Welcome New and Transferring Members!
Saturday August 1, 2020

Hello to our Newest Maryland AMTA Members,

Welcome and thank you for joining the AMTA Maryland Chapter.

Whether you are a student, new therapist, or transferring into the region, we are pleased to have you as part of our dynamic community of therapists.

The last couple of months have brought a lot of change to many of our lives, we appreciate that you have put your trust in AMTA, and by extension your Maryland Chapter. Our local team has worked to keep our members and all Maryland MTs up to date and informed.

As a member-driven organization, your involvement is always an important part of our success. With the current pandemic shut downs, we do not have any in-person activities planned, although we do hope to be back to offering CE classes and events in 2021.

Please like the Chapter  Facebook Page and join our Facebook Group to join the online community. And visit the Chapter website to check out its resources.

Please email me at  president.amta.maryland@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions. You can Amelia and the government relations and communications team at  vp1.amta.maryland@gmail.com.

Best wishes, and welcome!

David Madon
President AMTA Maryland Chapter
Amelia Mitchell, Board Member and Government Relations Chair, Mark Hamilton, Board Member, Molly Farwell, Financial Administrator, and Chelsea Adams-Cook, Secretary