules and rites.  

The Invitation, 2022 movie

Immediately after the opening credits, the audience is transported to the English countryside where a horrible tragedy occurs.

Nathalie Emmanuel stars as Evelyn (Evie), a young woman who recently lost her mother to cancer trying to establish an artistic career in New York City. In a moment of melancholy, she sends in a saliva sample to a DNA ancestry company to identify her family heritage.

Against her friend’s advice, Evie travels to England to attend ‘the wedding of the century’ with a newly discovered second cousin. But this isn’t anything like Diana’s nuptials. Thomas Doherty brought a classic creepy charisma to his role. Monsters should be hot and dangerous.

Though I’m a fan of traditional monster lore, it’s nice when someone brings in a new twist. The Invitation provided creativity and strong women characters—two of my favorite things

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