Volume 1 | February 22nd, 2021
Get Excited!
The NatGLC Newsletter is Back!
We are thrilled that you value our work enough to subscribe to this newsletter.
Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you enjoy!
A Word from Our Chairman
Chad Ellis
We have all heard the saying "two heads are better than one" and that "a problem shared is a problem halved". The prevalence of these two sayings demonstrates the basic underlying principle of working with and being able to learn from those that have walked the path before you. As the knowledge and help of a community within an industry expands, you all continue to grow. A great way to gain knowledge from industry peers is to network. Networking can be one of the most valuable uses of your time in terms of return—and not just in monetary terms. Thank you for being part of our grazing community. I look forward in sharing and learning from you through our newsletter and our next conference in December.
Upcoming Events

"What Should My Pastures Look Like?"
Virtual Webinar

The Nebraska Sandhills Rangeland Monitoring Cooperative is hosting a virtual webinar called, "What Should my Pastures Look Like?" February 25th, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. - 6 p.m. CST. Click Here for more info and learn how to register.

Grazing 101 & Record Keeping Online Courses with an eBook
In these educational grazing courses you will learn:
Grazing 101 & eBook:

  • The Ecology of Grazing
  • Why and how animals graze
  • Guiding Principles of grazing management
  • How to design a grazing plan that includes setting objectives and aligning grazing with those objectives
  • Calculating your carrying capacity
  • Mapping your land

Record Keeping:

  • What grazing and land records to keep and why
  • How to collect and analyze the data
  • What to do with the data to manage grazing on your land and overall health of your land

The free eBook and course will be available spring of 2021 and will be an excellent resource for all graziers, and especially beginners. These courses are designed to speak to you regardless of where you live or what animals you graze. They are divided up into short units. Don’t worry there isn’t much “homework”. All assignments are completed within the context of your grazing and land so you can directly apply what you learn and do in the course. By the end of the courses you should have a grazing management plan and/or a record keeping plan mapped out.

"Graze on Over"
Zoom Call

Mark your calendar for the Graze on Over open discussion and be prepared to cultivate some ideas with fellow ranchers!⁠ The next meeting is April 1st, 2021 at noon central time. All are welcome and we hope you'll join us. Click here to register!

Texas Youth Range Workshop

Do you know a Texas youth between the ages of 14-18? This course is geared towards training youth in the management of rangelands. Visit their website here to read more and to be registered! Workshop Dates: June 20-25, 2021

Early bird price ends March 31, 2021! Head over to our website to register!
Want to stay up to date on events? Click the image to see the NGLC Calendar!

Have an event you want to add to the calendar?
Did you know you could support NGLC with the purchases you are already making on Amazon?

Shop with Amazon Smile and choose our organization at checkout.
Join us for the 8th National Grazing Lands Conference (8NGLC) at the Embassy Suites Kingston Resorts in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This conference promotes grazing land sustainability by bringing together hundreds of land managers from across the nation for education and technological advancements. The 8NGLC will provide those attending an opportunity to gain the latest information in scientific and applied research, and practical, workable applications for building partnerships.
State Coalition Spotlight: Louisiana

LGLCI just wrapped up their virtual farm tour event. What started as a canceled bus tour due to COVID, became an opportunity for sustainable grazing education to be accessible for people of all ages, all over the country. If you’d like to see what’s happening in Louisiana grazing and learn about practices that are applicable no matter where you live, check out Louisiana’s docuseries today!
Did You Know?
Photo by Runza
Nebraska Factoid
Chili & cinnamon rolls are a midwestern comfort food on a cold day! Yes... together, in the same meal. Though many midwestern states claim they were the first to serve this dish, Nebraska-based fast food chain, Runza, added the combo to their menu in 2007 to solidify its popularity in their state.

Spring brings lots of birth at the Ebel Grasslands Ranch! Come into our birthing barn to see some adorable kids and their amazing mamas.

Our NuMinds' Inspirator (teacher), Kelli Klier Ebel and her family built and operate a restored native tall grass prairie in Northeast Texas.

Partially funded by an NRCS Agreement