Ballard Performing Arts News | |
Welcome BPA Families | Welcome Miller Shor | The Ballard Performing Arts Booster (BPAB) Club Board would like to warmly welcome all BPA families to what promises to be a great year full of magnificent musical and theatrical performances! We also want to extend a special welcome to Ms. Miller Shor, our new Theatre Director. (Please see her message, bio, and photo below.) Our beloved Mr. Riley is back from leave, and while he has opted to teach ELA full time this year, we are so fortunate that he will be close at hand to support Ms. Miller Shor as she takes over. | |
Last Chance | Uniform Fittings Tues 9-3 and Wed 9-noon | |
Attention freshman families, if your child is enrolled in any choir, band, or orchestra class at Ballard, they are issued a uniform to wear for all performances. Please send them to the stage in our auditorium today, Tues Sept 5, between 9 am - 3 pm to be fitted for their uniforms.
All marching band students, and performers who will wear skirts or dresses for concert attire*, must swing by the PAC (Ballard High School’s Performing Arts Center) sometime between 8 am-3 pm on Tues Sept 5 or (non-freshman) 9 am-noon on Wed to get fitted for uniforms. The uniforms will be organized on the stage and we will even have dressing rooms set up to try them on. You should be in and out in under 30 minutes!
*Students wearing tuxedos for concert attire will be fitted in class on Tuesday, Sept 12.
Volunteers Still Needed
Students - want to earn service-learning hours? Click here to volunteer to help out!
Adult volunteers are welcome too!
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Music Camps Start This Week! | Keep Turning in Paperwork |
Calling all students in band, orchestra, advanced chorale, and concert choir! Get ready for a weekend excursion to learn songs and marching steps, bond, and have fun. These camps will set the foundation for a terrific year ahead.
Band Camp: Sept 8-10
Orchestra Camp: Sept 15-17
Choir Camp: Sept 29-Oct 1
Camp paperwork was due in July! If you haven’t turned it in yet, do it ASAP! Ask your child for the packet, or use the links below. Don’t know if you turned it in already? Email Jill at to check.
Band Camp Paperwork
Choir Camp Paperwork
Orchestra Camp Paperwork
Have your child drop it off in the box by the main office or in the secure black box in the band room.
Have you paid for camp?
Go to, log in, and check your transactions, or email
Zeffy is our new fee-free payment platform. Click here for information about how to opt out of their request for a donation.
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BPA Gear! Orders in by Friday arrive before the first home football game! | |
Want to show your BPA pride around town? Grab a t-shirt or sweatshirt to wear to football games and parades this fall. Or just show up with Beaver pride at gigs throughout the year. Either way, this is the only place to get BPA branded gear this fall. Place your order by Friday, September 8th to get it before the first home football game. | |
Click here to order on Zeffy, our new fee-free payment platform.
Be aware that there is a default donation button to Zeffy (the payment provider) of 15% at checkout. To bypass this, select "other" and type in "0" for the donation amount and you won't be charged extra.
Click here for screenshots that show you how to opt-out of Zeffy’s request for a donation.
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Save the Date! Sept 12 | "Welcome Ballard Performing Arts Families" General Meeting | Join us at 7 pm on Tues, Sept. 12 in the BHS Library for a special welcome to all new and returning Ballard Performing Arts family members. Learn about the Ballard Performing Arts Booster Club and get some tips and tricks on how to support your child(ren) and how to stay informed and engaged this school year. | |
We're excited to start off the year with Band Camp at Camp Seymour this weekend, Sept 8-10. This great event is a chance for sections to get to know one another and to introduce new students to marching.
Our first home football game is September 22nd at 5 pm. We need parents to chaperone football games (both at the game and before and after with uniforms) and parades and practices. Please consider helping us - you can sign up here.
Upcoming Dates
Band Camp Sept 8-10
Paperwork is past due! Even though the July 7 deadline is passed, keep turning in the camp packets. It is critical to get the band camp packets early as the departure for band camp is the first Friday of school. They can be dropped off at school in the box outside the main office or you can mail them to the PO box above. Ask your student for the packet or download Band Camp paperwork.
Band Camp Chaperones
Thanks to all who have volunteered! All the chaperone slots for band camp are full! See the SignUp Genius for more opportunities to volunteer. If you volunteered to chaperone, please make sure to check your SPS volunteer status (or register as a SPS volunteer) ASAP at It takes at least 2 weeks for the application to process and the approval report to get to BHS.
Band Class Fees
Every music class has an annual fee to help pay for buses, trips, uniforms, sheet music, and other supplies that support the students and the program.
Please click here to pay your annual Band class fee.
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We are looking forward to singing together!
Upcoming Dates
Concert Choir and Advanced Chorale Camp | Sept 29-Oct 1
Paperwork is past due! Even though the July 7 deadline is passed, keep turning in the camp packets. They can be dropped off at school in the box outside the main office, or they can put it in the secure black box in the band room. Ask your student for the packet or download Choir Camp paperwork.
Choir Camp Chaperones Needed!
Camp Burton on Vashon Island is beautiful and it’s a great way to meet fellow choir parents and get to know the great kids your child will hang out with for the year. It's fairly low key, a great chance to socialize, hike, play some cards, or sit, read a book, and enjoy the sunset. Join us!! Email Sally Rampersad (Mom of Izzy - Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz and Chamber Choir) at to volunteer. We need at least 3 more volunteers.
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Please make sure to check your SPS volunteer status (or register as a SPS volunteer) ASAP at It takes at least 2 weeks for the application to process and the approval report to get to BHS. You will only need to be an “A” volunteer as this camp is <48 hours.
Small Group Auditions
Auditions for Tenor Bass Ensemble and Vocal Jazz will be in September. Stay tuned for more info!
Choir Class Fee
Every music class has an annual fee to help pay for buses, trips, uniforms, sheet music, and other supplies that support the students and the program.
Please click here to pay your annual Choir class fee.
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Can’t wait to make music together soon!
Upcoming Dates
Orchestra Camp | Sept 15-17
Paperwork is past due! Even though the July 7 deadline has passed, keep turning in the camp packets.
Please note some of the packets that went home with students may not have had the updated amount for 2023 and still showed last year's fee of $180 on the registration form (the cost of camp this year is $250). If you send a check, make sure it's for the correct amount of $250. You can also pay online or apply for a scholarship at If you pay online, be aware that there is a default donation button to Zeffy (the payment provider) of 15% at checkout. To bypass this, select "other" and type in "0" for the donation amount and you won't be charged extra.
Packets can be dropped off at school in the box outside the main office or you can mail them to the PO box above. Ask your student for the packet or download Orchestra Camp Paperwork.
Orchestra Camp | Male Chaperone Needed
We only need one more male chaperone! Camp Burton on Vashon Island is beautiful. It’s a great way to meet fellow orchestra parents and get to know the great kids your child will hang out with for the year. It's fairly low key, a great chance to socialize, play some cards, or sit and read a book. Join us! Email Orchestra Rep Connie Kelleher at to volunteer.
Please make sure to check your SPS volunteer status (or register as a SPS volunteer) ASAP at It takes at least 2 weeks for the application to process and the approval report to get to BHS.
Orchestra Class Fee
Every music class has an annual fee to help pay for buses, trips, uniforms, sheet music, and other supplies that support the students and the program.
Please click here to pay your annual Orchestra class fee.
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Message From New Director, Miller Shor
To the BPA families and friends,
It is my pleasure to introduce myself as the new drama teacher at Ballard High School. I studied playwriting at Macalester College and the National Theatre Institute and completed a master’s in teaching at Seattle University this spring. I came to theatre education to uplift anti-racist work and center student identity, and I am so excited to bring this work to Ballard High School. My training is based in the work of Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed and of my mentor, Eliza Rasheed. My priority is building a space where students learn to listen, both to their community members and to themselves. I feel honored to be welcomed into the Ballard Performing Arts family and look forward to growing with this community.
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Fall Play | Auditions Sept 14
Auditions for the fall play will be held on Thursday, September 14th from 4 pm - 6:30 pm. Students interested in auditioning should sign up for a five-minute time slot on the sign-up sheet, which will be placed on the wall outside the black box theatre. The fall show will be a devised piece, written and performed by a student ensemble. We will take inspiration from playwright Jose Rivera, using his text "Sonnets for an Old Century", to uplift and inspire our own voices. This is a unique opportunity to center the students of Ballard High School, to share our stories and values with the community. I hope all interested students will audition! Show dates are 7:30 pm on Thursday, Oct 19, Friday, Oct 20, and Saturday, Oct 21. Please reach out to my email, with any questions.
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The district only pays for teachers’ salaries; everything else we have to raise or donate. | |
Become a Sponsor for the 2023-2024 School Year!
If you own a business (or know of a business) that would benefit from advertising on our programs, website, and newsletters, click here to learn about all the perks of becoming a corporate sponsor.
Save the Date! Goodwill Truck | Sunday, Oct 15, 9-noon
Fall is a great time to clean out your garage and closets, but save your bags and boxes of items to be donated! Goodwill trucks will be parked in the BHS parking lot on Sunday, Oct 15 from 9 am - 12 noon. For every truck we fill we get $600 for BPA!
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Volunteers Needed for Uniform Fittings Today and Tomorrow | Students/Adults Welcome!
Come help with uniform fittings between 9-3 today, Tues 9/5, and tomorrow, Wed 9/6 from 9-noon. The uniforms are organized on the stage and we will have student class lists ready for easy check out. Service learning hours available for students! Click here to volunteer to help out. Adult volunteers are welcome too!
*Students wearing tuxedos for concert attire will be fitted in class on Sept. 12.
Join the BPA Board | More Info at Sept 12 Meeting!
Find out how to get involved with the BPAB Board at our "Welcome All BPA Families" Meeting (Tuesday, Sept 12 @ 7pm in BHS Library).
We have a great team of board members already in place, but we’d love to add some new members (especially freshman and sophomore parents.) Check out the list below and reach out to if you're interested!
Open positions:
- Fall Direct Drive Planning Committee
- Fall Brewery Event Planning Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Communications Committee
- Social Media Committee
- Newsletter Committee
- Graphic Designer (event posters/graphics)
- Uniforms Committee
- Spring Mattress Sale Coordinator (May)
- Visual Media Lead (archive our photos)
- Poster Distribution Team
Want more information? Read about these volunteer opportunities on our website!
Interested? Email with any questions.
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Check out past performances any time on our YouTube and Vimeo channels. | |
Every year, Snowflake Lane hires a group of drummers (think high-energy marching band) who contribute to a spectacular holiday parade that occurs nightly along Bellevue Way. And we would love to count your talented musicians among them!
We audition performers 14 years of age and up (there is no age cap, so instructors and staff are encouraged to audition as well), and hire musicians for snare drum, bass drum, and cymbals. As per usual, Snowflake Lane will run nightly from Black Friday to Christmas Eve (11/24-12/24). Drummer auditions will be held on September 30th, 2023. Drummers will earn a minimum of $40 per night, with plenty of additional opportunities for bonuses throughout the season (meaning they can earn over $1,400 if they commit to every rehearsal and all 31 performances). Use this link to complete the audition form for a chance to become a part of the holiday magic:
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Thank You to Our Sponsors | |
Share your BPA media with us.
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